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• Determine whether each sequence is an arithmetic. If YES,

state its common difference.
1. -2, 1, 4, 7, 11, …….
ANSWER: No! =(

2. 10.5, 8, 5.5, 3, 0.5, …….

ANSWER: Yes! =) d = -2.5

3. 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, …….

ANSWER: Yes! =) d = 8
* How did you obtain your answers?
Activity 2: THINK OF THESE?!
• Consider the arithmetic sequence:
5, 8, 11, 14, 17, …..
Answer each question:
1. What is the 50th term?
2. Which term is 98?

*What will you do in order to arrive at the correct answer?

Arithmetic Sequences
and Means
Module 5 & 6 (FIRST QUARTER)
Your Goals in todays’ session:
• Determines the nth term of an arithmetic sequence.
• Determines the arithmetic means of an arithmetic sequence.
Module 6
Points to Remember:
Arithmetic Sequence – it is a sequence whose each pair of
consecutive terms have a common difference.

- The sequence a1, a2, a3, ……, an is arithmetic if there is a

number d such that:
a2 – a1 = d, a3 – a2 = d, a4 – a3 = d, …. an – an – 1 = d

- The number d is the called common difference.

Points to Remember:
Formula: nth term of an Arithmetic Sequence

- The nth term, an, of an arithmetic sequence with first term,

a1, and common difference, d, is given by:
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Sequence
1. Given: -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, ……
a.) Write the formula (general term)
SOLUTION: a1 = -1; d = 2; an = ?
we have: an = (-1) + (n-1)(2)
an = -1 + 2n - 2
an = 2n-3

b.) Find the 20th term.

SOLUTION: n = 20; a20 = ?
Using, an = 2n-3; we have: a20 = 2(20)-3
thus: a20 = 37
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Sequence
1. Given: -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, ……
c.) Which term is 85?
SOLUTION: an = 85; n = ?
Again using: an = 2n-3
we have: 85 = 2n-3;
88 = 2n; therefore n = 44.
Hence, 85 is the 44th term of the sequence.
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Sequence
2. The third and eighth term of an arithmetic sequence are
22 and 12, respectively. Find the common difference, first
term and the 101st term.
SOLUTION: a3 = 22; a8 = 12; n =101; d =?; a1 = ? ; a101 =?
we have: 22 = a1 + (3-1)d & 12 = a1 + (8-1)d
*22 = a1 + 2d & **12 = a1 + 7d
-10 = 5d; which implies that d = -2.
To solve for a1 we can use either * or **.
Using * we have: 22 = a1 + 2(-2); thus: a1 = 26.
Finally, to solve for a101, we have: a101 = 26 + (101-1)(-2)
Therefore: a101 = - 174
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Sequence
3. If x+3, 9x, 5x+9,… forms an arithmetic sequence, then
what is the value of x and its 21st term?
SOLUTION: a1 = x+3; a2 = 9x & a3 = 5x+9; x =? ; a21 =?
By definition: a3 – a2 = a2 – a1
Thus, (5x+9)- (9x) = (9x) – (x+3)
we have: - 4x + 9 = 8x - 3 → -12x = -12
Therefore, x = 1
- The arithmetic sequence is 4, 9, 14, ……
*To find the 21st term, using
SOLUTION: a1 = 4; n = 21; a21 = ?
We have: a21 = 4 + (21-1)(5) → a21 = 104
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Sequence
4. How many multiples of four are there between 100 &
The sequence is 104, 108, 112, ….., 492, 496. (Why?)
Given: a1 = 104; d = 4; an = 496; n = ?
we have: 496 = 104 + (n-1)(4) → 392 = 4n - 4
4n = 396 → n = 99
Therefore, there are 99 numbers that are multiples of four
between 100 & 500.
Activity 3: Your Turn! =) [ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE]
Answer each:

1. Given: 16, 10, 4, -2, -8, ……

a. Find the formula (general term)
b. What is the 26th term?
c. Which term is -40?

2. The 5th and 12th term of an arithmetic sequence are 17

and 31, respectively. What is the common difference, the
first term and its 20th term?
Activity 3: Your Turn! =) [ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE]
Answer each:

3. If -x, 3x+5, 2x, forms an arithmetic sequence, then must

be the value of x and its 10th term?

4. How many two-digit numbers are there that is divisible

by 3?
Module 5
Activity 4: What is your AVERAGE?
• When we hear the word “AVERAGE” what is first thing
that comes into your mind?

