Lecture 1 - Electrical Engineering

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Electrical Engineering

Instructor: Associate Professor Mohammed A. S. Al-Mekhlafi

Dept of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Sana’a University
Organizational Details
Electrical Engineering
2credits, 2contact hours per week

Class Meeting:
8:00 – 10:00 AM, Thursday
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Mohammed A. Saeed
e-mail: almekmasee@hotmail.com

Office hours: 00:00 – 00:00 AM, 000.

Course assistant:
Dr. Abdo: Self-Introduction
• PhD in Communication and Network Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia
(UPM), 2008.
• MS in Communication and Network Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia
(UPM), 2003.

• About 35 journal and conference proceedings publications.

• Four intellectual property (Patents) are filed.
• Senior Member of IEEE.
• Current Position:
– Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University.
• Job Experience:
– MIMOS Berhad, Malaysia (20007-2010)
– Staff Engineer, Digital Signal Processing, Jun 2009 – Sept 2010
– Senior Researcher, Wireless Broadband, Jul 2007 – Dec 2009
– Sana’a University (1997-Until Now).
Course Description

• This course focuses on fundamentals of electrical

circuit engineering, analysis of both series and
parallel circuits, basic circuit laws and theorems,
DC and AC electrical systems, single phase
• To provide students with basic knowledge or fundamentals in Electrical
Engineering mainly laws, principles and Theorems.
• To introduce students to circuit analyses of simple electrical systems by being
able to draw electrical circuits and determine electrical quantities of real
systems under different system conditions.
• To predict behaviour or performance of electrical systems/circuits under steady
state conditions.
• To enable students acquire diagnostic skills in identifying electrical faults (fault
tracing) electrical tests and troubleshooting simple electrical equipment.
• To provide students with basic knowledge in electrostatics to enable them
appreciate the electrical safety in buildings mainly Lightning Protection.
• To provide students with knowledge in magnetic circuits which form a basis for
understanding of electrical machines.
• To equip students with basic knowledge in electrical safety in buildings and
measures taken to enhance it.
Course Outline
1. Voltage and Current
2. Resistance
3. Ohm’s Law, Power, and Energy
4. Series dc Circuits
5. Parallel dc Circuits
6. Series-Parallel Circuits
7. Series ac Circuits
8. Parallel ac Circuits
9. Series-Parallel ac Networks
1- Required Textbook(s)
1. C K Alexander and M NO Sadiku, “Fundamental of Electric Circuits",
McGraw Hill, 7th Edition.

2- Essential References.
1. W Hayt, J Kemmerly and S Durbin, "Engineering Circuit Analysis", McGraw- Hill,
7th Edition, 2007.
2. Introductory Circuit Analysis_13ed_2016_ by Robert L. Boylestad
Midterm Exam 20%
Quizzes 10%
Attendance and Participations 10 %
Assignments 10%
Final Exam 50%
System of Units (1)
• When taking measurements, we must use units to quantify values
• We use the International Systems of Units (SI for short)

Quantity Basic unit Symbol

Length meter m
Mass kilogram Kg
Time second s
Electric current ampere A
Thermodynamic kelvin K
Luminous intensity candela cd
System of Units (2)
Atoms and their Structure (1)
• The simplest of all atoms is the hydrogen atom.
• In all other elements, the nucleus also contains neutrons, which are
slightly heavier than protons and have no electrical charge.
• The helium atom, for example, has two neutrons in addition to two electrons
and two protons.
Atoms and their Structure (2)
• The atomic structure of any stable atom has an equal number of electrons
and protons.

• Different atoms have various numbers of electrons in concentric

• orbits called shells around the nucleus.

• The first shell, which is closest to the nucleus, can contain only
two electrons.

• If an atom has three electrons, the extra electron must be placed

in the next shell. The number of electrons in each succeeding shell
is determined by , where n is the shell number

• Each shell is then broken down into subshells where the number
of electrons is limited to 2, 6, 10, and 14 in that order as you move
away from the nucleus.
The atomic structure of copper
Copper is the
most commonly
used metal in
the electrical/
industry. it has
29 electrons in
orbits around
the nucleus,
with the 29th
appearing all by
itself in the 4th

If this twenty-ninth electron gains sufficient energy from the surrounding

medium to leave its parent atom, it is called a free electron.
Electric Charges
• Charge is an electrical property of the atomic
particles of which matter consists, measured in
coulombs (C).
• The charge on one electron is negative and equal in
magnitude to 1.602  10-19 C which is called as
electronic charge. The charges that occur in nature
are integral multiples of the electronic charge.
• One Coulomb is quite large, 6.24*1018 electrons.
• In the lab, one typically sees (pC, nC, or μC).
• Charge is always multiple of electron charge.
• Charge cannot be created or destroyed, only
Coulomb’s law

Charles Augustin Coulomb.

