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Cross-cultural communication

Communication between people of different cultural backgrounds involves much more than overcoming the language barrier. Hidden cultural differences often cause a great deal of misunderstanding and friction. These differences are a serious problem because they are mostly invisible and inaudible but they affect the true meaning of the messages sent and received by business counterparts, South and North. When the message is sent through a cultural filter, a breakdown of communication is likely because the decoding is influenced by a set of values, attitudes, beliefs, preconceptions, and expectations that are different from those of the sender. Therefore, the message often becomes distorted in the mind of the recipient.

1. Individualism Vs. Collectivism

Individualism (IDV) on the one side versus its opposite, collectivism, that is the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. On the individualist side we find societies in which the ties/bonds between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after him/herself and his/her immediate family. Individualism indicates a society with a more individualistic attitude.The populace is more self-reliant and looks out for themselves and their close family members. These cultures value uniqueness & personal initiative. If you want a job done right, do it yourself, and You have to blow your own horn reveal this emphasis on autonomy. Therefore, self-reliance and accountability are valued in business settings. This concept is analogous to individual atoms interacting with each other.

1. Individualism Vs. Collectivism

On the collectivist side, we find societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended families (with uncles, aunts and grandparents) which continue protecting them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. The word 'collectivism' in this sense has no political meaning: it refers to the group, not to the state. The use of networks and connections, the exchange of information and favors, the obligation toward and reliance on the extended family all reflect the molecular structure of Latin American societies. This sociological reality requires that one be more indirect, diplomatic, flowery,non-confrontational, and cautious in communicating with others because there is a positive or negative multiplier effect in every social or business transaction Thus all societies in the world can be differentiated on the basis of this dimension

2. Power distance index

Power Distance Index (PDI)- that is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. This represents inequality (more versus less), but defined from below, not from above. It suggests that a society's level of inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders. Power and inequality, of course, are extremely fundamental facts of any society and anybody with some international experience will be aware that 'all societies are unequal, but some are more unequal than others'. If a country has a low PDI, this is indicative of a greater equality between societal levels, including government, organizations, and even within families. This orientation reinforces a cooperative interaction across power levels and creates a more stable cultural environment.

4. Space-Territoriality
People communicate not only through words but also through the ways in which they use and organize space. Some people need more space in all areas. People who encroach into that space are seen as a threat. How people lay claim to and defend their personal space varies across cultures. Personal space is an example of a mobile form of territory and people need less or greater distances between them and others. A Japanese person who needs less space thus will stand closer to an American, inadvertently making the American uncomfortable who respects more interpersonal distance. High territoriality Some people are more territorial than others with greater concern for ownership & do not like somebody invading their personal space. They seek to mark out the areas which are theirs and perhaps having boundary conflicts with neighbors. The members of such cultures feel an aversion to casual touch and resent spatial intrusion Territoriality also extends to anything that is 'mine' and ownership concerns extend to material things. Security thus becomes a subject of great concern for people with a high need for ownership. Low territoriality People with lower territoriality have less ownership of space and boundaries are less important to them. They will share territory and ownership with little thought. They also have less concern for material ownership. Thus some are non-contact cultures, (Eg. US &Northern European countries)whereas some

5. High Context vs. Low Context

High context In a high-context culture, there are many contextual elements that help people to understand the rules. As a result, much is taken for granted. High context refers to societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Many aspects of cultural behavior are not made explicit because most members know what to do and what to think from years of interaction with each other. This can be very confusing/ambiguous for person who does not understand the 'unwritten rules' of the culture as these cultures rely heavily on non-verbal cues in communication & little emphasis on the verbal, explicit part of the message. less written/formal information . Strong diistinction between ingroup and outgroup, Strong sense of family. Eg:French contracts tend to be short (in physical length, not time duration) as much of the information is available within the high-context French culture. With a stable population, a higher context culture may develop. Low context/Content focussed In a low-context culture, very little is taken for granted. Whilst this means that more explanation is needed, it also means there is less chance of misunderstanding since words are used to convey meaning in communication. More knowledge is codified, public, external, and accessible. Eg:In U.S. business settings there is a strong emphasis on the content of communications: the data, facts and specific details.American culture is low-context and so contracts tend to be longer in order to explain the detail. Since America has a highly mobile environments where people come and go,thus the need for lower-context culture. With a stable population, however, a higher context culture may develop.

6. Uncertainity avoidance index

Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) deals with a society's tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. It indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Uncertainty avoiding cultures try to minimize the possibility of such situations by strict laws and rules, safety and security measures. People in uncertainty avoiding countries are also more emotional. The opposite type, uncertainty accepting cultures, are more tolerant of opinions different from what they are used to; they try to have as few rules as possible, and on the philosophical and religious level they are relativist and allow many currents to flow side by side. People within these cultures are not expected by their environment to express emotions.

7. Masculinity Vs. Femininity

Masculinity (MAS) versus its opposite, femininity, refers to the distribution of roles between the genders which is another fundamental issue for any society. Eg:U.S. business people seem impersonal/competitive due to putting tasks above and before relationships Peoples values from one country to another contain a dimension from very assertive and competitive(mens values/masculine) to modest and caring and similar to women's values on the other.(feminine).

Long term Vs Short term orientation

Long-Term Orientation (LTO) versus shortterm orientation: Values associated with Long Term Orientation are thrift and perseverance; values associated with Short Term Orientation are respect for tradition, fulfilling social obligations, protecting one's 'face, tends to reflect an appreciation for cultural traditions.

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