• Where do we usually encounter this word? Give an


• What do we mean if your asked to find the average

weight of the students in your class?
Points to Remember:
Arithmetic Mean– the sum of all the numbers in a data set
divided by the quantity of numbers in that set. Usually called as

Example: The arithmetic mean or average between 28, 36, 22

and 34 is 30.

SOLUTION: (28+36+22+34)/4 = 30
Points to Remember:
Arithmetic Mean – all terms between any two nonconsecutive
terms of an arithmetic sequence.

In the arithmetic sequence: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, …….
The three arithmetic means between 1 and 29 are 8, 15, and
22. Furthermore, 8 is the first arithmetic mean, 15 is the
second mean and 22 is the third arithmetic mean.
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Mean
A. Find the arithmetic mean between the given set of numbers.

1. - 2 and 18 2. 3.5 and 8.7

SOLUTION: (-2+18)/2 =8 SOLUTION: (3.5+8.7)/2 = 6.1

3. – 4, 10 and –9 4. &
(-4+10-9)/3 = -1 ( =
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Mean
B. Insert the indicated arithmetic means between the two
given terms.
1. 2 and 8; [2]
SOLUTION: Let a1 = 2; a4 = 8
→ 2, __ , __ , 8 → Let us solve for d first.
Using, → 8 = (2)+(4-1)(d) → 6 = 3d
Hence, d = 2. Then, we can now solve for a2 & a3.
a2 = a1 + d = (2) + (2) → a2 = 4.
a3 = a1 + 2d = (2) + 2(2) → a3 = 6.
*Therefore, the two arithmetic means that can be inserted
between 2 & 8 are 4 and 6.
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Mean
B. Insert the indicated arithmetic means between the two
given terms.
2. -10 and 2; [3]
SOLUTION: Let a1 = -10; a5 = 2
→ -10, __ , __ , __ , 2 → Let us solve for d first.
Using, → 2 = (-10)+(5-1)(d) → 12 = 4d
Hence, d = 3. Then, we can now solve for a2, a3 & a4.
a2 = a1 + d = (-10) + (3) → a2 = -7.
a3 = a2 + d = (-7) + (3) → a3 = -4.
a4 = a3 + d = (-4) + (3) → a4 = -1.
*Therefore, the three arithmetic means inserted between
-10 and 2 are -7, - 4 & - 1.
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Mean
B. Insert the indicated arithmetic means between the two
given terms.
2. -10 and 2; [3]
ANOTHER SOLUTION: Let a1 = -10; a5 = 2
→ -10, __ , __ , __ , 2; Notice that a3 is the average between
a1 & a5; a2 is the average between a1 & a3 and lastly, a4 is
the average between a3 & a5.
Hence, a3 = (-10+2)/2 = -4; a2 = (-10-4)/2 = -7
a4 = (-4+2)/2 = -1
*Therefore, the three arithmetic means inserted between
-10 and 2 are -7, - 4 & - 1.
Illustrative Examples: Arithmetic Mean
B. Insert the indicated arithmetic means between the two
given terms.
3. 20 and 0; [4]
SOLUTION: Let a1 = 20; a6 = 0
→ 20, __ , __ , __ , __ , 0 → Let us solve for d first.
Using, → 0 = (20)+(6-1)(d) → -20 = 5d
Hence, d = -4. Then, we can now solve for a2, a3, a4 & a5.
a2 = a1 + d = 20 +(-4) = 16; a3 = a2 + d = 16 +(-4) = 12
a4 = a3 + d = 12 +(-4) = 8; a5 = a4 + d = 8 +(-4) = 4
*Therefore, the four arithmetic means that can be inserted
between 20 & 0 are 16, 12, 8 and 4.
Activity 5: Your Turn! =) [ARITHMETIC MEAN]
Answer each:

A. Find the arithmetic mean between the given set of numbers.

1. 5 and 26 2. -3, -8 and 5 3. 2, 9, -7 & -12

B. Insert the indicated arithmetic means between the two

given terms.

1. 3 and 39; [3] 2. 50 and 85; [4]

1. How do we determine the nth term of an arithmetic
sequence? State the formula.

2. What do we mean by the arithmetic mean between the

given numbers?

3. How do we insert the indicated number of arithmetic

means between the two given terms? When can we use the
“average method”?

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