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mirjam nilsson

To discuss the meaning
of lifestyle

To identify the different

agenda lifestyle factors and
their importance

The way in which an individual
lives is called lifestyle. This
includes the typical patterns of an
individual’s behavior like everyday
routine at home, in school, or at
work; eating, sleeping, and
exercise habits, and many others.
These patterns of behavior are
related to elevated or reduced
health risk.
20XX presentation title 3
Teenagers like you may have practices or
habits at home or in school that either elevate
or reduce health risks.

*Do you spend a lot of your time at home just

sitting down and doing nothing?
*Do you move a lot by helping out at home,
cleaning your house for example?
*Do you love eating fruits and vegetables? Or
do you prefer junk food or fast food?

Teenagers like you should be more aware on

how your nutritional practices can affect
your health..

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Managing your lifestyle entails
making modifications in your
routine especially in those aspects
that elevate health risks. Food
choice, physical activity, and
eating habits are some of the
aspects of your lifestyle that can
be modified to improve it. The
idea is that for health risks to be
reduced, changes in your lifestyle
should be made.
20XX presentation title 5
Risk factors are variables in your
lifestyle that may lead to certain
diseases. Many aspects of your
lifestyle can be considered risk
factors. Aside from genetics or
heredity, age and physical make-
up are some of the factors that
cannot be changed; however,
your lifestyle can go around these
factors to gain more benefits.

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An unhealthy lifestyle brings with
it certain diseases that can shorten
your lifespan. These diseases,
known as non-communicable
diseases (NCDs), are not
transmitted from person to person,
yet kill more than 36 million people
each year. Also called chronic
diseases, they are of long duration,
and are generally of slow
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The four main types of NCDs are
cardiovascular diseases :

It is important that these
risks factors are addressed
even at your teenage years.
You could start by being
more active, adding
physical activity sessions to
your daily routine, or by
being a healthy eater, opting
for more nutritious
20XX presentation title 10
The concepts of weight gain and weight loss are
important in weight management
. How to gain and lose weight are probably some of
the more common issues when it comes to health.
Along with this concept is weight maintenance. To
understand it in simple terms, energy expenditure is
the amount of energy you spend through physical
activity, while energy consumption is the amount of
energy you take in through food. They both play
key roles in weight management.
A simple formula is shown here

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Body Mass Index (BMI).
It is a rough measure of body composition
that is useful for classifying the health risks
of body weight. It is also based on the
concept that a person’s weight should be Click icon to add picture
proportional to height.
BMI is calculated by dividing your body
weight (expressed in kilograms) by the
square of your height (expressed in

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Weight Gain
= energy consumed is greater than energy expended
= more food intake but less physical exertion
Weight Loss
= energy consumed is less than energy expended
= more physical exertion but less food intake
Weight Maintenance
= energy consumed equals energy expended
= physical exertion is the same with food intak
At low values of BMI, weight gain should be
achieved. For normal values, weight maintenance is
At high values of BMI, however, the risk of arthritis,
diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and other disorders
increases substantially
In classifying health risks associated with overweight
and obesity, body fat distribution and other disease
risk factors are considered in addition to BMI .
20XX presentation title 15
I. Objective: To determine cardiovascular endurance, agility, and coordination levels

II. Materials/Equipment:
• copy of physical fitness assessment tool
• bench/stairs
• metronome/timer
• tape measure
• cones/markers
III. Procedure:
1. Pair up.
2. Do the different physical fitness tests with your partner. Perform the tests alternately
and record each other’s scores.
3. Monitor your physical fitness for the entire school year. Follow the physical fitness
4. Record in the Physical Fitness Record
5. Take note of the following:
• Your fitness level and assessment compared to your partner
• What can you do to maintain and/or improve your fitness level scores?
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thank you

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