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The Conquerors

Group members
Aoo Than Naing
Cosma Thein
Khin Lay Nwe
Nang Swe Swe Li
Yaung Ni Oo
Organizational Structure of TYC and our Experiences
• Introduction to the organization
• Vision, Mission, and Goal
• History
• Presenting Interview Answers

 TYC ( Taunggyi Youth Center)
 Director and Program Coordinator of the
 queried necessary question
 Met and had a conversation with some staff
Massive Vision, Mission, and Goal of TYC


Learning Space for To provide civic • Towards youths

youths programs for youths leadership, education,
and empowerment for
Focus on youths
multi- ethnical groups
across Shan State

 Taunggyi Youths Center has organized in 2016 at

Ayeyarwady Café in Taunggyi.
 Creating a Learning Space for university students.
 Fundraising and donors’ interests
 Beginning of YECE ( youths empowerment and civic
engagement) programs
Donors/Funds of Organization

From various organizations such as international

Size of organization and Employees

• The organization isn’t very small.

• There are eleven employees.
Organizational Structure
Executive Committee


Program Department:
Program Manager,
Coordinator, Trainers team

Office: Officer,
Finance, Accountant
Target Area

• The organization targets multi-

ethnic groups across Shan State.
Programs Services

• Civic Education for youths

• English Language
• Computer Training
• Debate Training
Beneficiaries from the organization works
Youths from Multi-ethnic groups
Internship Opportunities for Cherry Myay Academy

• They would like to give internship opportunities to our

Our Experiences
Difficulties/ Challenges
Finding an organization that can accept our visits and inquiry
Formal Communication
The visits and interviews have been done successfully with amazing
team works
Lessons learned

Tough things can be done with strong team works

Having board networking is very important.
Ethnic languages are useful when the time comes.
Taunggyi Youths Organization has founded in 2016. They
provide civic education and form a learning space for multi-
ethnic youths across Shan State. TYC is a big organization
and some information is confidential. Eleven staff are
working for youths.
Thank You So Much

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