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RA 6975 RA 8551 RA 9708

RA 6975 Established the RA 8551 changed the name to

"Philippine National Police" as the "Philippine National Police
the name of the law Organization" (PNP)
enforcement agency.
RA 6975 laid the foundation for RA 8551 restructured the PNP
the PNP as a merger of the further and introduced changes
Philippine Constabulary and in its organization and rank
Integrated National Police. classification.
RA 6975 had its rank and RA 8551 introduced a different RA 9708 clarified and further
position classification system. rank and position classification improved the rank classification
system for the PNP and promotion systems within
the PNP, ensuring a more
structured and merit-based
RA 6975 did not establish RA 8551 created the National
detailed guidelines for selection Police Commission
and promotion boards. (NAPOLCOM) and introduced a
more transparent and merit-
based system for selection and
promotion of police officers.
RA 6975 RA 8551 RA 9708
RA 6975 did not contain specific RA 8551 provided for a retirement Compulsory Retirement: The law
provisions regarding retirement and separation benefits system for introduced compulsory retirement
benefits. PNPO personnel, addressing their at the age of 56 for PNP personnel
long-term welfare. to ensure that the organization
remains young, dynamic, and
RA 6975 did not explicitly establish RA 8551 created the IAS within the PNP Dismissal and Removal
an Internal Affairs Service. PNPO to investigate and address Powers: RA 9708 empowered the
allegations of wrongdoing or Chief of the PNP to dismiss or
misconduct by police officers. remove PNP personnel found
guilty of serious offenses, subject
to the approval of the
While RA 6975 supported RA 8551 gave more focus to Role of the PNP in the Community:
community policing, it was not as community-oriented policing and RA 9708 emphasized the
detailed in its emphasis. citizen involvement in maintaining community-oriented approach and
peace and order. partnership with the community in
the maintenance of peace and
RA 6975 RA 8551 RA 9708
RA 6975 provided for the RA 8551 abolished the PNP Cadet Corps: It
establishment of a National National Police Training established the PNP Cadet
Police Training Institute. Institute and transferred its Corps within the Philippine
functions to the Philippine Public Safety College for the
Public Safety College. training and education of future
PNP officers.
RA 6975 provided certain fiscal RA 8551 enhanced the fiscal
autonomy to the PNP. autonomy of the PNP, giving it
more control over its budget
and finances.

RA 8551 introduced various Performance Evaluation: The

administrative changes aimed law enhanced performance
at improving the overall evaluation systems to assess
efficiency, transparency, and the competence, integrity, and
professionalism of the PNPO. professionalism of PNP
RA 6975 - laid the initial groundwork for the Philippine National Police, while RA 8551 introduced
significant reforms and changes to the organization, structure, rank classification, selection and
promotion processes, retirement benefits, and other aspects of the Philippine National Police
Organization (PNPO), aiming to modernize and professionalize the police force and ensure

RA 8551 - aimed to modernize and professionalize the PNP and ensure accountability and transparency
in its operations. It introduced reforms to the organizational structure, promotion and selection processes,
and other aspects of the Philippine National Police

RA 9708 - introduced amendments and changes to the legal framework established by RA 8551 and, by
extension, RA 6975. It refined and further improved certain aspects of the Philippine National Police
(PNP) organization.

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