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Subiate, Torres, Trinidad, Viajedor

Towards Teacher Quality:
Developing a Glocal Teacher
of the 21st Century
A Day In15.1
a School Life of a
Quality Teacher.
Resource Teacher: Christy Jane P. Jacinto

Grade/Year Level: 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12



School: Our Lady of Lourdes High School of

Candoni Inc.
A day in a school life of a quality teacher.
Teacher’s Major Responsibility Key Guide for Observation
A. Actual Teaching
Our resource teacher said that the teaching
method she always use is the student
centered or learner centered. She usually
focused more on giving collaborative
assignments and tasks. She always let her
students give their opinion or ideas about
the topic before she gave hers then letting
the students analyze the differences and
similarities of their shared ideas. When they
have an activities inside or outside of the
classroom, she always facilitate them by
giving them the opportunity to do the tasks
or the activities with her guidance.
Teacher’s Major Responsibility Key Guide for Observation
A. Actual Teaching
Before she teaches the topic to her
students she studies it first, she write notes
on her book, and always prepare at least 5
HOTS questions, then divide the topics into
3 parts for her students to report on. She
also gives assessments before, during and
after her class to see to it that the learning
outcomes are achieved. She would also
start her class with a positive vibe so that
her students will be open to share their
ideas if asked. But if there's a situation that
was different, she tend to give activities that
may set the mood of her students.
Teacher’s Major Responsibility Key Guide for Observation
B. Management of Learning Ms. Jacinto said that enable for her
students to participate on her class, she
would give them the opportunity to share
their understanding and ideas about the
lesson and she make activities wherein
they can participate. For her classroom,
she always consider the needs of her
students in arranging seats, but she said
that for the other classes its a little bit
challenging since it was the teachers that
go from one classroom to another. To
deliver the lesson properly to her student,
Ms. Jacinto uses instructional materials
such as her Laptop, projector, and a
Teacher’s Major Responsibility Key Guide for Observation
B. Management of Learning
Ms. Jacinto would always see to it that she
finished her lesson within the period of time
but sometimes it was a bit challenging for
her to make it with the lower section since
she always extend the allotted time for
them. So enable for her to achieved it
within given amount of time she makes a
work plan, or marking the books of when
she should begin and end the lessons. She
usually dismiss her class on time but
sometimes she extend for a few minutes if
they have an activities to finish.
Teacher’s Major Responsibility Key Guide for Observation
C. Administrative Work
Ms. Jacinto always keep the records of the
attendance of her students. She also keeps
the records of the formative and summative
tests/assessments of her students. She
was late sometimes to submit her reports
and other documents on time but if her
supervisor requested her to do other tasks,
she was accepts it immediately. Ms. Jacinto
also cooperates in maintaining cleanliness
in their school.
Teacher’s Major Responsibility Key Guide for Observation
C. Administrative Work
Since she was handling the Students
Supreme Council, they have this kind of
project where they have hoops for the
plastic bottles, and they put signs around
the campus to do not litter their garbage
everywhere. She also does a daily clean up
with her students inside and outside of her
classroom before and after the class. For
the safety of the students, like in PE she
makes sure that they are wearing their PE
uniforms and have their warmup before
each activity.
A day in a school life of a quality teacher.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows
majority of the indications being practiced?
Based on the answers of our resource teacher, one of the major
responsibilities that being practiced of her is the actual teaching. According
to her she’s a learner centered teacher wherein she focuses more on giving
collaborative task towards her students instead of manipulating everything.
She just guides them and let students do their task independently. She
always makes sure that she's well prepared before the class discussion
because beforehand of his lesson she takes note and prepare at least 5
HOTS questions. Lastly, she is a teacher who promotes positive
environment on her classroom where in she gave an activity that may set
the mood of her students from an exhausting class before her.
2. Which demonstrated behavior, do you find
in the teacher that is worthy of emulation when
you become a teacher? Describe.
For us the demonstrated behavior that is worthy of emulation when we
become a teacher is being fair and readiness. She is fair to her students in a
way that she respects their expressed opinions and ideas and she treated
them fairly. She is also possessing the characteristic of being prepared,
because she see to it that before her class discussions she is ready,
prepared and masters the topic or subject matter for the day. So as a
teacher it is very important to be fair and prepared because it can promote
fairness inside the classroom, build the trust and respect with each other,
encourage students to be prep and could give students a sense of safeness
within your classroom at the same time creates an active learning
3. Which of the major responsibilities does this
teacher find difficult to comply with? What are
the reasons?

