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Tomas Claudio Colleges

Morong Rizal

Unit II



After a long thorough preparation , the data gathered

must be presented in a well organized manner. This can be
done by making a speech outline . An outline is a pattern
that shows the order of treatment and the relationship of
ideas . It should have the introduction, thesis statement ,
body and conclusion.
Sample Outline

Roman Numerals/Letters Decimal Form

I. 1.1
II. 1.2
A. 1.2.1
B. 1.2.2
C. 1.2.3
III. 1.3

Writing the first draft used to be the painful part

of the preparation. You can ease the pain with
these mental tricks;
1. Set a deadline . If you know your core message and
you have an outline , there’s no reason why you can’t
produce a rough first draft in one sitting . A deadline is
a motivational magic

2. Write in bullet form . Write in sentences if you can ,

but if sentences aren’t flowing from your mind , then
start with key words or phrases in bullet form.
3. Write out o sequence . You do not need to write the
blocks of your speech in the order they appear on the
outline . Quite often , speakers get hung up on trying to
write the perfect opening . If the opening isn’t coming to
you, start with the a section in the body of the speech.
DON’T WORRY ABOUT TRANSTIONS . If your first draft
doesn’t flow from the outline point to the next , do not worry .
Those can be fixed later , You are the master of your
manuscript . You may always shift thoughts depending on the

DON’T WORRY ABOUT WORDS . Just get the ideas

down using whatever words first come to you . You
can edit for precision and better words later.

DON’T WORRY ABOUT LENGTH. It’s okay if your first draft is

way too long .(it’s also okay if it is way too short , although most
people don’t tend to have this problem.) This is an issue to solve in the editing
phase .
Writing the Introduction of a speech

Writing the Introduction of a speech is similar

to writing the introduction of an article for
publication. The only difference between the two is
the mode of presentation .

1.By definition
5.By anecdote
2.By description
6.By startling statement
3.By quotation
7.By historical or general background
4.By question
Writing the Body

Once the speech writer is through with outlining and data

gathering ,he/she can start drafting the body of the
speech. The writer has to consider the contest of the
manuscript . Should the speech be factual , fictional,
entertaining, and persuasive among others? He / She may
also choose from a variety of patterns of level
of development like chronological pattern. He / She may
also consider proximity , vividness , humor and precise
Writing the conclusion
In writing the conclusion of the speech , the writer
has to bear in mind that the conclusion is the
shortest part of the speech . Remember the rule of
the thumb on the length ;introduction (10%) , body
(85%), conclusion (5%). The speaker must be
reminded that the conclusion is the part which often
leaves an impact or imprint in the minds of the
listeners so it must be concise and emphatic .
Here are some techniques to write your speech conclusion;

1. Call for action

2. Rhetorical question
3. Significance of the subject
4. Prediction
5. Emotional statement
6. Anecdote
7. Quotation
8. Summary

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