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Drug Abuse Prevention Education

 Drug abuse prevention education is concerned with

bringing about changes in the people’s knowledge,
attitudes and practices towards drug abuse. It
utilizes a variety of approaches and methods
whereby people go through teaching-learning
process, and which may be planned, implemented
and evaluated through the barangay organized
groups and other organizations and agencies in the
There are six known strategies in drug
abuse prevention, which are the following:
1. Drug Education – learning situations during seminar-workshops,
symposiums and lecture forums, which take up values
clarification, leadership training, coping skills and decision-
making. It is a movement, which utilizes humanistic techniques in
both school-based and community oriented drug abuse
prevention programs.
2. Drug Information – it is an activity, which focused on the
dissemination of basic facts of the causes and effects of drug
abuse with the objective of creating awareness and vigilance of
the people in the community.
It includes the following information
drive activities:
 A. Youth - Adult Communication - parent-youth dialogues
- family encounters
 B. Info - Oriented Classroom/Community Activities -
Contest in the school/community – essay, slogans,
posters, cartoon, play writing.
 C. Broadcast Media: TV/Radio or Printed - plugs, films,
slides, spot announcement, music programming,
newsletter, comics, leaflets/brochures, magazines, other
 This includes a number of ideas for stimulating meaningful involvements for the
youth that can compete successfully with the demands of drugs and alcohol.
Primarily the emphasis should be on service or constructive and productive pursuits
and recreational activities that are usually community-based such as:
 a. Voluntary service works
 b. Income producing activities
 c. Sports, arts development: theater – choral/dance
 d. Community fair/contest
 e. Other recreational activities: development of physical, emotional interpersonal,
mental-intellectual, social, spiritual, and all aspects of behavioral development.
 Interventions – this strategy is applied to experimenters and
potential drug abusers. Activities like peer or group counseling
should be encouraged in every community. It is applied to the
individual/group, which needs specific assistance and support.
The techniques or activities recommended for intervention are:
 a. Peer counseling
 b. Hot lines
 c. Cross-age tutoring
 d. New peer group creation
Peer and Cross-age Tutoring and
 Peer and cross-age tutoring and counseling enable the
person/student to assume adult and mature roles, to
become actively involved in their own learning and in
other’s learning and to take on a “real world”
responsibility. It can provide a meaningful “work” in the
school setting to the students who might otherwise
suffer from low self-esteem and a general lack of
involvement with school or cross-age tutoring and
counseling programs.
The program is focused on:
a. Life Career Planning – the preparation towards a
comprehensive career education helps young
people to make the right choices.

b. Parenting and Family Communication – activities

that fosters better understanding and wholesome
family relationship.
Effective Techniques and Learning
1. Values Formation or Development – the articulation of personal values.
Its process includes choosing from alternatives and repeatedly and
consistently acted upon.
2. Role Playing – a technique used to help students identify more closely
with historical figures or characters in literature, which will help them at
sensing problems and testing solutions with out taking any great risk.
3. Decision Making and Problem solving – techniques using conflict
resolutions focused on group problems, which help the students in
identifying possible alternatives to solve the problem.
4. Individual Contact – the basic principles in working
with an individual with the emphasis of making him feel
at ease, involving him by asking questions, supplying
with the necessary information and arriving at a decision
that will end to action. It is carried out by:
a. person-to-person relationship or individual counseling
b. House/Office visits
c. Telephone calls or by letters
d. Information conversation or dialogues
5. Small Group Approach – involves contact with a number of people
assembled in isolated group or in one of a series of related groups. This
technique can be carried out by:
a. Lecture – one way discussion
b. Small group discussion – mutual interchange of ideas or opinions
between the small group
c. Symposium – group of talks, speeches or lectures presented by several
individuals on various phases of a single subject.
d. Panel Discussion – discussion before an audience by a selected group
of persons expressing a variety of view points under a moderator
e. The Buzz Session – the count off procedure
Seminars, simulation games, debate, field trips
6. Community Approach – this involves working
together about their common problems, identify
these and implement the kind of action patterns for
the solution of the problems. This technique can be
carried out by:
a. Community assemblies and barangay fairs
b. Sport festivals or on test in the community
c. Church related activities
Camalig, Crystal Joy
Marilla, Dennixon
Montero, Emer Handson
Bataller, Dhan Marlou
Namoc, Daniel
Guisange, Ariel
Ocenar, Emerson
Nipas, Carlos Jonel
Cristobal, Eve Marcler
Galicia, Fernando

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