هندسة الأساسات 3 - د. طارق نجيب

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‫األساسات الضحلة‬

‫الجزء الثالث‬


October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 1

‫تصميم الشداد‬

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 2

1- Site Investigation
2- Design of Shallow Foundations:
a- Design of Isolated Footings.
b- Design of Isolated Footings under
Eccentric Loads.
c- Design of Combined Footings.
d- Design of Strap Beam.
e- Design of Raft Foundations

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 3

Pc1 Strap Beam Pc2

‫الشداد لربط عمود الجار‬

Strap Beam

Line ‫قاعدة جار‬
‫حد الملكية‬

C1 Strap Beam C2

‫محور محور‬
October 24, 2023 ‫ المسلحة العمود‬Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 4
‫تصميم الشداد‬
Strap beam connects neighbor footing (at the
property line) with the adjacent inner footing.
‫يستخدم الشداد فى ربط قاعدة الجار (على حد الملكية) مع قاعدة‬
.‫أقرب عمود داخلى لها‬

Resultant, R = Pc1 + Pc2

Ptotal = 1.10*(Pc1 + Pc2)

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 5

Pc1 Pc2
Line a1
‫حد الملكية‬ Strap Beam
To determine the resultant (R) point of application from the
property line, take moments at point (O)
)O( ‫لتحديد مكان المحصلة يتم أخذ عزوم المحصلة وأحمال القواعد حول نقطة‬
‫عند حد الملكية‬
a1  a1 
Pc 1 *  Pc2 *   L 
2  2 
Pc1  Pc2
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 6
Dimensions of Plain Concrete Footings:
Assume the lengths of footings F1 to be (Lp.c.1) and F2 to
be (Lp.c.2), such that the resultant would approximately
lie at the middle of the outer plain concrete edges.
‫) بحيث تكون المحصلة فى‬F1, F2( ‫يتم إفتراض أطوال القاعدتين‬
‫منتصف الحدود الخارجية للقاعدتين تقريبًا‬

Determine the reactions under the footings, R1 and R2

‫) ومكانه فى منتصف كل قاعدة‬R1 & R2( ‫يتم تحديد قيم رد الفعل‬
Assume the thickness of the plain concrete footings, t p.c.
‫يتم فرض تخانة الخرسانة العادية‬

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 7

Dimensions of Plain Concrete Footings:
Pc1 Pc2
‫حد الملكية‬ Strap Beam
Lp.c.1 Lp.c.2

L 2
R1 R2
To determine R1, take moments about Point (2):
:)2( ‫) يتم أخذ العزوم حول نقطة‬R1( ‫لتحديد قيمة‬
 a1 L p .c .1 
R1 *  L     Pc1 * 1.10 * L
 2 2 
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 8
Dimensions of Plain Concrete Footings:
R1 
Pc1 * 1.10 * L R A
A  1
B p .c .1 
p .c .1
 a1  p .c .1
qall soil L p .c .1
 L  L p .c .1  
 2
)Lp.c.1( ‫) عن‬Bp.c.1( ‫يسمح فى هذه الحالة أن تزيد‬
R2 A p .c .2
R2 = Ptotal – R1 A p .c .2  B p .c .2 
qall soil L p .c .2
- Assume tp.c. , and x = tp.c.
- Reinforced Concrete Dimensions:
LR.C.1 = Lp.c.1 – x, BR.C.1 = BR.C.1 – 2 x
LR.C.2 = Lp.c.2 – 2 x, BR.C.2 = BR.C.2 – 2 x