The major responsibility of the teacher which find her difficult to

comply with is the management learning specifically in terms of achieving
the learning within the period. According to Ms. Jacinto, it is a bit
challenging for her to achieve learning within the period especially to the
lower section where in she always extends the allotted time due to some
students who are not really fast learners and can't catch up the lesson and
she can't be effective and efficient teacher for the lower section
4. From your perspective, would you consider
this teacher as quality teacher? Why?

Yes, we consider her as a quality teacher because aside from having

good characteristics such as kind, enthusiastic, confident, and responsible,
she also makes sure that her class is organized. She also makes sure that
her students are active and focused on the lessons, activities, and
collaborative tasks she gave. She ensures that there is learning while
enjoying within her students by preparing activities that would allow them
to actively participate. She's a teacher with a heart in teaching by showing
dedication in her line of profession.
A day in a school life of a quality teacher.
1. Are you inspired to become a teacher
after your observation? If yes, then why? If no,
why not?
Yes, we are inspired to become a teacher after our observation because
we feel that being a teacher is, if not the best, one of the best professions.
All we need to do is to be sincere and honest to the teaching profession to
get respect and love from our future students. We got inspired because
teachers are learning constantly, and they are always willing to experiment.
They have the passion towards subject, and compassion towards students.
We also admire how they keep on practicing before preaching and by how
they inspire their learners to play with ideas, think deeply about the
subject matter, take on more challenging work, and even pursue careers in
a particular field of study to become successful in life.
2. When you become a teacher in the
future, how else would you do better as a
professional teacher?

When we become a teacher in the future, the things that we would do

better as a professional teachers are: focusing on the subject matter and
the students’ learning, trying something new, improving our performances,
not being afraid of taking risks, and by presenting better content.
We must strive to work in our classroom day in and day out and to
challenge ourselves to be a better teacher every single day.
3. What are some of the concerns that you
foresee in the future as a quality teacher? Do
you think you will be ready to address these?
Give at least 2 concerns.

As a future quality teacher, the concerns that we foresee in the future

are the students, the quality of our teaching, and the language and other
communication and cultural barrier. We think, we will be ready to address
our concerns because aside from the fact that teachers have so much to
worry about today, as they always have, teachers are also very well trained
to solve problems and future struggles.
4. In what aspects of the teacher’s day, would you like to congratulate the teacher you
observed? Can you show your appreciation to this teacher by sending a Thank You Card?

To all the Teacher’s,

Thank you teachers for all the extra efforts you make to help your dearest
students grow. We know that most of you are not prepared for such change; from
face to face to online classes, yet you gave your best and very eager to help young
learners achieve their dreams by having such a great teachers like you. You are not
only teachers, you are all a friend, and just like a friend you are all approachable.
You also serve as a guide to us and we thank you for that. You are the spark, an
inspiration, and the candle to every student’s life by being a great role models. We
are inspired and excited to become a great teacher just like you. Please take care of
your health and be safe always. Thank you so much!
With love,
Group 7 – BPED 4-A
Learning Artifacts
1. Activity 15.1

Narrative on the Day in School Life of

the Quality Teacher
Narrative on the Day in School Life of the Quality Teacher

Ms. Christy Jane P. Jacinto is a Junior High and Senior High School,
MAPEH/Physical Education and Health teacher in Our Lady of Lourdes High
School of Candoni Inc. She's a teacher that promotes student-centered
teaching method where she creates collaborative tasks and activities
among her students. She also facilitates learning among her students by
guiding them during activities and encouraging them to share their ideas
and opinions during discussion. She's a teacher models readiness, where
she prepares notes, questions, and activities for her lesson ahead of time.
She possesses positivity where she begins her class with positive vibes. In
delivering her lesson, Ms. Jacinto uses learning materials like laptop,
projector, and speakers. She would make sure that there is a collaborative
sharing of ideas between her and her students.
Narrative on the Day in School Life of the Quality Teacher

