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The act of incorporating and
Embracing individuals with
Diverse backgrounds, abilities,
And characteristics into a
Community or
Strategies and approaches that
Promote the participation
And success of all
Individuals, regardless of their
Differences or disabilities
The underlying structures or
Systems that guide
And shape inclusive
Education policies
And practices.
The understanding and
Interpretation of what
Constitutes a disability, which
Can vary across different
Contexts and culture.
A cooperative and interactive
Approach that involves
Multiple stakeholders
Working together
Towards a common
• Teachers
• Administrators
• school staff
• Government official
• The community
An approach to education
That aims to provide equal
Opportunities and access
To quality education for all
Students, including those with
Additional needs
Or disabilities

Set the parameters
For Inclusion
An approach to educational
Programming that emphasizes
The government’s obligation
To fulfill the right to
Education for all individuals,
Including those with
Additional needs.
Ensuring that inclusive
Education practices are
Applied in a standardized
And consistent manner
Across all schools
and regions.
Build key people
The process of providing
Educators with the
Knowledge, skills, and
Strategies needed
To effectively teach
Students with
Diverse learning needs.
Approaches to teaching
That are supported by
Research and have been
Proven to be effective in
Promoting student
Learning and achievement
Support services and
Resources provided to students
With additional needs
To help them succeed
Academically and socially
Customizing educational
Approaches and support
Services to meet the
Specific requirements and
abilities of individual students
With additional needs
Identify and Eradicate
Refers to the specific
Requirements and
Support that the students may
Require in order to fully
Participate in the educational
Setting, based on their
Individual circumstances and
Attitude, values systems,
Misconceptions, and
Societal norms
These can lead to prejudices
And resistance to implementing
Inclusive practices.
Physical Barriers
The lack of accessibility
In buildings, facilities,
Or roads that can hindetr
A rigid “ one size fits all”
Approach that doesn’t
Accommodate individual
Differences, limiting
Learning and growth
Lack of teacher training
And low teacher efficacy
Insufficient training in
Teaching strategies,
Curriculum frameworks,
Behavior management,
And low teacher confidence in
Implementing inclusive
Lack of funding
Insufficient financial
Resources that limit the
Ability to train teachers,
Develop appropriate
Programs and materials,
And provide necessary
Lack of Policies
Absence or inadequacy
Of policies that can unite
Beliefs and allocate
Resources, leading to
Inaction and lack of
Organization of
Educational Systems
Centralized systems
That may create a
Disconnect between policy
Implementation and the
Actualimpact on learners
And other stakeholders
Too much focus on
Performance-based standards
Excessive emphasis on
Standardized test scores,
Leading some schools to
Resist inclusion for fear
Of lower rankings due to
The presence of learners
With additional needs.

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