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1. Express whether a statement is true

or false based on what you know.
• Heritage –
• property that descends to an heir.
• 2a : something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor
Literature It deals with ideas, thoughts
and emotions of man,
The word literature literature can be said to be
is the story of man.
derived from the Man’s loves, griefs,
Latin thoughts,
term litera which dreams and aspirations
means coached in beautiful
letter. language is literature.
Literature For Webster, literature
Brother Azurin said is anything that is
that “literature printed as long as it is
expresses the feelings related to the ideas
of people to society, to and feelings of people,
government, to his
whether it is true, or
surroundings, to his
fellowmen and to his just product of one’s
Divine Creator.” imagination.
Atienza, Ramos, Salazar to be happy in
and Nazal, says that his environment
“true literature is a piece
of written work which is and, after
undying. It expresses the struggles, to
feelings and emotions of
people in response to his
reach his
everyday efforts to live, Creator.”
Why Do We Need to
Study Philippine
We study literature so
that we can better Above all, as Filipinos,
appreciate our literary who truly love and take
heritage. pride in our own culture,
we have to manifest our
We need to understand deep concern for our own
that we have a great and literature and this we can
noble tradition which can do by studying the
serve as the means to literature of our country.
assimilate other cultures
Your Initial Task

In your notebook, write T if the statement is

true according to what you know and F if it
is false. Be ready to explain your answer
with a partner.
1. Philippine literature
existed even before the
Spaniards came.
2. Proverbs express the
unending wisdom of the
3. Proverbs
communicate only
traditional beliefs and
4. The form of proverbs
is chiefly poetic.
5. It is difficult to
preserve proverbs.

In terms of meaning, a word may be

synonymous (similar) or antonymous
(opposite) to another. Form the
correct pairs of synonyms and
antonyms used in the selection.
compiled- gathered comprehensive- limited
elders- ancestors simple- complex
native- indigenous brief- lengthy

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