Present Perfect Tense Yunila

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Present Perfect Tense is a form of verb that is used to express an
action or situation that has started in the past and is still continuing
until now or has finished at a certain point in time in the past but its
effects are still continuing.

Present Perfect Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang

digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi yang telah
dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah
selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu namun efeknya
masih berlanjut.
Social Function

o To express an event that has occurred or has been done

o States something that happened at some time in the
past that is still related to the present
o Talk about experiences but not specifically
o Shows a change
o Declare an achhievement
(+) Subject + have + verb 3
(-) Subject + have + not + verb 3
(?) Have + subject + verb 3 + ?

Example :
(+) They have lived in Jakarta for a long time
(-) They have not lived in Jakarta for a long time
(?) Have they lived in Jakarta for a long time?
Adverbs yang biasa mengekspresikan
Present Perfect Tense

 Yet (belum)
 Already (sudah)
 Just (hanya)
 Ever (pernah)
 Never (tidak pernah)
Auxiliary verb have atau has
• Have digunakan untuk I, you, dan plural subject seperti
a) Plural pronoun (they, we)
b) Plural noun (boys, men)
c) Compouns subject dengan kata hubung “and” (you and I, Tom and Jack)
• Sedangkan has untuk singular subject, seperti:
a) Third-person singular pronoun (he, she, it)
b) Singular noun (Tom, man)

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