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The Advertising Industry

Types of Advertisers Ad Agencies

Job Functions Structure Compensation

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Advertising Industry Structure




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Advertising & Large Companies


In-House Agency
Functional Services Research Media Creative

Efficiency Continuity


Flexibility Competition among company brands

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Global Advertising


Global brands Efficiency / Recognition

Most companies blend strategies to fit their unique situations


Based on differences in each country or culture Relevance / Understanding

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The Worldwide Advertising Industry

Global expenditures $425

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Local vs. National Advertisers

Building the Brand Market Share Strategy Markets Long-term $$$$ Many Specialists

Place of Business Sales Tactics Customers Short-term $ Few Generalists

Time Resources

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Advertising Agency
An independent organization of professionals who provide creative and business services to clients related to planning, preparing, and placing advertisements.
Radio and TV Producers Copywriters Account Supervisors Direct-Marketing Specialists Artists Researchers Art Directors Media Buyers Public Relations Specialists Technical Staff Creative Directors Marketing Specialists Sales Promotion and Event Planners

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Advertising Agency

Agency: an independent business, composed of creative and business people, who develop, prepare, and place advertising in advertising media for sellers seeking to find customers for their goods or services
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How Agencies Developed


Early Age (Colonial Times to 1917)


Salesmen Space Wholesalers The First Rate Directory The Agency Becomes a Creative Center

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How Agencies Developed


The No-Rebate Age (1918-1956)

Radio Television Electronic Data Processing

The Age of Negotiation (1956-1990)

Consent Decrees

The Reengineering Age

Integrated Services Interactive Communications

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Types of Advertising Agencies

Full-Service Business-to-Business Creative Boutiques Media-Buying Services Interactive

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What Do Advertising Agencies Provide?

Account Services

Research and Account Planning

Creative and Production

Media Planning and Buying

Traffic Management

Marketing Services
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Agency Department System

Vice President Creative Services Vice President Marketing Services
Vice President Management Services

Vice President Account Services

Account Supervisor Account Executive Account Executive

Account Supervisor

Art / Copy






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Agency Group System

Agency Management

Group 1 (Coke Classsic) Management Director

Group 2 (Dial Soap) Management Director

Group 3 (Toyota Camry) Management Director

Account Service

Creative Director

Media Planning

Market Research

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Agency Compensation Plans


Around 15% of airtime fees

For Television Air Time For Television Air Time Commission (15%)

Agency Bills Client For $1,000,000 Agency Pays Television Agency Earns $850,000 $150,000

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Agency Compensation Plans


Around 15% of airtime fees

Markup Charges

Production cost + fixed percent Agencies add 17.65% to the cost of outside services

Photographer charges $8,500 The Agency adds Client is charged $1,500 $10,000 (17.65%) for photography services
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Agency Compensation Plans


Around 15% of airtime fees

Markup Charges

Production cost + fixed percent

Hourly rates or by project Tightly-specified objectives
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Fee Systems

Incentive Systems

Other Advertising Services


is an example of collateral promotion material that agencies produce for clients.

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Other Advertising Services


ad is a continuation of a concept developed by an ad agency.

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The Media of Advertising


Interactive Media Out-of-Home Direct Mail Other Media
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The Media of Advertising


Yellow Pages

Newspapers National, State, Local Magazines Geography and Content

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The Media of Advertising

Network, Independent and Cable TV Network and Local Radio


Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Media of Advertising

Interactive Media

Online Services Kiosks CD-ROM Homeshopping Broadcasts Interactive Programming Internet

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The Media of Advertising





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The Media of Advertising

Direct Mail Brochures and Catalogs

Direct Mail

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The Media of Advertising

Premiums Point of Purchase Displays Product Placement Event Sponsorship

Other Media
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A full-service agency works on many aspects of a clients marketing problems Many agencies are organized into four divisions Some agencies have a domestic network of offices or affiliates to service their large accounts Global marketing has led agencies to expand internationally Clients usually pay agencies by commission, fees, or a combination There are other types of advertising services beside the traditional advertising agency

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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