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 9

Calculation of Ultimate Footing Loads
Strap beam weight:
Wst.b. = bst.b.* tst.b.*L*c
‫يتم حساب وزن الشداد وإضافة نصفه إلى الحمل الميت لكل عمود‬
Puc1 = 1.4 * (Pc1+Wst.b./2) Dead + 1.6 * Pc1 Live
Puc2 = 1.4 * (Pc1+Wst.b./2) Dead + 1.6 * Pc2 Live
Puc1 * L
Ru 1  To get Ru1 take
 a1 LR .C .1 
L   moments at point 2*
 2 2 
Ru1 Ru2 = Puc1 + Puc2 – Ru1
f un 1 /m'  Ru2
LR .C .1 f un 2 /m' 
LR .C .2
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 10
Contact Pressure between P.C. and R.C.
c1 Pc2
‫حد الملكية‬ Strap Beam LR.c.2
Ru1 Ru2 2*

Pc1 Pc2

fun1/m' fun2/m'

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 11

Shear Force Diagram of the Strap Beam

Pc1 Pc2

fun1/m' fun2/m'

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 12

Bending Moment Diagram:
Pc1 Pc2

fun1 fun2


October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 13
Design of Strap beam for Flexure
Pc1 Pc2
‫حد الملكية‬ Strap Beam LR.c.2

Two sections are designed for Mmax1

M2 M1
and the larger of M1 and M2 Mmax2
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 14
Pc1 Design of Strap
Beam for Shear Pc2
‫حد الملكية‬ Strap Beam LR.c.2


Maximum shear took place

at the strap beam free span.
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 15
Pc1 Design of Strap
Beam Footings Pc2
‫حد الملكية‬ Strap Beam LR.c.2
Critical section for moment at the strap beam face
‫القطاع الحرج للعزوم فى القواعد على سطح الشداد‬
Critical Section Critical Section
F1 d/2 for Shear for Moment F2
C1 Strap Beam C2

Critical section for shear at d/2 from the strap beam face
‫ سطح الشداد‬d/2 ‫القطاع الحرج للقص فى القواعد على بعد‬
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 16
Strap Beam Reinforcement

Longitudinal Reinforcements for the Strap Beam

‫التسليح الطولى للشداد‬
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P1, Tarek Nageeb 17
Reinforcement of Strap Beam Footings

F1 F2
C1 Strap Beam C2

‫يتم تسليح القواعد بحديد طولى وعرضى سفلى فقط‬

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 18

Example (5): Design of Strap Beam
From Dr. Mashour Ghonaim Book
Design a strap beam to connect the two footings
shown in figure knowing that:
Allowable soil pressure = 150 kN/m2
Concrete, fcu = 25 N/mm2; Steel, fy = 360 N/mm2

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P1, Tarek Nageeb 19

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 20
Resultant, R = Pc1 + Pc2
Pc1 = 380 + 305 = 685.0 kN = 68.50 ton
Pc2 = 820 + 450 = 1270.0 kN = 127.00 ton
R = 68.50 + 127.00 = 195.50 ton
a1  a1 
Pc 1 *  Pc2 *   L 
2  2 
Pc1  Pc2
68.50 * 0.25  127.0 * 0.25  4.90 
y  3.43 m
68.50  127.0

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 21

Pc1 =68.50 t Pc2=127 t
‫حد الملكية‬ Strap Beam
O 2*y ≈ 6.85 m
Choose the footings such that:
Lp.c.2 = 2*[6.85 – (4.90 + 0.25)]
≈ 3.40 m, to be taken 3.35 m
Lp.c.1 assumed to be taken 2.20 m

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 22

Design of Plain Concrete Footings:
68.50 t 127.0 t
‫حد الملكية‬ Strap Beam
2.20 m 3.35 m

4.90 m 2
R1 R2
To determine R1, take moments about Point (2):
:)2( ‫) يتم أخذ العزوم حول نقطة‬R1( ‫لتحديد قيمة‬
Pc1 * 1.10 * L 68.50 * 1.10 * 4.90
R1  R1   91.16 ton
 a1 L p .c .1   0.50 2.20 
 L     4.90   
 2 2   2 2 
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 23
Design of Plain Concrete Footings:
R1 91.16
A p .c .1    6.08 m 2
‫يسمح فى هذه الحالة أن‬
qall soil 15.0 )L ( ‫) عن‬B ( ‫تزيد‬ p.c.1 p.c.1
A p .c .1 6.08
B p .c .1    2.76  2.80 m
L p .c .1 2.20
Ptotal = 1.10 *(Pc1 + Pc2)
= 1.10*(68.50+127.0) = 215.05 ton
R2 = Ptotal – R1 = 215.05 - 91.16 = 123.89 ton
R2 123.89
A p .c .2    8.26 m 2

