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Freedom as the Foundation for

Moral Acts:
Freedom plays a significant role in shaping our moral behavior. It provides
individuals with the autonomy to make choices and act according to their own
values and beliefs. This freedom allows for the possibility of moral acts
because morality often involves making choices that align with one's personal
or societal ethical principles. Without freedom, moral choices and actions
would be limited or non-existent.
Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs,
traditions, and practices that characterize a particular
group of people. It encompasses the way people live,
communicate, and interact with one another within a
specific social context. Culture is not static; it can
evolve over time and may vary widely between
different groups, regions, or nations.
How Culture Defines Moral
Culture plays a significant role in shaping an individual's moral behavior in the following ways:

Norms and Values Socialization Cultural Relativism

Culture provides a framework for People are socialized into their Cultural relativism is a
defining what is considered respective cultures from a philosophical position that
morally right or wrong within a young age. During this process, asserts that moral values and
specific community. Norms and they learn the moral standards, judgments are culturally
values are often deeply ingrained values, and expectations of their determined. It suggests that
in a culture and influence culture, which in turn shape what is considered morally right
individual behavior. their moral behavior. or wrong can vary from one
culture to another.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is the belief that moral standards are relative to specific
cultures, and there is no universal moral truth. This perspective has both
advantages and dangers:

1. Respect for Cultural Diversity: Cultural relativism promotes
respect for the diversity of cultures and their unique moral codes. It
discourages ethnocentrism, the belief that one's own culture is
2. Avoiding Cultural Imperialism: It prevents the imposition of one
culture's moral values onto another, allowing for cultural autonomy
and self-determination.
• Moral Justification for Harmful Practices:

Cultural relativism can be used to justify practices that are

universally considered unethical, such as human rights
violations, discrimination, and oppression. It can undermine
efforts to address these issues.

2. Lack of Moral Progress:

By suggesting that there are no universal moral truths,

cultural relativism can hinder moral progress and the
development of ethical principles that transcend cultural
The Filipino Way
" T h e F i l i p i n o Wa y " i s a p h r a s e o f t e n u s e d t o d e s c r i b e t h e
unique cultural values, practices, and customs of the
F i l i p i n o p e o p l e . I t e n c o m p a s s e s t h e s e n s e o f c o m m u n i t y,
h o s p i t a l i t y, s t r o n g f a m i l y t i e s , a n d r e s p e c t f o r e l d e r s t h a t
are characteristic of Filipino culture. These cultural traits
influence Filipino moral behavior by emphasizing
cooperation, collectivism, and the importance of
relationships in decision-making.
Universal Values
Universal values are ethical principles that are considered to
be applicable and relevant across cultures and societies.
While cultural relativism emphasizes cultural diversity,
universal values assert that certain moral principles are
shared by humanity as a whole.
Examples of universal values include:

Human Rights Justice Compassion Honesty

The belief that all The principle of fairness The recognition of the The value
individuals have and equity in the importance of placed on
inherent rights to life, treatment of individuals, empathy and kindness truthfulness
liberty, and dignity, regardless of their toward others, and integrity in
regardless of their cultural context. irrespective of cultural all interactions,
culture or background. differences. regardless of
cultural norms.
Balancing cultural relativism with the recognition of universal
values is an ongoing challenge in the field of ethics and moral
philosophy. It requires navigating the complexities of cultural
diversity while upholding fundamental ethical principles that
promote the well-being and dignity of all individuals.
In summary, freedom enables moral actions, and culture
molds our moral behavior through shared norms and values.
Cultural relativism, while respecting diversity, can also
justify harm and hinder moral progress. "The Filipino Way"
illustrates how culture influences morality, while universal
values provide ethical standards transcending cultures.
Balancing cultural diversity with universal ethics is essential
for creating a just and compassionate society.

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