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Points To Discuss Today

 Persuasion
 Persuasive Essay and its Purposes
 Structure of a Persuasive Essay
 Persuasive Techniques
Writing A Persuasive Essay

 Is convincing others to change their point of view, agree
to a commitment, purchase a product or service or take a
course of action
Example Of Persuasion
 Chippers are the crispiest, crunchiest, and most delicious
brand of chips you will ever taste. Buy a bag today.
 A Lexi Mattress is the most comfortable bed you’ll ever
sleep on. Take a 30-day trial and see for yourself. If you’re
not satisfied, well come to your home, remove the mattress,
and refund you in full. You’ve got nothing to lose. What are
you waiting for? Give it a try now.
Persuasive Essay
 Any text the main purpose is to convince, motivate or
move the reader’s toward a certain view or opinion.
 The writer uses sentiment, experience, or facts to try to
sway the mind of the reader to do not or not do
something .
Persuasive text can be used to……
Purpose Persuasive Statement

• Make a change • Everyone should follow the law.

• Prove something wrong • Our president is the best leader.

• Support a cause • Please donate for the orphanage.

• Urge people to act • Stop disobeying quarantine rules!

• Get people to agree with you • I am sure that you’ll agree with me that the journalist are
frontliners too.
• Create interest • Gardening is a great hobby.

• Stir up sympathy • If we don’t extend our financial help, many people might starve.
Structure Of A
Persuasive Essay
A good persuasive essay should follow this structure

Introduction Conclusion
Introductory Paragraph
 Key elements of the introduction :

Title Hook

Background Thesis Statement

Body Paragraphs

Topic Sentence
Body Paragraph
Topic Sentence
- The topic sentence states the central point of the
- These sentences will build on the topic sentence by
illustrating the point further, often by making it more specific.
Body Paragraph
- The purpose of these sentences is to support the
paragraph’s central point by providing supporting evidence
and examples.
- Provide a bridge into the next paragraph at the end of
the current paragraph by using transition that links to the
next paragraph and the main idea or thesis statement
 This weaves together the main points of the persuasive
Reminder: Do not introduce any new information into
the conclusion; rather, synthesize the information
presented in the body of the essay .
Persuasive Techniques

Call to Action

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