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Thermodynamics comes from two separate disciplines until the 19th century,
thermology and mechanics. The first was in charge of exclusively thermal
phenomena and the second dealt with movement, force and work.

Thermodynamics is the part of physics that studies heat transfers, energy

conversion, and the ability of systems to produce work. The laws of
thermodynamics explain the global behaviors of macroscopic systems in
equilibrium situations.
Thermodynamic cycles

Thermodynamic cycles can be divided into two main classes:

Power cycles.
Power cycles are cycles that convert some heat input into mechanical work output. Thermodynamic
power cycles are the basis for the operation of heat engines, which run the vast majority of motor
vehicles and generate most of the world's electrical energy.

Heat pump cycles.

Heat pump cycles transfer heat from low to high temperatures using mechanical work input. There is no
difference between the thermodynamics of refrigerators and heat pumps. Both work by moving heat
from a cold space to a warm space.
Carnot cycle

Carnot's principle states:

No engine can be more efficient than a reversible

engine (a Carnot heat engine) that operates between
the same high-temperature and low-temperature
The efficiencies of all reversible engines (Carnot heat
engines) operating between the same constant
temperature tanks are the same, regardless of the
working substance employed or the details of
Otto Cycle

The Otto engine cycle is called the Otto cycle. It is one of

the most common thermodynamic cycles that can be
found in automotive engines and describes the operation
of a typical spark-ignition piston engine. Unlike the Carnot
cycle, the Otto cycle does not execute isothermal
processes, since these must be carried out very slowly. In
an ideal Otto cycle, the system executing the cycle
undergoes a series of four internally reversible processes:
two isentropic (reversible adiabatic) processes alternating
with two isochoric processes.
diesel cycle

The diesel cycle is one of the most

common thermodynamic cycles that
can be found in automotive engines
and describes the operation of a
typical compression-ignition piston
engine. The diesel engine is similar in
operation to the gasoline engine.
The first law of thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics applies the conservation of energy to thermodynamic processes. It
establishes that heat is the necessary energy that a system must exchange to balance the changes in
internal energy, due to the work done on or by the system.
The general equation of conservation of energy tells us that the energy of the system is equal to the
difference between the energy entering and leaving the system:
If we apply this principle to thermodynamics, we obtain the following equation:

• U is the internal energy.
• Q is the amount of heat contributed to the system.
• W is the work done by the system.
Second law of thermodynamics

The second law of thermodynamics establishes what processes can occur in the transformation
of energy. This law can be expressed in different ways, including the direction in which a process
occurs and its irreversibility, in terms of entropy.

The second law states that not all energy transformations are possible and relates the
spontaneity of a process to the variation of entropy:

This expression states that during spontaneous processes, the entropy of the universe always
The third law of thermodynamics

The third law states that as the temperature of a system approaches absolute zero and all
thermal energy is removed, the system reaches a constant ground state. The value of the
entropy, at this point, is known as the residual entropy of the system. If the system only
has one possible microstate at absolute zero, then the residual entropy will also be zero.

The constant value of the residual entropy of a system at absolute zero increases with the
number of possible microstates of the system:

is the residual entropy of the system
is the Boltzmann constant
is the number of microstates.

Radiant energy is energy created through electromagnetic waves, such as light, heat, or
radio waves. The sun is our main source of radiant energy because it emits a large amount
of heat and light. Scientists use the electromagnetic spectrum to talk about types of
radiant energy. The electromagnetic spectrum lists all types of radiant energy based on
their wave lengths. The shorter the wave, the more energy and heat is created.

Most radiant energy cannot be seen, but there is a small part of the electromagnetic
spectrum called visible light. This is the light we can see. Differences in wavelength in this
part of the spectrum cause us to see different colors.
Chemical energy is the energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds
(atoms and molecules) and is released in a chemical reaction, often in the
form of heat. For example, we use the chemical energy of fuels such as wood
or coal by burning them.

Electrical energy is the energy carried by moving electrons in an electrical

conductor. It is one of the most common and useful forms of energy.
Example: lightning. Other forms of energy are also converted into electrical
energy. For example, power plants convert chemical energy stored in fuels
such as coal into electricity through various changes in its form.

Nuclear energy is the energy that is trapped inside each atom. Nuclear
energy can be produced through the process of fusion (combining atoms) or
fission (splitting atoms). The fission process is the most used method.
Thermal energy

Types of energy can be classified into two broad categories:

kinetic energy (the energy of moving objects) and potential
energy (the energy that is stored). These are the two basic
forms of energy. The different types of energy are thermal
energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy,
electrical energy, energy of motion, sound energy, elastic
energy and gravitational energy.
Thermal energy is created from the vibration of atoms and
molecules of substances. The faster they move, the more
energy they have and the hotter they get. Thermal energy is
also called heat energy.

Nuclear energy is stored in the nucleus of atoms. This energy is

released when nuclei combine (fusion) or separate (fission).
Nuclear power plants split the nuclei of uranium atoms to
produce electricity.

Electrical energy is the movement of electrons (the tiny

particles that make up atoms, along with protons and
neutrons). Electrons moving through a wire are called
electricity. Lightning is another example of electrical energy.
Heat is a form of kinetic energy

Energy is the ability to do work. It is one of the basic human needs and is an essential
component in any development programme. In this lesson, we are going to look at
the forms in which energy exists, namely: heat, light, sound, electrical, chemical,
nuclear and mechanical. These forms of energy can be transformed from one form to
another, usually with losses.

Heat energy, also called thermal energy, is actually the effect of molecules in motion.
Matter is made up of molecules, which are in continuous movement and, in a solid,
vibrate around an average position. The motion of any molecule increases when the
energy of the substance increases. This can cause an increase in the temperature of
the substance or cause a change of state. The higher the temperature, the greater
the internal energy of the substance.

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