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Effective Time, Task & Work Planning.

Presented by : Nagham Odeh



Intro & Expectations:

Who are you? What is your organization? What is your job role ? How long have you worked in this role? What are your main Time, task and Planning issues? What do you want to achieve from this training? What are your expectations?

Objectives Briefed

So, we are here to.

Understanding Planning Process: Understanding Planning Scope of work & Types of Planning. Cascading Planning objectives and goal settings. Identifying your role as a task leader in your job.

Presenting SBC for strategic Planning discussion.

Analyzing planning and managing risk through SWOT analysis & calculating Significance vale/ PEST analysis. Discussing Self Model exercise for strategic Decision making.

L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (Day two)
. Work Problems: Solving problems and Making Decisions at work Case handing. Prioritizing work assignments and tasks according to St.C Matrix and ABCD system. Resolving GICI case of work prioritization. Watching DVD/ Fish market case to discuss modern concepts of managing work through people to enhance productivity. Assessing work styles, work life balance and discussing the right track document.

L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (Third Day)
Project Case & Exercises :

Resolving Moving offices assignment- Case handing. Building the Peacock exercise . Presenting Edward de Bono concept of six thinking hats. Nike study case- Discussion. Grand Store DVD case- Watch & Comment. Assessing procrastination tendencies. Presenting Goal Implementation work sheet document.

Learning Objectives : Day Four

Delegating work tasks and assignments
Mini Case.
Examining Excel sheet package work Management needed sheets. Setting your objectives Exercise & Gaming. Assessments of : Checking your planning attitude, how are you spending and wasting time, and time management problems.

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The Manager as a Planner & Strategist

Define what you understand by Planning ?


The Nature of the Planning Process

Identifying and selecting appropriate goals and courses of action for an organization. The organizational plan that results from the planning process details the goals and specifies how managers will attain those goals.

The cluster of decisions and actions that managers take to help an organization reach its goals.

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Planning Process
Step One

Determining the Organizations Mission & Goals

Define the Business, Establish Major Goals

Formulating Strategy
Step Two

Analyze Current Situation & Develop Strategies

Implementing Strategy
Step Three

Allocate Resources & Responsibilities to Achieve Strategies

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The Nature of the Planning Process

Mission Statement A broad declaration of an organizations purpose that identifies the organizations products and customers and distinguishes the organization from its competitors. PS : What is your Organizations Mission Statement ?

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For Example:
Coca-Cola To put a bottle of Coke within arms reach of everyone in the world. Example Qatar Taxi Company To provide a world class taxi company for Qatar Whats Yours?

Visions & Missions:

Defining the Business
Who are our customers? What customer needs are being satisfied? How are we satisfying customer needs

Establishing Major Goals

Provides the organization with a sense of direction Stretches the organization to higher levels of performance. Goals must be challenging but realistic with a definite period in which they are to be achieved.

Goals need to be smart????

How Smarter????

Levels of Planning
Division business unit that has its own set of managers and departments and competes in a distinct industry
Divisional managers Managers who control the various divisions of an organization

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Corporate-Level Plan Top managements decisions pertaining to the organizations mission, overall strategy, and structure. Provides a framework for all other planning Corporate-Level Strategy A plan that indicates in which industries and national markets an organization intends to compete.

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Levels of Planning :
Business-Level Plan:
Divisional managers decisions pertaining to divisions long-term goals overall strategy, and structure. Identifies how the business will meet corporate goals.

Business-Level Strategy
A plan that indicates how a division intends to compete against its rivals in an industry Shows how the business will compete in market

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Levels of Planning :
Function Department or unit in which people have the same skills or use the same resources to perform their jobs

Level of Planning :
Functional-Level Plan Functional managers decisions pertaining to the goals that they propose to pursue to help the division attain its business-level goals. Functional Strategy A plan that indicates how a function intends to achieve its goals.

Who Plans?
Corporate-Level Plans
Plans developed by top management who also are responsible for approving business- and functionallevel plans for consistency with the corporate plan. Top managers should seek input on corporate level issues from all management levels.

Business-Level Plans
Plans developed by divisional managers who also review functional plans.

Both management levels should also seek information from other levels.

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Time Horizons of Plans

Time Horizon
The intended duration of a plan.
Long-term plans are usually 5 years or more. Intermediate-term plans are 1 to 5 years. Short-term plans are less than 1 year.

Corporate and business-level goals and strategies require long & intermediate-term plans. Functional plans focus on short-to intermediate-term plans Most organizations have a rolling planning cycle to amend plans constantly.

Case Study
Watch the DVD:

South West Case Study, and allocate the strategic, tactical and operational objectives of this organization?
What do we mean by Cascading Objectives ????

