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Expressionism Impressionism
• The term "Expressionism" was • Impressionism is a French
originally used in visual and movement in the late 19th and
literary arts. It was probably early 20th centuries. The
first applied to music in 1918, sentimental melodies and
especially to Schoenberg dramatic emotionalism of the
because, like the painter preceding Romantic Period,
Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), whose themes and melody are
he veered away from easy to recognize and enjoy, were
"traditional forms of beauty" to being replaced in favor of moods
convey powerful feelings in his and impressions.
John Cage’s Four Minutes and 33 seconds
• John Cage was known as one of the 20th-century composers
with the broadest array of sounds in his works. Cage was born in
Los Angeles, California, USA, on September 5, 1912 and became
one of the most original composers in the history of western
• He challenged the very idea of music by manipulating musical
instruments to attain new sounds and became the "chance music."
• Cage became notable for his work The Four Minutes and 33
Seconds (4'33"), a chance musical work that instructed the
pianist to merely open the piano lid and remain silent for the
length of time indicated by the title.
20 Century Musical Styles

Chance Music
Electronic Music / Concrete Music
• also known as Aleatoric music, refers to a style in
• Musique concrete, or concrete music is a which the piece always sounds differently at
every performance because of the random
music that uses the tape recorder. Any
techniques of production, including the use of
sound that the composer will hear in his
ring modulators or natural elements that become
surroundings will be recorded. These
a part of the music. Most of the sounds
sounds are arranged by the composer in
emanating from the surroundings, both natural
different ways, like playing the tape
and man-made, such as honking cars, rustling
recorder in its fastest mode or reverse. In
leaves, blowing wind, dripping water, or a ringing
musique concrete, the composer can
phone. An example of Chance music is John
experiment with different sounds that
Cage's Four Minutes and Thirty-Three Seconds
cannot be produced by regular musical
(4'33"), where the pianist merely opens the
instruments such as the piano or the
piano lid and keeps silent for the duration of the
piece. The audience hears a variety of noises
inside and outside the concert hall amidst the
seeming silence.
Claude Debussy
• One of the most influential and leading composers of the 20th
century. He was the principal exponent of the impressionist
movement and the inspiration for other impressionist
composers. He reformed the course of musical development by
eradicating traditional rules and conventions into a new language
of possibilities in harmony, rhythm, form, texture, and color.
• He composed a total of more or less 227 masterpieces
• He was known as the "Father of the Modern School of
• Claire de Lune (Moonlight)-The third and most famous
movement of Suite bergamasque
• Arnold Schoenberg was born on September 13, 1874 in a working-class
suburb of Vienna, Austria. He taught himself music theory but took
lessons in counterpoint. His works were greatly influenced by the
German composer Richard Wagner as evident in his symphonic poem
Pelleas et Melisande, Op. 5 (1903), a counterpoint of Debussy's opera of
the same title.
• His works include the following: • Verklarte Nacht • Three Pieces for
Piano, op. 11 • Pierrot Lunaire • Violin Concerto • Skandalkonzert, a
concert of the Wiener Konzertverein.
• Although full of melodic and lyrical interest, his music was also extremely
complex, creating heavy demands on the listener. He experienced
Triskaidekaphobia (fear of number 13). Schoenberg died on July 13, 1951
in Los Angeles, California, the USA, where he had settled since 1934
George Gershwin
• Great talent as a melodist in both popular and classical genres and for
his chamber and orchestral works that ingeniously blend the forms
and techniques of classical music with elements of popular song and
• At 25, Gershwin wrote what is arguably his most famous work:
Rhapsody in Blue.
• Wrote more than 500 songs.
• Characteristics of Impressionism art
• They used pure unmixed colors side by side using short, broken strokes for more visual effect
on the subject.
• Characteristics of Expressionism art
• created works with more emotional force, and not on realistic or natural images. To attain this, they used
distorted outlines, unrealistic or unnatural images. Their works are not actually what they see in the physical
world, but depend on their imaginations and feelings.
• Characteristics of Optical art
• Op art is another art movement that gives a visual experience – a form of "action painting,"
taking place in the viewer's eye, giving the illusion of movement.
• Characteristics of Social Realism
• an art movement that expresses the artist's role in social reform. The artists used their works
to show protest against the injustices, inequalities immorality, and other concerns of the
human condition.
• Characteristics of Cubism
• The cubist style was derived from the word cube, a three-dimensional geometric
figure composed of lines, planes, and angles.
Elements of Performance Art

• Performance art is a form of modern art in which the actions of an

individual or a group of a particular place and at a particular time
constitute the work. It involves four basic elements, namely: time,
space, the performer's body, and a relationship between the
performer and audience. The performer himself or herself is the artist
Expressionism and abstractionism similarity

• expressionism is a movement in the arts in which the artist did not

depict objective reality, but rather a subjective expression of their
inner experiences while abstractionism is the creation, principles, or
ideals of abstractions, in particular art .

• Review on Modern Filipino Artist

• Cubism – Vicente Manansala
• Abstract Expressionism – Jose Joya
Madonna and the Slums Message Issue reflected on Jeepneys by Manansala

His Madonna of the Slums is a portrayal of a mother and child from the countryside who
became urban shanty residents once in the city. In his Jeepneys, Manansala combined the
elements of provincial folk culture with the congestion issues of the city.
Tips to maintain a healthy weight.
1. Eat breakfast every day.
2. Pack your lunch.
3. Eat healthy snacks and try not to skip meals.
4. Take dinner with your family.
5. Be involved in grocery shopping and meal
planning at home.

Heart Rate and computation on RPE

Benefits of the Weight-Bearing Strength Training Exercises
With a good strength training program, a learner will:
1. have an increase in muscle strength;
2. strengthen tendons and ligaments;
3. improve in a range of motion joints;
4. have a reduction of body fat and increase in lean muscle
5. potentially improve his/her blood pressure levels;
6. gain positive changes in levels of blood cholesterol;
7. gain an improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin
sensitivity; and
8. gain overall strength, balance, and functional ability.
 Basic Strengthening exercises: Push up, Superman, Crunches, Squats

 Set and Reps

Precautionary Measures
1. Have a beginner's mindset.
2. Listen to your body.
3. Do your pose, do not copy your neighbor.
4. Look for your good edge.
5. Choose the right teacher and approach.
YOGA is an activity that originated in India. It is derived from the word Yuj, which
means "to add," "to join," or "to attach." It is an ancient form of exercise that builds
the strength and flexibility of a person. It is also considered as a therapy that boosts
physical and mental well-being. The main components of yoga are posture and

 Types of Yoga: Hatha, Vinyasa, Iyengar, Bikram

• Example of Reliable source of information
• Criteria of Health Information and Services

• Healthcare providers
• Physician with their specializations: Cardiologist, Dermatologist, Geriatrician,
• Complimentary and Alternative Medicines: Biology- based practices,
Body based, energy medicines, mind body medicines
• Acupuncture
• Importance of consumer laws
• Local Agencies responsible for health services: DOH, PDEA,FDA,DTI
• Learn how to calm yourself and relax;
• Pause if you are confused, rest and try to read again;
• Do not forget to ask help, ask your classmates, ask your teachers;
• Ask yourself, what will be your limit, how long can you endure
studying and how long can you still read;
• Learn;
• Learn what you have learn;
• Learn how you learn what you had learned to fully learn what you
• Be happy.

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