Though there are challenges occur in the learning process among

her students especially in the lower section, but she sees to it that there is
learning within her allotted class hour. Ms. Jacinto also keep records of the
attendance, formative and summative tests and assessments of her
students. She also passes reports and documents to her supervisor/head
though sometimes she passes late. She is willing accepts tasks and
responsibilities requested by her supervisor/head. Ms. Jacinto would
always end her Day in School Life with maintaining cleanliness within and
outside her classroom.
The Creation and Management of the
New Learning Environment as a
Skill of the 21st Century Quality
Resource Teacher: Christy Jane P. Jacinto

Grade/Year Level: 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12



School: Our Lady of Lourdes High School

of Candoni Inc.
The Creation and Management of the New Learning
Environment as a Skill of the 21st Century Quality Teacher
A Current
Classroom I am
My Classroom
for the 21st
The Creation and Management of the New Learning
Environment as a Skill of the 21st Century Quality Teacher
Similarities and Differences
Features of the Present My Vision of the Future Why the similarity?
Classroom Components Classroom Why the difference?
• the classroom is quite big • whiteboard The 21st century classroom is unique in
for the ordinary room. • teachers table that it provides teachers with the
• the color of the room is • chairs for students resources they need to prepare for
lectures. It is critical for educational
blue • smart TV sectors to keep up with technological
• it has a blackboard in front • computer laboratory advancements. This will not only
• there are chairs inside and (computers) sufficiently prepare kids for life outside the
most of it looks old already. • Mirror classroom, but it will also prepare them to
• it is well ventilated • speakers keep technological innovation moving
because of the windows • stock room (first aid forward. Furthermore, the world and life's
obstacles evolve with each passing day.
around. kit, sports equipment,
As a result, we must continue to improve
• there is a stand fan and a other stuff) technology in order to find better solutions
ceiling fan inside • comfort room to solve societal problems, and it is also
• the door was at the back of • air-conditioned the best approach to ensure technological
the classroom continuity in order to improve the
educational system.
The Creation and Management of the New Learning
Environment as a Skill of the 21st Century Quality Teacher
Based on the task that you made, what challenges wait you as a future
teacher? How will you manage learning in the future classroom? How
will you prepare yourself to respond to 21st teaching-learning and
become a glocal teacher?
One challenge that awaits us as a future teacher is creating a
learning environment that promotes independency among learners where
they can mold and develop their creativity and innovation skills. Further,
creating such environment that caters to the learning needs of the students
which helps develop in molding 21st century skills. With such challenges,
management of learnings is very essential. To manage learning in our
future classroom, we create the T-E-A-C-H principle. T- teaching various
skills that responds to being a citizen of a local and global society. E –
engaging learners in the learning process, where there is a collaborative
work between teacher and students. A- adapting 21st century skills and
characteristics which of great help in cultivating 21st century skill learners.
Based on the task that you made, what challenges wait you as a future
teacher? How will you manage learning in the future classroom? How
will you prepare yourself to respond to 21st teaching-learning and
become a glocal teacher?

C – creating learning environment that promotes creativity and

innovation among learners. H- having knowledge and understanding of the
diverse cultural differences of 21st century learners. With such principles, it
would not just help us manage learning but also enables us to prepare
ourselves in responding to 21st teaching-learning and becoming a glocal
Learning Artifacts
2. Activity 15.2

Narrative on how we will Manage

Teaching-learning in the 21st Century
Learning Artifacts

Management of learnings is very essential. To manage learning in our

future classroom, we create the T-E-A-C-H principle. T- teaching various skills
that responds to being a citizen of a local and global society. E – engaging
learners in the learning process, where there is a collaborative work between
teacher and students. A- adapting 21st century skills and characteristics which
of great help in molding 21st century skill learners. C – creating learning
environment that promotes creativity and innovation among learners. H-
having knowledge and understanding of the diverse cultural differences of 21st
century learners. With such principles, it would not just help us manage
learning but also enables us to prepare ourselves in responding to 21st
teaching-learning and becoming a glocal teacher.
learning Artifacts 15. 2
Drawing of Presentation Classroom Drawing of our Vision Classroom

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