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eye CBL

Let the game begins

‫القبضة الدامية‬

‫الكتكوت المفترس‬ ‫سبع الليل‬

‫العنكبوت النونو‬
‫اللي مايتسموش‬
Case 1
A mother coming to our outpatient clinic complaining that the eyes
of her 5-month-old girl have been tearing and red with discharge
crusting her lashes for a week. The mother says that the right eye of
her daughter has been tearing for 4 months.

*A- what additional history would you

ask about?
B- what other findings would you look
for on examination, and what other
tests may be helpful?
C- what is the most likely diagnosis and
its usual aetiology?
D- How would you treat this case?
Case 2
A 42-years old woman coming to outpatient clinic complaining that
her right eye has been tearing for a year . She reported that she
had previous multiple attacks of sudden pain, redness and
tenderness around her right eye especially in the medial canthal
A- what additional history would you ask her about?
B- what other findings would you look for on examination, and what
other tests may be helpful ?
C- what are the most likely diagnosis and other differential diagnosis?
D- what are the possible complications of this case and its
predisposing factors?
E- How would you treat this case?
Case 3
A mother coming to our outpatient clinic complaining that the eyes of
her 11-year-old son have been tearing ,red and itchy for 2 months. No
complain of change of vision but occasionally has some discharge. He
has tried Visine with minimal relief.
A- What additional history would you ask mother about?
B- what other findings would you look for on examination, and what
other tests may be helpful ?
C- what are the most likely diagnosis and other differential
D- What is the treatment ?
E- What are the possible complications?
Case 4
A 60-years old woman coming to outpatient clinic
reporting that her right eye has been irritated, red ,and
tearing for months. Artificial tears help briefly but don't
really alleviate the scratchy sensation she experiences
A- What other history would be helpful?
B- What are the diagnosis and possible aetiologies ?
C- What would you look for on examination to help
determine the cause?
D- what are the possible complications of this case ?
E- How would you manage this patient ?
Case 5: A 24-year-old female reported red itchy and watery eyes for the past month. Her
primary physician treated her with gentamicin E.D. for 2 weeks with no improvement. She
was then given Blephamide E.D. (Sulphacetamide + Dexamethasone) for 1 week, which
helped, but the symptoms recurred after she stopped the drops. She has not used any drops
for 1 week and she denies any change in VA or discharge.

A. Diagnosis.
B. Possible aetiologies.
C. What other signs would you
look for?
D. What are the causes of
membranous conjunctivitis?
May 2013

Corneal Thickness is measured by:

Enumerate three
lines of treatment:
1. ………
2. ………
3. ………
A. What is the
B. Indication?
A 23 year old girl
rented contact lenses
from her hair dresser.
A. What is the sign
pointed by the
B. Mention two lines
of treatment.
A. Name the test.
B. Treatment.
The arrow is
pointing at ……..
Mention methods
used to prevent
its recurrence
after surgical
1. ………
2. ………
A. Name this sign.
B. 2 Investigations
C. 3 lines of
Irrespective of the etiology of corneal ulcer, the drug
always indicated is:
May 2010

A 2 month old Egyptian male has excessive tearing from his left eye for
weeks. There is no conjunctival injection or evidence of purulent discharge.
Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is suspected.
The statement regarding this patient’s condition is which of the
A.Prophylactic topical antibiotic eye drops are not indicated
B.Probing of the nasolacrimal duct is indicated immediately
C.In most cases, the problem resolves within 10 months
D.Massaging of the lacrimal sac is not useful
May 2010

Which one of the following signs disappears with

A.Pannus siccus
B.Arlt’s line
C.Tranta’s spots
D.Arcus senilis
May 2010

A 50 year old male man is complaining of pain in his right eye for
several days, watering, photophobia and blurred vision. These
symptoms were recurrent. He also had an acute attack of common cold
the week before. Examination revealed normal fundus and normal IOP.
The most probable cause is:
A.Catarrhal conjunctivitis
B.Narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct
C.Chronic dacryocystitis
D.Dendritic ulcer
E.Narrow angle glaucoma
Jul 2011

Indications for penetrating keratoplasty include all the

following except:
A.Advanced keratinous
B.Macular dystrophy of the cornea
C.Thick corneal scar
D.Perforating corneal ulcer
E.Age related macular degeneration
What was the
Mention three
possible causes:
1. ………
2. ………
3. ………
Name these rings.
A. Diagnosis
B. 3 possible
C. 3 lines of
Metaherpetic corneal ulcer can be caused by:
A.Active herpetic infection
B.Immune reaction in the stroma
C.Stromal scarring
D.Epithelial toxicity to topical medications
Resistant bacterial corneal ulcer is not due to:
A.Diminshed corneal sensation
B.Dry eye
C.Virulent organism
A. Name the
B. Normal
Name this test
A farmer had a left eye injury with a piece of cotton wood,
two weeks later, he developed redness and defective vision.
He received broad spectrum antibiotic drops and ointments
for two weeks but he deteriorated more. The next step is:
A.Culture and sensitivity for specific antibiotics
B.Culture for virus
C.Culture for fungus
D.Culture for Acanthamoeba
Mention 2 lines
of treatment in
these mal-
directed lashes.
Mention three
possible causes:
1. ………
2. ………
3. ………

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