qall soil 15.0

A p .c .2 8.26
B p .c .2    2.47  2.60 m
L p .c .2 3.35
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 24
Design of Reinforced Concrete Footings:
- Assume tp.c. = 40 cm, and x = tp.c. = 40 cm
- Reinforced Concrete Dimensions:
LR.C.1 = Lp.c.1 – x = 2.20 – 0.40 = 1.80 m
BR.C.1 = BR.C.1 – 2 x = 2.80 – 0.80 = 2.00 m
LR.C.2 = Lp.c.2 – 2 x = 3.35 – 0.80 = 2.55 m
BR.C.2 = BR.C.2 – 2 x = 2.60 – 0.80 = 1.80 m

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 25

Calculation of Ultimate Footing Loads
Strap beam weight:
Wst.b. = bst.b.* tst.b.*L*c = 2.5*0.4*1.3*4.9  6.3 t

Pc1DL = 38.0 + 6.3/2 = 41.15 ton

Pc2DL = 82.0 + 6.3/2 = 85.15 ton
Puc1 = 1.4 * 41.15 + 1.6 * 30.50 = 106.41 ton
Puc2 = 1.4 * 85.15 + 1.6 * 45.0 = 191.21 ton
Puc1 * L 106.40 * 4.90
Ru 1    122.67 ton
 a1 LR .C .1   1.80 
L    4.90  0.25  
 2 2   2 

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 26

Calculation of Ultimate Contact Pressure
Ru2 = Puc1 + Puc2 – Ru1
= 106.41 + 191.21 – 122.67 = 174.95 ton
Ru1 122.67
f un 1 /m'    68.15 t/m'
LR .C .1 1.80

Ru2 174.95
f un 2 /m'    68.61 t/m'
LR .C .2 2.55

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 27

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 28
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 29
Design of Strap Section for Maximum Moment:
Assume the strap beam has the following dimensions:
tst.b. = 130 cm bst.b. = 40 cm
dst.b. = 130.0 – 7.0 = 123.0 cm
d = t – 7 cm = 130.0 – 7.0 = 123.0 cm
Mmax = 56.46 t.m Mu
R 2
f cu * bs * d
56.46 * 10
R 2
 0.037
250 * 40 * 123
From the R- chart, R = 0.037, then  = 0.045
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 30
f cu
As   * * bs * d
As  0.045 * * 400 * 1230  1537.0 mm 2

For such large concrete section and to make sure
that the failure will not be brittle, the Egyptian
Code states that the minimum area of steel will be:
‫فى حالة وجود قطاع خرسانى ذو أبعاد كبيرة فيجب التأكد من عدم‬
‫ وبذلك يتم زيادة نسبة‬،‫حدوث إنهيار مفاجئ بالضغط فى الخرسانة‬
‫الحديد طبقًا للكود المصرى للتأكد من حدوث إنهيار ممطولى‬
 0.225 f cu
 bd
As min  smaller of  fy

1.3 As
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 31
 0.25
 100 b d (mild steel)
As min should be larger than 
 0.15 b d (high grade steel)
 100

 0.225 f cu 0.225 25
 bd  * 400 * 1230  1536 mm 2
As min  smaller of  fy 360

 1 . 3 As  1.30 * 1537.0  1998 mm 2

0.15 0.15
As min  bd  * 400 * 1230  738 mm 2
100 100

As = 15.36 cm2, use 816 = 16.08 cm2

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 32

Design of Strap Sec. 2: for M = 233.3 kN.m
23.33 * 10
R 2
 0.0154
250 * 40 * 123
From the R- chart, R = 0.0154, then  = 0.019
As  0.019 * * 400 * 1230  649.0 mm 2

