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Amiodarone Hydrochloride

Presented By :

Hamna Mubashir - 4530

Sumaiqa Bibi - 4559
Amiodarone Hydrochloride
This medication is used to treat certain types of
serious (possibly fatal) irregular heartbeat (such as
recurrent ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia). It is
used to restore normal heart rhythm and maintain
a regular, steady heartbeat
Mechanism of Action :
Indications :
Intravenous injection of amiodarone is used in cardiopulmonary resuscitation for
ventricular fibrillation or pulseless trachycardia unresponsive to other

Oral and IV amiodarone is used in the treatment of arrhythmias particularly

when the other drugs are ineffective or contraindicated

In the non-emergency settings it should only be initiated under

specialist supervisuon
Side Effects :
1 Amiodarone therapy can be proarrhythmogenic in
patients with significant structural heart disease

2 Amiodarone contains iodine and can cause both

hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

3 Liver toxicity can also occur , so liver biochemistry

should be measured before and then every 6 months of

4 Other side effects are reversible corneal microdeposits ,

phototoxic skin reactions , slate - grey skin pigmentation
and peripheral neuropathy
Preparation and Dosage
Tablets : 100 mg , 200 mg Injection : 30 mg/ml or
Concentrated 50 mg/ml

Oral :

Oral administration is 200 mg three times daily for 1 week reduced to 200 mg
twice daily for further week . The maintenance dose os usually 200 mg daily to
control arrhythmia.

Intravenous :

Intravenous administration is via central line catheter, initially 5 mg/kg in

250 ml glucose 5 % over 20-120 minutes with ECG monitoring . This may
be repeated if necessary to a maximum of 1.2 g in 23 hours in 500 ml . As
soon as an adequate response has been achieved , oral therapy should be
Contraindications :

It is contraindicated in sinus bradycardia, unless pacemaker is

fitted , iodine sensitivity and thyroid dysfunction

Many drugs interact with amiodarone, including warfarin and


It has a very long half-life and many months be

required to achieve steady state concentrations

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