Say the Color, not the words: Stroop Ridely Effect YELLOW GREEN BLUE ORANGE BLACK YELLOW RED





Types of Plans
Standing Plans
Use in programmed decision situations Policies are general guides to action. Rules are formal written specific guides to action. Standard operating procedures (SOP) specify an exact series of actions to follow.

Single-Use Plans
Developed for a one-time, non-programmed issue. Programs: integrated plans achieving specific goals. Project: specific action plans to complete programs

Contingency Planning :
Contingency Planning: Scenario Planning (Contingency Planning)
The generation of multiple forecasts of future conditions followed by an analysis of how to effectively respond to those conditions. Planning seeks predict the future, but the future is unknowable. Scenario planning is a learning tool to improve strategic planning results.

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Why Planning Is Important

Planning ascertains where the organization is now and decides where it will be in the future. Participation: all managers are involved in setting future goals. Sense of direction and purpose: planning sets goals and strategies for all managers

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Why Planning is Important?

Coordination: Plans provide all parts of the firm with understanding about how their systems fit with the whole. Control: Plans specify who is responsible for the accomplishment of a particular goal.

Documented Sheet :

Your Role as a task Leader in your Job, Take five minutes to reflect and answer, then Discuss.

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Exercise :
BSC Example in Planning :

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Strategic Performance Management and the Balanced Scorecard

Again .What is Strategy?

Strategy is the way an organisation seeks to achieve its vision and mission Its a set of goals and objectives A method of involving people, resources and processes Strategy specifies what you do and dont do

What is Strategic Performance Management ?

Strategic Performance Management is using objectives, measures and targets to ensure that peoples behaviours and actions deliver the strategic goals of the organisation.

Business benefit



Kaplan and Nortons initial research findings

The Vision Barrier
Only 5% of the work force understands the strategy

The People Barrier

Only 25% of managers Have incentives linked to strategy

The Management Barrier

9 of 10 companies fail to execute strategy

The Resource Barrier
60% of organisations dont link budgets to strategy

85% of executive teams spend less than 1 hour per month discussing strategy

Todays management systems were designed to meet the needs of stable in organisations that were changing incrementally
You cant manage strategy with a system designed for tactics
Source: 2000 Balanced Scorecard Collaboration, Inc and Robert S Kaplan

Why do companies adopt the balanced scorecard ?

Change Formulate and communicate a new strategy for a more competitive environment Growth Increase revenues, not just cut costs and enhance productivity Implement From the 10 to 10,000. Every employee implements the new growth strategy in their day-to-day operations

Source: 2000 Balanced Scorecard Collaboration, Inc and Robert S Kaplan

The four perspectives of a balanced scorecard

How do we look to shareholders?
Financial Perspective

How do customers see us?

Customer Perspective

What must we excel at?

Internal Business Perspective

Can we continue to improve and add value?

Innovation & Learning Perspective

Constructing a BSC.





The balanced scorecard links vision and strategy to day-to-day actions

Why we exist

Whats important to us

What we want to be

Our game plan

Strategic Performance Management

Implementation and Focus

Solution Teams
What we need to do

Personal Objectives
What I need to do

Strategic Outcomes
Satisfied Delighted Efficient and Effective Motivated & Prepared





Source: 2000 Balanced Scorecard Collaboration, Inc and Robert S Kaplan

Our strategic objectives are mutually reinforcing and inter-linking

World Class Networks Business

Cost Optimisation

Long Term Value Regulatory Performance

Asset Management

Optimal Asset Base

Service Delivery

Relationship Mgmt
Customer Satisfaction Contribute to Ireland Fulfil Industry Role

Customer Care

Product Delivery

Safety Performance Culture


People Capability

Employee Enthusiasm

Success through People

International Support


Operational Excellence

Asset Management

Scorecard development process

What is my vision of the future ?
Statement of Vision 1. Definition of Business unit 2. Strategic Intent

If my vision succeeds, how will I differ and to whom ?

To my shareholders To my customers

To my ability to To my internal innovate and grow management processes Internal Perspective Innovation and Learning

Financial Perspective

Customer Perspective

What are my business objectives to operationalise the vision ?


Phase 1

What are the critical measurements ?


What KPIs underpin the Scorecard and who owns them ?

Excersice :

Split in to two teams, and try to draft out a SBC basic sheet of your organization with a strategy map to clear the planning of the four perspectives.

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Your Role as a strategic Planner :

Strategic Formulation
Managers analyze the current situation to develop strategies for achieving the mission.

SWOT Analysis
A planning exercise in which managers identify: organizational strengths and weaknesses.
Strengths (e.g., superior marketing skills) Weaknesses (e.g., outdated production facilities)

external opportunities and threats.

Opportunities (e.g., entry into new related markets). Threats (increased competition) What is PEST Analysis ?

