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What’s a A mime is a form of art which’s silent.
mime? It’s non-verbal, with no dialogs and
focuses just on actions. A mime piece
uses, facial expressions, big gestures
and movements. A person who
performs a mime piece is also known as
a mime. A mime piece doesn’t even use
any props A mime usually wears white
and black clothing with the face painted
with white and eyes highlighted in
black. A mime also wears white gloves
and a cap however it’s not necessary for
one to wear caps or gloves.
Origin and
history of mime

Mime comes from Greeks and Romans

which refers that its very old. France is
where many people got inspired and
used it as an artform, mime flourished in
France. Mime first entered Paris in 1811.
In France mime became famous, schools
kids and actors everyone was inspired.
Exaggerated Action

Exaggerated Emotion

Elements of Energy

mime Precision

Expectations of reality

When one acts normally
they tend not to overreact
but when you don’t have
Exaggerated any verbal communication
you have to do everything
action extra. Your actions should
be understandable and for
that you need to make
bigger actions and louder
the emotion. May it
be happiness, anger
or lovesick…
everything needs to
be conveyed clearly
so that your audience
doesn’t get influenced
in the wrong manner.
To do so you have to
show all the emotions
in an exaggerated
manner. For example
Exaggerated emotion when crying…hold
your face, pull your
Exaggerate the amount of effort required to do
anything. If you have to open a heavy door
show it as if you are deadlifting the door. Put in
more effort and show the pain, happiness,
sadness and hype each action of yours so that
its more clear and noticeable. Everything
should be seen and noticed.
When we say precision we mean
exactly on point actions. Nothing
confusing or difficult to
understand should happen. All
the movements you do should be
carefully planned and thought
about before performing it.
Remember the audience can’t see
the object you are picking or
using…its imaginary so you have
to make sure you act in a way
that one can notice it properly.
Expectations of reality
Objects must not teleport into your
hands. Everything will come from a
place and go back there. Because it
has to make sense and shouldn’t be
random. Whatever you pick has to
be put back there and that’s what it
means to be careful with your props
in mime. Make sure the chair you
sat on is moved before you dance on
the same place.
Be consistent with your actions
and show the energy through
out. It shouldn’t be like you
started of very well and very
carefully but by the end your
prop was just in the air. Look at
fine details and use the same
details, carefulness, energy and
acting through out the whole
show. Keep a track of where
things are on the stage. Don’t
loose anything.
CARLOS Carlos Martnez was born in Pravia, Asturias, on

MARTÍN September 30, 1955. He went to Barcelona when

he was 12 years old, and while working in a
neighbourhood theatre, he discovered his passion
EZ for the theatrical arts. He studied under teachers
such as Manuel Carlos Lillo and Jorge Vera
(1982– 1987) at the pantomime school Taller de
Mimo y Teatro Contemporáneo (1980), the
performing arts school El Timbal (1981), and the
pantomime school Taller de Mimo y Teatro
Contemporáneo (1980). Carlos Martnez has
worked professionally as a mime actor since
1982. Carlos Martnez was born in Pravia,
Asturias, on September 30, 1955. He went to
Barcelona when he was 12 years old, and while
working in the neighbourhood, he discovered his
passion for the dramatic arts.
Link to the piece-

I really enjoyed watching this piece…it talked about

how WASTEAGE of water is bad for the
My favorite environment. Carlos is the actor who is acting in the
video. He comes up to the sink and opens the tap, he
washes his hands and realizes his watch is still on

drama piece his wrist so he takes it off while the water is still
running. He then takes off his ring, then is chain
and then washes his face while the water still rushes

analysis down the tap. Later he looks for a towel and can’t
find one so he leaves and lets the tap open. Then he
comes back and closes the tap and then leaves the
stage to grab the towel. This basically shows how we
waste water in the most careless ways one can. We
need to be careful about how we waste water in the
most silly ways. I am very impressed by the way the
mime expressed himself and conveyed his message,
it was really clear.
%20Elements%20in%20Mime.pdf. Accessed 29 Aug.

Lerber, Jean-Daniel von. “Calros Martinez.”

Carlosmartinez.Es, Jean-Daniel, Accessed 29 Aug. 2021.

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