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Digital Citizenship

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"Netiquette" stands for "Internet Etiquette", and refers to the set of practices created over the years to make the Internet experience pleasant for everyone. Like other forms of etiquette, netiquette is primarily concerned with matters of courtesy in communications (


Rules of Netiquette
Rule 1: Remember the human. When you communicate electronically, all you see is a computer screen. You don't have the opportunity to use facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to communicate your meaning; words -- lonely written words -- are all you've got. And that goes for your correspondent as well.


Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards online that you follow in real life. Be ethical, breaking the law is bad netiquette. Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace. Whats perfectly acceptable in one area may be dreadfully rude in another. When you enter a domain of cyberspace thats new to you, take a look around.

Rule 4: Respect other peoples time and bandwidth. It's your responsibility to ensure that the time they spend reading your posting isn't wasted.

Rule 5: Make yourself look good online. Take advantage of your anonymity and know what your talking about and make sense. 4/22/12

Rule 6: Share expert


Rule 8: Respect other peoples privacy. Dont go through other peoples or colleagues email.

Rule 9: Don't abuse your power Knowing more than others, or having more power than they do, does not give you the right to take 4/22/12 advantage of them.

Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes Everyone was a network newbie once. And not everyone has had the benefit of reading this book. So when someone makes a mistake -- whether it's a spelling error or a spelling flame, a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer -- be kind about it. If it's a minor error, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before reacting. Having good manners yourself doesn't give you license to correct everyone else(




Printed Materials

less than 250 words


of 250 words from a poem greater than 250 words stories, or essays less than 2,500 words from a longer work (10% of work or 1,000 words, whichever is less--but a minimum of 500 words) chart, picture, diagram, graph, cartoon or picture per book or per periodical issue

Articles, Excerpt


What can you do?


may make multiple copies for classroom


may incorporate text in multimedia projects. Teachers may incorporate into multimedia for teaching courses. The Fine Print

One copy per student. Usage must be: At the "instance and inspiration of a single teacher" and when the time frame doesn't allow enough time for asking permission. Nine instances per class per term 4/22/12 (newspapers can be used more often). Don't create

Portions An

of a work

entire work

A work

if "the existing format in which a work is stored has become obsolete What can you do?

A librarian may make up to three copies "solely for the purpose of replacement of a copy that is damaged, deteriorating, lost or stolen." The Fine Line


Videotapes Videotape DVD Laser



Discs What can you do?


may use these materials in the classroom without restrictions of length, percentage, or multiple use


be copied for archival purposes or to replace

The Fine Print

The material must be legitimately acquired. It must be used in a classroom or similar place "dedicated to face-to-face instruction". Not for use as entertainment or reward. The use should be instructional. The place should be a nonprofit educational institution. If replacements are unavailable at a fair price or are available only in obsolete formats (e.g., betamax videos).



Video ("Motion Media") for Use in Multimedia Projects

Videotapes DVD Laser

Discs Movies (CD ROM) What can you do?




"may use portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted works in their academic multimedia", defined as 10% or three minutes (whichever is less) of "motion media 4/22/12


Video for Integration into Video Projects

Videotapes DVD Laser

Discs Movies (CD ROM) What can you do?



Students "may use portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted works in their academic multimedia. 4/22/12

Illustrations and Photographs

Photograph Illustration Collections Collections

of photographs of illustrations What can you do?

Single works may be used in their entirety but not more than 5 images by an artist or photographer. From a collection, not more than 15 images or 10%, 4/22/12 whichever is less.

Music for Integration into Multimedia /

Video Projects

What can you do? Up to 10% of a copyrighted musical composition may be reproduced, performed and displayed as part of a multimedia program produced by an educator or student for educational purposes. The Fine Print
4/22/12 Authorities site a maximum length of 30 seconds.

Computer Software
Software Software

purchased licensed What can you do?

Software may be lent by the library. Software may be installed at home and at school. Software may be installed on multiple machines. Software may be copied for archival use to replace lost, damaged, stolen, copies. Software can be distributed to users 4/22/12

Internet World


Wide Web What can you do?

Images may be downloaded for student projects. Sound files may be downloaded for use in projects. Video may be used in multimedia projects.

The Fine Print

Television/Cable Channels

For: Broadcast (e.g.,ABC,NBC, CBS, UPN, PBS,


Film or Filmstrip

millimeter films What can you do?


"Teachers may duplicate a single copy of a small portion...for teaching purposes The Fine Print These must be films or filmstrips that you own(http:// 4/22/12



What is plagiarism?
According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means
to to to to

steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own use (another's production) without crediting the source commit literary theft present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It 4/22/12 involves both stealing someone else's work and lying

All of the following are considered plagiarism:


in someone else's work as your own

copying failing giving

words or ideas from someone else without giving credit to put a quotation in quotation marks incorrect information about the source of a quotation words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether 4/22/12 you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use"

changing copying


Although there are plenty of tools that can be used to try to control or monitor what your kids are doing online, the best approach for most parents is that oldest of tools called conversation. Having an occasional chat with your kids about how theyre using technology can go a long way towards not only keeping them safer, but you saner.

Internet Issues for your Kids


sending or receiving suggestive, nude or partially nude, pictures or videos - The most effective antidote to bullying is a peer attitude that its not acceptable, not funny and not cool. Security People out there trying to steal your information to gain access to your bank accounts, credit cards, etc. Phones - Dont forget that kids who are using smart phones and even some regular cell phones have access to the web, texting, email, social networking sites and everything else 4/22/12




Safety Advice & Tools

A Parents' Child Child

Guide to Facebook

Safe Search Safety on the Information Highway privacy tools for Parents of Pre-teens for Parents of Teens Contract for Online Safety

Facebook Family

Guidelines Guidelines Index

of Safety Quiz Song


4/22/12 Safe Kids

Computer Safety


Computer Safety Tips

1) Use antivirus software and keep it up-todate. You should check for new definition updates daily. Most antivirus software can be configured to do this automatically. 2) Install security patches. Vulnerabilities in software are constantly being discovered and they don't discriminate by vendor or platform. It's not simply a matter of updating Windows; at least monthly, check for and apply updates for all software you use. 4/22/12

3) Use a firewall. No Internet connection is safe without one. Firewalls are necessary even if you have a dial-up Internet connection -- it takes only minutes for a non-firewalled computer to be infected.

4) Secure your browser. Many labor under the dangerous misconception that only Internet Explorer is a problem. It's not the browser you need to be concerned about. Nor is it a matter of simply avoiding certain 'types' of sites.

5) Take control of your email. Avoid opening email attachments received unexpectedly -- no matter who appears to have sent it. Remember that most worms and trojan-laden spam try to spoof the sender's name. And make sure your email client isn't leaving you open to infection. Reading email in plain text offers important security benefits that more than offset the loss of pretty colored fonts.

6) Treat IM suspiciously. Instant Messaging is a frequent target of worms and trojans. Treat it just as you would email. 4/22/12

7) Avoid P2P and distributed filesharing. Torrent, Kazaa, Gnutella, Morpheus and at least a dozen other filesharing networks exist. Most are free. And all are rife with trojans, viruses, worms, adware, spyware, and every other form of malicious code imaginable. There's no such thing as safe anonymous filesharing. Avoid it like the plague. 8) Keep abreast of Internet scams. Criminals think of clever ways to separate you from your hard earned cash. Don't get fooled by emails telling sad stories, or making unsolicited job offers, or promising lotto winnings. Likewise, beware of email masquerading as a security concern from your bank 4/22/12 or other eCommerce site.

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