Creative Non-Fiction-Factual-Fictional

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Creative Non-fiction Writing

Prepared by:
Cynthia R. Luay

1. Do a close reading of creative nonfictional

2. Identify the fictional elements in the text.
3. Analyze and interpret factual/nonfictional
aspects in the texts.
It is only with the heart that one
can see rightly: What is essential is
invisible to the eye.

Antoine de Saint Exupery

(The Little Prince)
It is only with the heart that one
can see rightly: What is essential is
invisible to the eye.

Antoine de Saint Exupery

(The Little Prince)
t t a f y o i n
It is only with the heart that one
m a rightly:
can see s What
s ais essential
c r is e
invisible to the eye.
m b s s a c y e
Antoine de Saint Exupery
c a f u(ThegLittleh w
Prince) g

a n e k u t e o
Elements of Creative Nonfiction

 Fact. The writing must be based on fact, rather than fiction. It cannot be made
 Extensive research. The piece of writing is based on primary research, such as
an interview or personal experience, and often secondary research, such as
gathering information from books, magazines, and newspapers.
 Reportage/reporting. The writer must be able to document events or personal
 Personal experience and personal opinion. Often, the writer includes personal
experience, feelings, thoughts, and opinions. For instance, when writing a
personal essay or memoir.
 Explanation/Exposition. The writer is required to explain the personal
experience or topic to the reader.
 Essay format. Creative nonfiction is often written in essay format. Example:
Personal Essay, Literary Journalistic essay, brief essay.
Literary Elements

 Storytelling/narration. The writer needs to be able to tell his/her story. A good story
includes an inciting incident, a goal, challenges and obstacles, a turning point, and resolution
of the story.
 Character. The nonfiction piece often requires a main character. Example: If a writer is
creating his/her memoir, then the writer is the central character.
 Setting and scene. The writer creates scenes that are action-oriented; include dialogue; and
contain vivid descriptions.
 Plot and plot structure. These are the main events that make up the story. In a personal
essay, there might be only one event. In a memoir, there are often several significant events.
 Figurative language. The writer often uses simile and metaphor to create an interesting
piece of creative nonfiction.
 Imagery. The writer constructs “word pictures” using sensory language. Imagery can be
figurative or literal.
 Point of view. Often the writer uses the first person “I.”
 Dialogue. These are the conversations spoken between people. It is an important
component of creative nonfiction.
 Theme. There is a central idea that is weaved through the essay or work. Often, the theme
reveals a universal truth.
The 5’Rs of Creative Nonfiction
• Creative nonfiction has a “real life” aspect. The writer constructs a personal essay, memoir,
and so forth, that is based on personal experience. He also writes about real people and
true events.
• Creative nonfiction is based on the writer engaging in personal “reflection” about what
he/she is writing about. After gathering information, the writer needs to analyze and assess
what he/she has collected. He then must evaluate it and expression his thoughts, views,
opinions. Personal opinion is permissible and encouraged.
• Creative nonfiction requires that the writer complete research. The writer needs to conduct
research to learn about the topic. The writer also needs to complete research to discover
what has been written about the topic. Even if a writer is crafting a personal essay, he will
need to complete secondary research, such as reviewing a personal journal, or primary
research, such as interviewing a friend or family member, to ensure that the information is
truthful and factual.
• The fourth aspect of creative nonfiction is reading. Reading while conducting research is not
sufficient. The writer must read the work of the masters of his profession.
• The final element of creative nonfiction is writing. Writing creative nonfiction is both an art
and craft. The art of creative nonfiction requires that the writer uses his talents, instincts,
creative abilities, and imagination to write memorable creative nonfiction. The craft of
creative nonfiction requires that the writer learn and deploy the style and techniques of
creative nonfiction in his/her work.
Types of Creative Nonfiction
 Personal Essay. The writer crafts and essay that is based on personal experience
or a single event, which results in significant personal meaning or a lesson
learned. The writer uses the first person “I.”
 Memoir. The writer constructs a true story about a time or period in his/life, one
that had significant personal meaning and a universal truth. The writer
composes the story using the first person “I.”
 Literary journalism essay. The writer crafts an essay about an issue or topic
using literary devices, such as the elements of fiction and figurative language.
 Autobiography. The writer composes his/her life story, from birth to the present,
using the first person “I.”
 Travel Writing. The writer crafts articles or essays about travel using literary
 Food writing. The writer crafts stories about food and cuisine using literary
 Profiles. The writer constructs biographies or essays on real people using literary
Taban Massacre

This tragic infamous incident etched in the annals of Alimodian history and
forever ingrained in the memories of the townsfolk took place in the early morning
of August 17, 1942.
It was a fine busy Tuesday morning and people were busy trading and buying
and selling of farm produce were briskly done and people of all ages and gender
crowded the marketplace. All of a sudden the Japanese appeared in a flash; the
first impulse is to escape but it was too late for most of the people there to get out.
The preconceived plan of getting all the able bodied men from the crowd was
carried out, seizing them and tied their hands and feet by the Japanese forces.

About 50 men were captured after all the rest successfully eluded the Japanese
while those who were left in the scene were women. Bayonets and sabers were
immediately put into action after lining up the captured 50 men who were securely
tied up. One by one, the captives were made to stand against the trunk of a
coconut tree. Immediately, each one of them was subjected to bayonet thrusts and
later beheaded with sabers; the massacre is completed and the severed heads of
the victims were left scattered around to be eaten and taken cared of by the dogs
after the murderers had gone.
Let Us Do the D.I!

1-Drama the EXPOSITION

3-Tablue the RISING ACTION
4-Pantomime the CLIMAX
5-Write a poem of the FALLING ACTION
• Rubrics:
– Delivery of the task-------- 10 pts.
– Creativity --------------------- 5 pts.
– Relativity of the task------- 5 pts.
Total-----------------20 pts.
On the HOTS seat!

1. In what category of non-fictional text does this story

belong? Which point of view is used? Why?
2. What is the setting of this selection? (Time and place) Is
it specific in this selection?
3. Who is the main character of this selection? What kind
of person is the character?
4. Is this selection of historical significance?
5. What conflicts are found in this selection? Explain each.
6. Why was the selection written? Is this important?
7. What is the theme of the selection?
Let’s see!

Reflect! Reflect!
What now?

In the same group, You will analyze

an assigned paragraph about
Pacquiao-Thurman’s fight in front
of the class. Make sure that you
will consider all the elements of
Creative Non-fiction.
Give that Element! (Matching Type)

1.Filipinos who are victims of the a. Imagery

Taban Massacre and the Japanese
2.The author himself is reporting the b. Theme
Events in the story.
3.the Japanese appeared in a flash c. Character
4. It was a fine busy Tuesday
morning d. Plot and plot structure
(Conflict) and
people were busy trading and
buying and selling of farm produce
were briskly done and people of all
ages and gender crowded the
Give that Element! (Matching Type)

5. Third person Omniscient e. Personal experience

and opinion
6. the massacre is completed
and the f. Figurative language
severed heads of the victims were
left scattered around to be eaten
and taken care of by the dogs.
7. This tragic infamous incident
etched in the annals of Alimodian
history g. Setting and scene
8. Better to die for freedom h. Reportage/reporting
Give that Element! (Matching Type)

9. All of a sudden the Japanese appeared i. Point of

in a flash; the first impulse is to escape
but it was too late for most of the
people there to get out.
10. About 50 men were captured after j. Factual
information all the rest successfully
eluded the Japanese while those who
were left in the scene were women.

• Write a memoir in one whole sheet of paper,

make sure to use the elements of creative writing

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