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Openstack By: Tushar Goel

OpenStack Architecture
It has essential total
nine components
which runs the
architecture with its
 KeyStone
The Keystone or OpenStack Identity service acts as a catalog of all OpenStack services and provides the ability for authenticating and
managing user accounts and role information for the cloud environment.

• Role Assignments: Roles dictate the level of
authorization the end user can obtain
• Token: The Token service validates and manages
tokens used for authenticating requests once a user’s
credentials have already been verified.
• Policy: The Policy service provides a rule-based
authorization engine and the associated rule Token Catalog Policy Assignment
management interface. service service service service
it provides a service where user can upload and discover data assets that are meant to be used with
other services

It includes discovering, registering and retrieving virtual machine images

Glance API – Accepts Image REST API calls for image discovery, retrieval, and storage.
Glance registry: stores, processes and retrieves metadata about images.
Glance database: a database to store the image metadata

All the OS images are stored in various available sources like S3, swift, filesystem etc.
• Nova-database: is the database where all the requests are stored nova-compute: a worker daemon which
creates and terminates virtual machine instances via Hypervisor’s APIs
• nova-Api : Communicates with other openstack services
• Nova-Scheduler: takes a request from the queue and determines which compute server host it should run
• nova-volume : Manages creation, attaching and detaching of persistent volumes to compute instances. This
functionality is being migrated to Cinder, a separate OpenStack service.
Messaging queue: ALl communication within the project takes place with the QUEUE in between which uses
rabbit mq.
it is a networking project focused on delivering Networking as a service in virtual compute environments

• Scalable: it can scale thousands of nodes in network

• plugin: ability to logically seperate provisioning and tenant network
• topology: it provides a very rich topology
• API: it provides networking Api to interact better with services
it is a highly available, distributed and consistent object store. it stores lot of data efficiently and safely

it converts data into objects first and then store it.

Swift proxy
• Each account and container is an individual SQLite
database that is distributed across the cluster. An account
database contains the list of containers in that account. A
container database contains the list of objects in that
• To keep track of object data locations, each account in the Account Container Object
system has a database that references all of its containers, db
and each container database references each object. db db
its OpenStack block storage service and provides persistent block storage resources that openstack compute
instances can consume.

• cinder-api: Accepts API requests, and routes

them to the cinder-volume for action.
 cinder-volume: The service works with a
storage back end through the drivers. It gets
requests from the scheduler and responds to
read and write requests sent to the block
storage service.
 cinder-scheduler: Scheduler service reads
requests from the message queue and selects
the optimal storage provider node to create or
manage the volume by various filters.
• Messaging queue: Routes information between
the Block Storage processes
Diff between swift and cinder

Swift Cinder
• Object storage • Block storage
• Get a link for data stored • Kind of pluggable hard disk
• Cannot manage memory yourself • Can manage memory yourself
• Enable dropbox like service • Enable amazon ebs like service
• Use case: backup/archieve, image • Use case: product application,
repo and Iso images messaging and dev systems
it is OpenStack dashboard which provides a web-based user interface to OpenStack services includes nova,
swift and keystone etc.

• it allows users and administrators of the environment to interact with and manage the various
functional component without having to install local client tools other than a web browser
At the core of its architecture and design, the Dashboard has many key values :
• Core Support: Out-of-the-box provision for all core OpenStack projects.
• Extensible: As a "first-class citizen", anyone can add a new component.
• Manageable: The core codebase to be easy to direct and should be simple.
• Consistent: Throughout, visual and interaction paradigms are maintained.
• Stable: A reliable Application program interface (API) with an emphasis on backward compatibility.
• Usable: Providing an amazing interface that individuals want to use.

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