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Study the dialog!

• Angie : May I help you, sir?

• Mr.Gion : Yes, thank you. I would like a cup of tea.
• Angie : Do you want sugar in your tea?
• Mr.Gion : Yes, please. I like sweet tea.
• Angie : Wait a minute, please. Anything else?
• Mr.Gion : No, thank you.
The followings are expressions of offering
help/services and the responses:
Offering helps/services Responding
1. May I help you? Accepting:
2. Can I help carrying the books? 1. Yes, please.
3. Is there anything I can do for 2. Certainly, thank you.
you? 3. Yes, thank you/thanks
4. What can I do for you? 4. How nice of you, thank you.
5. Would you like me to … (open
the door)? Declining:
6. Shall I get something for you? 5. No, thank you.
7. What if .. (I drive you home)? 6. It’s alright, I can do it myself.
8. Let me help you. 7. Thanks but I can handle it myself.
9. Can I give you a hand?
10.Tell me if you need help.
11.I will ….
Review of the dialog


1. Can I help you? 1. Yes, please. I want to order

two spaghetti meatballs
and two bottles of cola,
2. Is there anything else? 2. No, thank you.
3. Can I help you with your art 3. Thank you, Reino. That’s
project? very kind of you.
4. Can I give you a hand? 4. No thanks. I can do it
Please find out the expressions of offering help
and the responses!
• Frank : Good morning, Madam. Can I help you?
• Cynthia: Good morning. Can I see the manager?
• Frank : I’m sorry, he’s in a conference at the moment.
• Cynthia: Oh, well, never mind.
• Frank : Would you like me to make an appointment for you tomorrow?
• Cynthia: Oh, yes please. For 11 am.
• Frank : Just a minute… I’m sorry he has another meeting at 11 am. Do you
want me to arrange the appointment at 14.00?
• Cynthia: No, thank you. I’ll meet him at his residence tonight. It’s something
• Frank : Would you like me to tell him anything?
• Cynthia: Thanks. You could tell him that Mrs. Cynthia was here.
• Frank : I will tell him.
• Cynthia: Thank you.
Please give the correct expression of
offering help to the following
1. Oh no! The book is on the top self. I cannot reach it.
2. All the words are in Arabic. I don’t understand.
3. This math problem is very difficult. I cannot solve it.
4. I must drive my mother to hospital but my motorcycle is
5. I must pay the medicine but I left my wallet at home.
My room is dirty but I cannot clean it.
The man did not

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