Exercise :
Calculate the significance value of either Strength & Weaknesses points versus threats and opportunities to a set of decisions in your organization and Discuss.
Use the SELF MODEL to reflect on the external Analysis.

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Self Module Template

Compare with the PEST analysis

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Analyzing Use of Time

Allocate the below percentages to the actual time consumed in the following tasks at your work: 15%- 25%- 60% On going projects- Planning & Development- Routine Tasks


Analyzing Use of Time

Ideal Time Allocation
Planning and Development Ongoing Projects

25% 60%

Routine Tasks


Analyzing Use of Time

Actual Time Allocation
Planning and Development Ongoing Projects

25% 60%

Routine Tasks


Executives Waste 97% of their Time

5% 3%
Tasks at their own performance level Tasks that could be done by secretaries Tasks that could be delegated to colleagues Tasks that could be delegated to subordinates




The Four Quadrants .



Important & Urgent

Important & Not Urgent

Q3 Deception

Q4 Waste Neither

Urgent & Not Important


Prevention, PC activities Relationship building Recognizing new opportunities Planning, recreation Trivia, busy work Some mail Some phone calls Time wasters Pleasant activities

Crises Pressing Problems Deadline-driven project

Interruptions, calls Mail, reports, some meetings Popular activities


The Pareto Secret

Paretos Law : 80:20 Rule
80% of the time Available

Produces 20% of the Results

Produces 20% of the time Available


80% of the Results

Listen to Your Internal Clock

Time your physical and mental peaks so that you know how long they last.


0% ____AM NOON ____PM


Exercise Time : Priorities Listing


Stephen Matrix & ABCD system

Start with the Mini case, then go ahead and read the GICI case.

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Why Delegate

What are the advantages & disadvantages of delegation ?


Why Delegate?
Allows you as a manager to achieve more Allows time for managerial duties Increases your own promotion potential Develops skills of team clients Increases team client involvement Maximizes efficient output Produces faster, more effective decisions Increases flexibility of operations Disadvantages/Why you don't delegate Not sure enough of your position May diminish your authority Fearful of the risk involved Don't want to seem bossy May fear others doing a task better Takes too much time Employees aren't experienced/skilled Feel like you have lost control You do it better



What are the Dos and Donts


Delegation Dos and Donts

Specify the results expected Explain why you are delegating. Give the necessary authority to carry out the tasks. Let others know of the delegation Have confidence in employees Donts Delegate just trivial tasks Expect others to do the job as well as you can. Delegate haphazardly Be an autocratic delegate. Check constantly to see how things are going Take credit for results achieved by staff. Overload employees.

What is Delegation?
In the broadest sense, delegation involves five things: 1. The training and development of your staff 2. The direction and follow-up of assignments 3. The analysis of performance problems 4. Coaching to overcome problems 5. Periodic formal evaluations of performance


Five Levels of Delegation Exercise:

You must do. 1. 2. help you. 3. You could do, but others could do if given an opportunity. You should do, but someone else could


Others should do, but you can help out in an emergency. Others must do.

Degrees of Delegation
Investigate and report back. Investigate and recommend action. Investigate and advise on action planned. Investigate and take action; advise you on the action taken. Investigate and take action

How to Delegate
When should you delegate some of your work? How can you prepare yourself for delegating? What tasks should you delegate? What tasks should you NOT delegate? How do you know whether you are delegating well or not?


Picking the Right Person

How do you pick the right person for the job? Demonstrated Skill Employee Motivation Employee Workload Matching Skills and People


Exercise : Listen to Trainers Instructions and work with the Distributed handouts.

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Groups, Teams and Organizational Effectiveness

Group Two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish certain goals or meet certain needs.

Groups, Teams and Organizational Effectiveness

Team A group whose members work intensely with each other to achieve a specific, common goal or objective. All teams are groups but not all groups are teams.

Groups, Teams and Organizational Effectiveness

Two characteristics that distinguish teams from groups are the intensity with which team members work together and the presence of a specific overriding team goal or objective

Groups, Teams and Organizational Effectiveness

Groups and teams can help an organization gain a competitive advantage because they can: 1. 2. 3. 4. enhance its performance increase its responsiveness to customers increase innovation increase employees motivation and satisfaction

Groups and Teams as Performance Enhancers

Performance Enhancement
Making use of the synergy from employees in a group producing more or better output than employees working separately.
Bounce ideas off one another Correct each others errors Bring more new ideas to bear on problems Accomplish projects beyond the scope of individuals

Split in to two teams, watch the DVD about motivation in organization Grand Store Movie, and list down the motivational concepts the store managers adapted in order to enhance performance.
Each Group has 10 minutes .


Thank You & Good Luck



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