 0.225 f cu 0.225 25
 bd  * 400 * 1230  1536 mm 2
As min  smaller of  fy 360

 1. 3 As  1.30 * 649.0  844.0 mm 2

0.15 0.15
As min  bd  * 400 * 1230  738 mm 2
100 100
As = 8.44 cm2, use 4-18 = 10.18 cm2
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 33
Design of Strap Beam for Shear:
Qu = 16.27 ton
Qu 16.27 * 10 3
qu    3.31 kg/cm 2

b* d 40 * 123
f cu 25
qcu  0.24  0.24  0.98 N/mm 2  9.80 kg/cm 2
1.5 1.5
0.4 0.4
Ast min  * b* s  * 400 * 200  133.33 mm 2
fy 240
Use four branches stirrups 58/m'
Ast = 4 * 50 = 200 mm2 > Ast min

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 34

Design of Footings: Design for Moment
Footing F1, Exterior (neighbor) Footing
Ru1 = 122.67 ton 1

For a 1.00 m strip at Sec. (1-1):

0.80 0.40 0.80
Ru1 122.67
f u1    34.08 t/m 2
AR.C.1 2.0 * 1.80 2.00
M1 

f u1 * BR .C .1 - bstrap 

8 fu1 = 34.08 t/m2

34.08 * 2.0  0.4 2

 10.91 t.m
8 R = 0.024, w = 0.0284
Assume that the footing As = 8.48 cm2
thickness t = 50 cm, and the
depth d = 43 cm As = 516/m'
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 35
Design of Footings: Design for Moment
Footing F2, Interior Footing
Ru2 = 174.95 ton
For a 1.00 m strip at Sec. (1-1): 0.70 0.40 0.70
Ru2 174.95
fu2    38.12 t/m 2
AR.C.2 2.55 * 1.80 1.80

M2 

f u2 * BR .C .2 - bstrap 2

8 fu2 = 38.12 t/m2

38.12 * 1.80  0.4 
2 1
  9.34 t.m R = 0.02, w = 0.0235
As = 7.16 cm2
As = 516/m'
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 36
Design of Footings: Design for Shear
1.80 2.55



d/2 = 0.215 m Critical Section for Shear

C1 Strap Beam C2
F1 F2

Critical section for shear at d/2 from the strap beam face
‫ سطح الشداد‬d/2 ‫القطاع الحرج للقص فى القواعد على بعد‬
BR.C.1 - bstrap d 2.0 - 0.40 0.43
For Footing F1 x2  -  -  0.585 m
2 2 2 2
BR.C.2 - bstrap d 1.8 - 0.40 0.43
For Footing F2 x 2  2
- 
2 2
 0.485 m

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 37

Design of Footings: Design for Shear
For Footing F1
Qu1 = fu1*x2*BR.C.1 = 34.08*0.585*1.80 = 35.89 ton
Qu1 35.89 * 10
qu 1    4.64 kg/cm 2

BR.C.1 * d 180 * 43
f cu 25
qcu  0.16  0.16  0.65 N/mm 2  6.50 kg/cm 2
1.5 1.5

qu1 (4.64 kg/cm2) < qcu (6.50 kg/cm2) O.K.

The shear is safe, then check the shear for the
second footing
October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 38
Design of Footings: Design for Shear
For Footing F2
Qu2 = fu2*x2*BR.C.2 = 38.12*0.485*2.55 = 47.14 ton

Qu2 47.14 * 10 3
quu    4.87 kg/cm 2
BR.C.2 * d 225 * 43

qu1 (4.87 kg/cm2) < qcu (6.50 kg/cm2) O.K.

The shear is safe

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 39

Reinforcement Details of the Strap Beam

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 40

Reinforcement Details of the Strap Beam

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 41

Reinforcement Details of the Footings

October 24, 2023 Shallow Foundations, P3, Tarek Nageeb 42

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