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Contents of Project Report (40-50 pages)

1. Cover Page & Title Page (as per the format prescribed by
the college)
2. Certificate from Internal guide (as per the format
prescribed by the college)
3. Certificate from Company Guide
4. Declaration by Student (as per the format prescribed by the
5. Abstract or Summary
6. Table of Contents
7. List of Symbols, Abbreviations etc.
8. Chapters
9. References or Bibliography
10. Annexure
Chapters in Project Report
1. Chapter-1: Introduction, Scope, Objectives,
Methodology, Limitations
2. Chapter-II: Company Profile & Industry Analysis
3. Chapter-III: Competitor Analysis
4. Chapter-IV: Customer Analysis
5. Chapter-V: Actual work done, analysis and findings
6. Chapter-VI: Suggestions and Conclusion
7. Bibliography
8. Annexure
Chapter-I (5 to 6 pages)
This is briefing about the topic.
It may be 2 to 5 pages.

Scope of the study
It may be 1 paragraph to 1 page.
Objectives (1 paragraph):
1. Objectives must be designed on the basis of
2. For a good SIP the objectives should not be
more than 3.
3. It will start with ‘To’:
For example- To study the profile of customers
interested for Mutual Fund
Methodology (half page to one page):
• Methods used for the SIP (Data collection
methodology – primary/secondary)
• Sources of data collection (if secondary data
Chap-II(Company Profile & Industry Analysis)(15 pages)
• Type of firm, structure of the firm, capital structure
• HR policy, organization chart
• Financial performance.
• Total revenue, operating profit, Net profit, Total Asset, Marketing
• Business Analysis :
• Basic objective – High sale low margin
• High margin low sale – High value product
• - Structure of company
• - Product details
• - Price
• - Place
• - Promotion
• - Customer segment
• - Positioning strategy
• - Branding strategy
(Sources: Secondary data with source name in bibliography)

• Industry analysis – No. of players, Total Market size, relative share

of players, nature of competition (Monopoly, oligopoly, perfect),
Differentiation practiced by various players, Barriers in the
industry (Entry – Exit).
• 5 forces of competition – Porters Model Analysis
• Emerging trends – PLC, rate of growth, Marketing Dynamics,
Changes in need, innovation in technology, changes in regulatory
• Product features matrix
• Differential competitor analysis
Out of the above mentioned points, use whatever is applicable as
per your topic and company.
(Sources: Secondary data with source name in bibliography)
Chapter III- Competitor Analysis (5-6 pages)

• Products of the company compared with

products of competitors (Product features
• Differential competitor analysis

Out of the above mentioned points, use whatever is applicable

as per your topic and company.
Chap-IV(Customer Analysis)(10 pages)
• Who is your Customer? (Current and potential customers)
(competitor’s customer, non-customer of product category).
• Who buys, influences and consumers the product. Reference group.
• Types of customer for your product– Economic, Cognitive, Passive,
• Specific Factors of your Product influencing CB (Cultural, Social,
• What customer buys? (Need satisfying characteristic of your product)
• How customer buys ? AIDA model of your product.
• Buying decision making process ,customer involvement, habitual,
• Post purchase behaviour.
(Sources: Secondary data with source name in bibliography)
• Where customer buy. B2B, B2C, Online, brick n mortar. Distribution policy:
intensive or exclusive.
• When they buy. Timing of requirement. Customer life cycle, seasonal, festival etc.
• How they choose (Multi-attribute models, perceptual mapping, conjoint
• Why they prefer a Product? Competitive advantage. Value comparison.
• How do they respond to company’s marketing programs (Sensitivity test)
• Will they buy again? Satisfaction and delight. CRM method of your company.
• Emerging trends – Changes in customer profile, cultural changes, and
demographic shift.
(Sources: Secondary data with source name in bibliography)

Out of the above mentioned points, use whatever is applicable as per your topic
and company.
Chap-V(Actual work done, findings and analysis)(6-7 pages)

• Training experience in the organization based

on daily diary record maintained during the
duration of the internship.
• Analysis and findings.
• Challenges faced and learning from the
Chap-VI(Suggestions and Conclusions)(3-4 pages)

1. Your suggestions for the organization based

on your experience and learning
2. Conclusion
Bibliography(2 to 5 pages)


1. Shapiro, A. H., The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of

Compressible Fluid Flow - Vol.1, The Ronald Press
Company, New York, 1953, p.383-384.

2. Jiang, Z., Takayama, K., and Skews, B. W., “Numerical

Study on Blast Flow Fields Induced by Supersonic
projectiles Discharged from Shock Tubes,” Physics of
Fluids, Vol.10, No.1, 1998, pp.277-288.
Annexure(2 to 3 pages)
Any data relevant to research and not
accommodated in report

1. The text should be typed on standard white paper of A4 size.

2. Font used should be Times New Roman and font size should be
12 pt.
3. One side printing is to be followed for the entire report.
4. Double spacing is required on both the title page and
throughout the paper.
5. Margins should be 1’’ cornering all sides of the page.
6. Paragraph indentation should be set to one half inch from the
left side of the page.
7. Each page should have a page header consisting of the running
head and the page number as typed on the title page in all
8. The report should be limited to 40-50 pages.
1. A copy of the report is to be submitted to the
placement cell.
2. Report should be in hard binding.
3. Spiral bound report shall not be accepted.

1. The PPT should contain the topic, objectives,

key findings, suggestions and conclusion.
2. The total no. of slides should not exceed 8.

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