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Know the World, Change the World

‫جہاں بانی سے ہے دشوار تر کار جہاں بینی‬

‫جگر خوں ہو تو چشم دل میں ہوتی ہے نظر پیدا‬

Everything should be kept as simple as possible, but no simpler.

(Albert Einstein)

It's never simple to keep things simple. Simple solutions require

the most advanced thinking.”

Simplicity is complex. It's never simple to keep things simple.

Simple solutions require the most advanced thinking. (Richie

Epochs of Human Progress
‫)‪Pre-history - (skills to survive‬‬
‫)‪Agrarian Economy (skills to work with nature‬‬
‫)‪Industrial Economy (skills to work with machines‬‬
‫)‪Service Economy (skills to work with people‬‬
‫)‪Knowledge Economy (skills to work with information‬‬

‫‪Tools become more sophisticated as we progress through‬‬


‫روح ارضی آدم کا استقبال کرتی ہے‬

‫کھول آنکھ‪ ،‬زمیں دیکھ‪ ،‬فلک دیکھ‪ ،‬فضا دیکھ‬

‫مشرق سے ابھرتے ہوئے سورج کو ذرا دیکھ‬
‫اس جلوئہ بے پردہ کو پردوں میں چھپا دیکھ‬
‫ایام جدائی کے ستم دیکھ‪ ،‬جفا دیکھ‬
‫!بے تاب نہ ہو معرکہء بیم و رجا دیکھ‬

‫ہیں تیرے تصرف میں یہ بادل‪ ،‬یہ گھٹائیں‬

‫یہ گنبد افالک‪ ،‬یہ خاموش فضائیں‬
‫یہ کوہ یہ صحرا‪ ،‬یہ سمندر یہ ہوائیں‬
‫تھیں پیش نظر کل تو فرشتوں کی ادائیں‬
‫!آئینہء ایام میں آج اپنی ادا دیکھ‬

‫سمجھے گا زمانہ تری آنکھوں کے اشارے‬

‫دیکھیں گے تجھے دور سے گردوں کے ستارے‬
‫ناپید ترے بحر تخیل کے کنارے‬
‫پہنچیں گے فلک تک تری آہوں کے شرارے‬
‫!تعمیر خودی کر‪ ،‬اثر آہ رسا دیکھ‬

‫خورشید جہاں تاب کی ضو تیرے شرر میں‬

‫آباد ہے اک تازہ جہاں تیرے ہنر میں‬
‫جچتے نہیں بخشے ہوئے فردوس نظر میں‬
‫جنت تری پنہاں ہے ترے خون جگر میں‬
‫!اے پیکر گل کوشش پیہم کی جزا دیکھ‬

‫نالندہ ترے عود کا ہر تار ازل سے‬

‫تو جنس محبت کا خریدار ازل سے‬
‫تو پیر صنم خانہء اسرار ازل سے‬
‫محنت کش و خوں ریز و کم آزار ازل سے‬
‫!ہے راکب تقدیر جہاں تیری رضا‪ ،‬دیکھ‬


‫)‪The wealth of nations (It's the economy, stupid‬‬
Among things that humans have excelled compared to other
species: communication, planning, organizing, social structures,
creating an economy (produce, store, trade, profit and loss) and
their ability to store, process and communicate

Factors of production: Land, Labour, Capital, Enterprise

•Capital (money, plant & machinery)

•Land (land, raw materials, buildings)
•Labour: ability to work with tools and materials as directed.
•Enterprise: Another name for intelligence, ability to create and
implement a plan for utilizing land, labour and capital in a
profitable way.

Understanding Information
•Idea: a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
•Thought: an idea or opinion produced by thinking, or occurring
suddenly in the mind. Similar: idea, notion, line of thinking,
belief, concept

The Information Pyramid: Levels of Information



The Mind & The Hand (Ideas & Action)
•Skills: intelligence
•Tools: intelligence amplifiers (reduce time, labour, cost, human

Skills for all the centuries

•Critical Thinking

Skills with Tools

A tool is any instrument or simple piece of equipment that you
hold in your hands and use to do a particular kind of work. For
example, spades, hammers, and knives are all tools. I find the
best tool for the purpose is a pair of shears. Synonyms:
implement, device, appliance, apparatus More Synonyms of

A fool with the tool is still a fool.


Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and all that ChatGPT

stuff - a tool, learn to use


Learning: A lifelong process whereby you keep improving your
overall intelligence.

Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and


Components of intelligence:
•IQ: Intelligence Quotient
•EQ: Emotional Intelligence
•S3Q: Social, Skills, Spiritual

Teaching & Learning

•The tree of learning
•Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. (George Bernard
•Teaching is the profession that creates all other professions.
•An ordinary teacher tells, a good teacher explains, a better
teacher demonstrates, the excellent teacher inspires.
•If your actions inspire others to do more or become more then
you are a leader.
•Actions speak louder than words.
•Inspiring means to motivate into action - Change potential
energy into kinetic energy.
•Motion means movement - work gets done!
•Work gets done - positive change happens!

•Change is the only thing permanent in life.
•You can change the world.
•In order to be able to change the world you have to first
understand the world and change yourself by improving your
•Be open to new ideas.
•Learn by doing.

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