3 Intermolecular Forces New 1

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r Forces
Cynthia J. Velasco
SHS Teacher
What I Need to Know
The world is made up of molecules that compose
everything in our universe. These molecules
interact with each other due to some attractive forces.
These attractive forces are intramolecular forces
and intermolecular forces. Intermolecular forces
are important because it gives us the properties of
solid, liquid and the gas. Some of these properties
are the boiling and the melting point, surface
tension, capillary action, viscosity, vapor pressure
and miscibility.
Intermolecular Forces
are a.ka. Van der Waals forces
are the attractive forces between
forces of attraction and repulsion
between molecules that hold molecules,
ions, and atoms together
Intermolecular Forces
Example: HCl molecule to HCl

Generally, intermolecular forces are much weaker

than intramolecular forces (ionic bond, covalent
Intermolecular Forces
Main types of intermolecular forces:
1. Ion-Ion Interaction [strongest]
2. Ion-Dipole Interaction
3. Dipole-Dipole Interaction
4. Hydrogen Bonding
5. Dispersion (London) Forces
Ion-Ion Forces
Exists between oppositely
charged ions
Occurs between ionic compounds
the strongest intermolecular force
Most ion-ion interaction is strong and
compounds which have them have
high melting and boiling points
Ion-Ion Forces
Ion-Dipole Forces
Attractive forces between an
ion and a polar molecule
Most commonly found in solutions
Ion-Dipole Forces
Ion-Dipole Interaction
Ion-Dipole Forces
Dipole-Dipole Forces
Occurs between polar
molecules (dipoles).
This is due to the partial positive
pole and the partial negative pole
of the molecule.
Dipole-Dipole Forces
Orientation of Polar Molecules in a Solid
Hydrogen Bonding
A type of dipole-dipole force
It occurs in polar molecules with an N-
H, O-H, or F-H bond.
It is stronger than the ordinary dipole-
dipole force and dispersion forces, but is
weaker than a covalent bond and an ionic
Hydrogen Bonding
Dispersion (London) Forces
London forces are named after Fritz
It is present in all molecules
It is the only force present in
nonpolar molecules
It is very weak and acts in very
small distances
Dispersion (London) Forces
“electrons are shifted to overload one side of an atom
or molecule”

Without dispersion forces,

substances would not be able to
condense to liquid and solid phase.
Intermolecular Forces Affect
Many Physical Properties
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical

The intermolecular forces

influence the physical properties
of the three basic phases of matter:
solid, liquid, and gas.
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical
Gases have negligible
intermolecular forces
existing between their
The weak IMF explain why
gases diffuse easily and have
no definite shape and
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical
Like gases, liquids are referred to as fluids which
can flow and take the shape of its container.
This explains why liquids have no definite shape.
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical

Liquids also exhibit viscosity, the
resistance of liquid to flow.
Generally, the stronger is the IMF in the
liquid the more viscous it is.
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical
The more viscous a liquid is the thicker its
Viscosity - the measure of the thickness of a
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical
Surface tension - this is a phenomenon wherein a
liquid creates a seemingly thin film on its
The stronger the IMF,
the stronger is its
surface tension.
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical
Surface tension

Water striders

Basilisk lizard or the Jesus lizard

Fish spider
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical
Capillary action - a phenomenon wherein a liquid is
able to rise up on a narrow tube.
Adhesive forces between the tube and the liquid allow
the liquid to exceed its weight.
The narrower the tube, the higher the liquid will reach.
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical
Adhesion - interaction
between different
materials touching each
other (e.g. tape and paper,
skin and glass, etc)
Cohesion - interaction
between same materials
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical
Evaporation/vaporization - the
process of turning liquid into
gaseous form.
Weaker intermolecular forces =
greater volatility
Stronger intermolecular force =
higher melting or boiling
Higher intermolecular forces =
high freezing point
Intermolecular Forces Affect Many Physical
The particles of a solid are held
together by strong forces of
attraction and are thus closely
Solids are nearly incompressible
because the strong attractive force
that hold the particles together make
the structure rigid and compact.
Thank You!

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