Current (1)
• The movement of charge is called a current
• Historically the moving charges were thought to be positive
• Thus we always note the direction of the equivalent positive
charges, even if the moving charges are negative.
• Current is charges that move through the wires and cause sparks
and possibly fire if there is a “short circuit.” Current heats up the
coils of an electric heater or the burners of an electric stove; it
generates light when passing through the filament of a bulb.
• Current is defined as the rate of flow of electrons in a conductor.
It is measured by the number of electrons that flow in unit time.

i (A)
The unit of ampere (A) can be derived as 1 A = 1C/s.
Current (2)
• At room temperature with no external forces applied, there
exists within the copper wire the random motion of free
electrons created by the thermal energy that the electrons
gain from the surrounding medium.
• When atoms lose their free electrons, they acquire a net
positive charge and are referred to as positive ions.

Random motion of free electrons in an atomic structure.

Current (3)
The current in amperes can now be calculated using the following equation:

EXAMPLE 1: The charge flowing through the imaginary surface is 0.16 C every
64 ms. Determine the current in amperes.

Current (4)
Simple, Basic electric circuit

electrons drift at uniform

velocity through the
circular cross section in
1 second, the flow of
charge, or current, is said
to be 1 ampere (A)
Note that

A 1 coulomb (C) of charge was defined as the total charge associated with

electrons. The charge associated with one electron can then be determined from
Current (5)
Example 2:
A conductor has a constant current of 5 A. How
many electrons pass a fixed point on the conductor
in one minute?

Total no. of charges pass in 1 min is given by
5 A = (5 C/s)(60 s/min) = 300 C/min
Total no. of electronics pass in 1 min is given
300 C/min
 1.87 x10 21
1.602 x10 C/electron
Current (6)
• A direct current (dc) is a current that remains constant with
• An alternating current (ac) is a current that varies sinusoidally
with time.
The direction of current flow

Positive ions Negative ions

DC vs. AC
• A current that remains constant with
time is called Direct Current (DC)
• Such current is represented by the
capital I, time varying current uses the
lowercase, i.
• A common source of DC is a battery.
• A current that varies sinusoidally with
time is called Alternating Current
• Mains power is an example of AC
Direction of Current
• The sign of the current indicates the direction in which
the charge is moving with reference to the direction of
interest we define.
• We need not use the direction that the charge moves
in as our reference, and often have no choice in the
• A positive current through a component is the same as
a negative current flowing in the opposite direction.
Voltage (1)
The term voltage (or potential difference) is encountered
practically every day. We have all replaced batteries in our
flashlights, answering machines, calculators, automobiles, and so
on, that had specific voltage ratings. We are aware that most outlets
in our homes are 220 volts.

vab  dw / dq
Voltage (2)
EXAMPLE: Find the potential difference between two points in
an electrical system if 60 J of energy are expended by a charge of
20 C between these two points.

Power and Energy (1)
• Power is the time rate of expending or absorbing energy,
measured in watts (W).
dw dw dq
• Mathematical expression: p    vi
dt dq dt

v v

– –

P = +vi p = –vi
absorbing power supplying power
Power and Energy (2)
• The law of conservation of energy

• Energy is the capacity to do work, measured in joules
t t
• Mathematical expression w   pdt   vidt
t0 t0
Circuit Elements (1)
Active Elements Passive Elements

• A dependent source is an active

element in which the source
quantity is controlled by another
voltage or current.
Independent Dependant • They have four different types:
sources sources VCVS, CCVS, VCCS, CCCS. Keep in
minds the signs of dependent
Circuit Elements (2)
Example 1:
Obtain the voltage v in the branch shown in the figure for i2 = 1A.


Voltage v is the sum of the current-

independent 10-V source and the
current-dependent voltage source vx.

Note that the factor 15 multiplying the

control current carries the units Ω.
Therefore, v = 10 + vx = 10 + 15(1) = 25 V
Circuit Elements (3)
Eexample 2:
• The circuit shown below is an example of using a
dependent source.
• The source on the right is controlled by the
current passing through element C.
Electric Circuit (1)
• An electric circuit is an interconnection of electrical
Electric Circuit (2)

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