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 Purpose: assist the employer in choosing the best
person for a particular job.
 Can be:
 Face to face
 Telephone interview
 Interview by video link – Zoom; Skype
 Assessment centres & psychological/behavioural tests
 Group discussions/tasks
 Practical assessment: Spa; Restaurant; Kitchens
The Employer: Preparation
 Know the job
 Read all applications/
Curriculum Vitae carefully.
 Check results of
aptitude/psychological test.
 Prepare an interview plan
and questions.
 Prepare the interview
The Employer: Conducting the Interview
 Establish rapport first or common ground.
 Plan & phrase questions carefully and clearly. Be tactful.
 Follow the same sequence with each interviewee.
Open question ‘What are your greatest personal
Closed question ‘Do you speak a foreign language?’

Probing question ‘You mentioned earlier … can you

Situational question ‘Suppose you are in this situation.…
What would you do?’
The Employer: Recording the Interview
 Give the interviewee time to respond.
 Listen attentively and give encouragement.
 Take brief, unobtrusive notes.

The Employer: Ending the Interview

 Invite the interviewee to ask questions.
 Don’t comment on the interviewee’s performance.
 Say when the result of the interview will be given.
 Finish on time.
The Interviewee: Preparation
 Reread the advertisement and other information.
 Find out about the company & job e.g. company website.

 Prepare likely questions & your answers.

 Bring copies of all the documents you need
 Be very careful about appearance.
 Set out in good time & arrive punctually!
The Interviewee: At the Interview
 Shake hands firmly, make eye contact and smile!
 Listen closely to questions – don’t panic and take your
time to answer.
 Give concise, relevant answers. Don’t avoid. Be
 Always emphasise the positive.
 Sell yourself without being pushy.
 Be enthusiastic about the job – show your knowledge
of the job and the company.
The Interviewee: Possible
 Further education and training.
 Gaining experience in different areas of work.
 Opportunities for advancement.
 How other graduates have progressed in the
End of the interview:
Interviewer and Interviewee
 Ask / confirm day of result of the interview.
 Firm handshake, eye contact and smile.
 Thank the employer / interviewee for their time.
 Leave quietly and wait until you are well out of
hearing before making a comment / call.
Remember – Communication:

Message delivered by……

Body Language:

Interviews – body language
Barriers to Communication:

Language, Gender
Perception: Different experiences. Dogs? Spiders?
Stereotyping: Common Stereotypes?
Prejudice: Towards people or groups
Culture: Determines our thinking, behaviour, perception
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers
Ethnocentrism: own culture/group is centre of the world
Sectarianism: Prejudice against another religion or sect

These all affect how we communicate with people.

Barriers to Listening:
 Noise, distractions
 Mental state: anxiety, tiredness, hunger
 Lack of interest / selective listening
 Don't understand – content; speed of speech;
 Language: Speed, volume, pace, accent, silences

A Good Listener:
• Concentrates on what customer is saying, focus, eye contact
• Keeps an open mind
• Listens actively – nodding head, encouraging speaker
• Ignores unimportant details
• Summarises and gives feedback, asking questions

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