EDSTFU1-Learning Episode 14-Group 7

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We are the
Group 7

Knowing the Quality Teacher
– The Teacher as a PERSON

ACTIVITY 14.1: Teacher Personal
Qualities: A View from My Lenses

Resource Teacher: Sir Stephen John Fernando

School: Guinpana-an National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 8
Subect Area: MAPEH
Date: October 7, 2021
Observe (O) Data Results
Personal Qualities Interview (I) I have found out that…
a. Dignified Interview (I) The resource teacher believes that
discipline and respect are the
essential keys to an effective
teaching learning process. Also, he
believed that respect is a significant
key when approaching a colleague
because it creates an atmosphere
of understanding for both parties.
He is also an open-minded person
under circumstances that tests his
dignity. He listens and understands
what may be the point and try to
find solutions for the satisfaction of
Observe (O) Data Results
Personal Qualities Interview (I) I have found out that…
b. Healthy Interview (I) The resource teacher is physically,
mentally and emotionally healthy.
He’s also a neat person. When he
goes to school, he wears proper
and comfortable attire/clothes.

c. Spiritual Interview (I) The resource teacher has a

religion. He has a principle of
“being kind always” no matter what
gender, financial status, and race
you are.
Observe (O) Data Results
Personal Qualities Interview (I) I have found out that…
d. Knowledgeable Interview (I) He always search and read
updated teaching styles which can
be useful on his teaching learning
process of his students because
according to him reading about it
can help him in the long run. He
also asked questions to his co-
teachers or head regarding
teaching styles and approaches for
students so that those advices
could help him to be molded into a
more effective teacher that can
deliver learning to a next level.
Observe (O) Data Results
Personal Qualities Interview (I) I have found out that…
d. Knowledgeable Interview (I) Additionally, in terms of making
decisions in a tough situation he
plans and think; he takes time in
brainstorming, weigh options and
think of the pros and cons for him to
have a better outcomes.
e. Humble Interview (I) He sets high goals for himself and
when he achieve something, he
makes sure that he's not the only
one who satisfied but also he wants
to satisfy others from his
Observe (O) Data Results
Personal Qualities Interview (I) I have found out that…
f. Determined Interview (I) If he face a stressful situations or
pressures in teaching, this tests his
emotional, physical and mental
being. He handle this kind of
situations by always think before
speak and act because at the heat
of the situation the last thing he
wanted to do is waste his time.
Observe (O) Data Results
Personal Qualities Interview (I) I have found out that…
g. Cooperative Interview (I) He voluntarily offer help to his co-
teachers when they're in need and
he always accept great
responsibilities offered by their
heads beacuse according to him
everyone has a responsibility to
lend a helping hand and it is not big
of a trouble. Accepting task and
responsibilities from the heads for
him it is something we should do
our best.

1. In Activity 1, what do you consider as the 3 most

outstanding significant personal qualities of the teacher
you chose as your case? Why do you consider these

a. Dignified. Dignity means respect for humanity. Teachers

must respect all students, regardless of gender, sexual
orientation, gender diversity, physical appearance, or age,
religion, social standing, origin, opinions, abilities, and
achievements. Teachers must foster an environment in
which students and teachers treat one another with dignity,
courtesy, and respect, while also encouraging an open and
critical exchange of ideas.

1. In Activity 1, what do you consider as the 3 most

outstanding significant personal qualities of the
teacher you chose as your case? Why do you
consider these outstanding?

b. Knowledgeable. Knowledgeable teachers are more

likely to be able to respond to the needs of students
and it is one of the important qualities of a teacher
when it comes to students’ achievement. They tend to
have better communication skills in class and will help
the students to interact with teachers more effectively
and thus the learning process become more thorough.

1. In Activity 1, what do you consider as the 3 most

outstanding significant personal qualities of the
teacher you chose as your case? Why do you
consider these outstanding?

c. Determined. Determined teachers helps keep

students on path to success. Teachers must create a
joy, an excitement, and a love for learning. They
should set a goal for their students and be determined
to achieve it.

2. Which of these qualities do you have? Do you think

you can fit as a good teacher someday? Why?
Describe yourself.

We think that the quality that we have is

determination. We are all determined to finish our
studies and be a great teacher someday. We are
already committed to this chosen profession, and we
are doing our best now to become an excellent
teachers, despite all the circumstances that each of us
has encountered.
Good teachers are role models, whether in school, at home or in the
community. From the teachers you had from elementary to college, did the
personal qualities that they possess, help you learn better as a student?
Identify one personal characteristic of your model teacher that has made a
great impact in your life as a learner. Reflect and describe how this quality
influenced you.

Every teacher that we've encountered since we were in elementary until

now that we are in college have a different personalities and characteristics.
But there's one thing that we really loved about them is that they were very
passionate about their work which is teaching. They are not doing teaching
just because it's their job or their profession but it's their passion to teach. They
teach because they want to, They love their work and they want to help their
students to become successful like them.
Good teachers are role models, whether in school, at home or in the
community. From the teachers you had from elementary to college, did the
personal qualities that they possess, help you learn better as a student?
Identify one personal characteristic of your model teacher that has made a
great impact in your life as a learner. Reflect and describe how this quality
influenced you.

