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Step 1 – Preparing the Data
1. Coding
To analyze the data means to quantify or
change the verbally expressed data into
numerical information. Converting the words,
images, pictures into numbers, they become fit
for any analytical procedures requiring
knowledge of arithmetic and mathematical
2. Data Tabulation
For easy classification and distribution of numbers based on a certain criterion,
you have to collate them with the help of a graph called Table.
GENDER Male: 11 (46%)
Female: 13 (54%)

Course Fine Arts: 9 (37%)

Architecture: 6 (25%)
Journalism: 4 (17%)
Com. Arts: 5 (20%)

School FEU: 3 (12%

MLQU: 4 (17%)
PUP: 5 (20%)
TIP: 4 (17%)
PLM: 3 (12%) UE: 5 (20%)
Step 2 – Analyzing the Data
1. Descriptive Statistical Technique – the one use
by the college students often . It tells some aspects
of categories of data such as: frequency of
distribution, measure of central tendency (mean,
median and mode), and standard deviation.
However, it does not give information about
population from where the sample came.
1.1 Frequency Distribution – It gives you thew number of responses
given repeatedly for one question.
Questions: By and large, do you find the Senators’ attendance in
2015 legislative sessions awful?
Measurement Code Frequency Distribution Percent
Scale Distribution
Strongly Agree 1 14 58%

Agree 2 3 12%
Neutral 3 2 8%
Disagree 4 1 4%
Strongly Disagree 5 4 17%

1.2 Measure of Central Tendency indicates the
different position or values of the items, such that
n a category of data, you find an item or items
serving as the:
Mean – average of all the items or score
Examples: 14 + 3 +2 +1 + 4 = 24
24 ÷ 5 = 4.8 (Mean)
Median – the s core in the middle of the set of
items that cuts or divides the set into two groups.
2 = the Median
Mode – refers to the item or score in
the data set that has the most repeated
appearance in the set.

1.3 Standard Deviation

It shows the extent of the differences
of the data from the mean. An
examination of this gap between the
and the data gives you an
idea about the extent of the
similarities and differences
between the respondents . There
are mathematical operations that
you have to do determine the
standard deviation.
Step1 – Compute for the Mean
Step 2 – Compute the deviation (difference)
between each respondent’s answer (data
Item) and the mean.
The plus sign (+) appears above the
number if the difference is higher, negative sign
(-), if the difference is lower.
Step 3 - Compute the square of each deviation.
Step 4. compute the sum of squares
by adding the squared figures.
Step 5. Divide the sum of squares by
the number of data items to get the
Step 6. Compute the square root of
variance figure to get standard
Standard Deviation of the category of data collected from selected faculty
members of one university.
(Step 1) Mean: 7.22 (65÷9)
(Step 2) ( Step 3)
Data Item Deviation Square of Deviation
1 -7 -6 36
2 -7 -5 25
6 -7 -1 1
6 -7 -1 1
8 -7 +1 1
6 -7 -1 1
6 -7 -1 1
14 -7 +7 49
16 -7 +9 81
65 ÷ 9 = 7.2 Total: 321÷ 9 36 √ 36 = 6 SD
(Step 4) Sum of Squares: 321
(Step 5) Variance = 36 (321 ÷ 9)
(Step 6) Standard Deviation - 6 (square root
of 36)

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