That's why we were inspired to become one of them because we saw their
passion about their work that they will give all their precious time for us just to
teach us. They were adjusting themselves to become an effective teacher and
for us to have knowledge at the end of the class, and they considered us as
their real children. So, we want to become a passionate teacher in the future
because we want also to inspire others especially our students.
ACTIVITY 14.2:Is the Teacher a
Professional Teacher?

Resource Teacher: Sir Stephen John Fernando

School: Guinpana-an National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 8
Subect Area: MAPEH
Date: October 7, 2021
Name of the Teacher: Stephen John Fernando
PRC Liscence No. 1812668 Grade Level Taught : Grade 8
Does the Teacher exhibit the
Professional Competencies competence of a
professional teacher? Check
your answer below.
1. Practices the Code of Ethics for Professional
2. Teaches the subject matter very well with
3. Keep self updated with educational trends,
policies and curricula
Does the Teacher exhibit the
Professional Competencies competence of a
professional teacher? Check
your answer below.
4. Uses varied teaching methods that facilitate
learning with skill and ease
5. Engages the parents and other stakeholders to
cooperate as partners in educating the children
6. Teaches with compassion based on the
knowledge and understanding of the
characterisitcs and needs of diverse learners
7. Prepares currriculum plans, implements these
with innovation in every lesson
Does the Teacher exhibit the
Professional Competencies competence of a
professional teacher? Check
your answer below.
8. Designs or selects and utilizes appropriate
assessment strategies and tools for lessons
9. Makes classroom atmosphere physically
(arrangement) and psychological (friendly,
inclusive) safe and secure for learning
10. Serves willingly beyond teaching work by
participating in other extra curricular activities
when needed
Teacher Informant (PEER):

Sir Geronimo T. Alojado

Our name and Signature:

Subiate, Dioan B. Torres, Kristine Joy B.

Trinidad, Albert P. Viajedor, Elah Grace B.

Answer the following questions:

1. In Activity 2, do you consider the Teacher as a Professional Teacher?

In what competencies is the teacher Strong? Weak? Doubtful?Why?

Yes, we consider him professional because he posses every

competencies stated on activity number 2 which must be possessed by
a teacher. He shows professionalism which requires a lot of
responsibility, determination and knowledge that shows he is not just an
ordinary people. He is a teacher not just by profession but a teacher by
heart. We also think that he is well-trained, and took years of education
to be strong in every competencies mentioned, since we found no
doubtful and weak in every competencies mentioned.

Answer the following questions:

2. Do your answers to the survey form coincide with the answers of

the co-teacher or head of the teacher you observed? Why?

Yes, it coincide with the answer of our resource teacher since he

also exhibit the 10 competencies of a professional teacher
mentioned on activity number 2.
Complete the following sentences as your relfections from the
results of Activity 2.

1. As a future teacher, the results imply we should

need to possess the professional characteristics and
competencies of a teacher to become effective and efficient. In
order for us to become one, we should equip ourselves, Earn to
have a degree and pass all the trainings especially we are still in
college. If we are already in the field of teaching we must apply
those learnings and skill that we learned and develop within
ourselves to become an effective and efficient kind of professional

2. If all the teachers today possess the professional characteristics

and competencies as the teacher/teachers observed then learners
will be
will be outstanding, knowledgeable, skillful and etc. Teachers
are one of the role models that the learners follow so they will
develop or possessed also the characteristics or qualities that their
teachers have because these are exactly what they see in
them.Then the learners will be motivated and encourage to go to
school to learn because their teachers are excellent. Further, the
learners will have all the learnings that they deserve to learn and
will develop their skills and characteristics because their teachers
are professional teachers not just by action but by heart.

1. Show narrative about the teacher with a description of the

personal qualities and professional characteristics that you have
observed. You may request a picture from the teacher.

My Teacher, My Hero

Sir Stephen John Fernando is a MAPEH teacher, teaching Grade 8

students in Guinpana-an National High School. He is a healthy kind of
teacher, may it be physically, emotionally, and mentally. He makes sure
that he is neat and clean outside and inside his body. Sir Fernando is
also a teacher that values respect and discpline. He shows respect to his
colleagues and students, at the same time receive respect from them.
He’s also an open-minded one where he tries to listen and understand
challenges before finding solutions which will be beneficial for all. He
shows humbleness whenever he achieve something by not just letting
himself satisfied but also other people..

He executes knowledge in his teaching by reading and acquiring

knowledge from books and from his head/superiors. Being kind always is
what he believes in life. This can be evident when he volunarily offers
help to his colleagues and head teachers. He accept great
responsibilities without hesitations and consider it as a great opportunity.
He also teacher that shows professionalism by keeping in mind and
practices the ethical considerations of a professional teacher. Also, by
showing mastery in his topics and applying different teaching styles to
cater the diverse need s of his students. Furthermore, he is a teacher
that teaches by heart because he teaches not just because it is his
profession but because it’s his passion.

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