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Foodservice Systems

Department of Human Nutrition and Foods
Benguet State University
La Trinidad, Benguet

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Topic Outline
A. Overview of Foodservice as a System
B. Different Types Of Foodservice And The Flow Of
C. Operational Phases of the Foodservice
D. Organization and Management

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

It is made up of
activities and
resources grouped
together to
accomplish the AIM

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Elements of the Foodservice System
 External Environment
The external environment is also the end-user of the system’s

The foodservice organization interacts with such groups which

we call “claimants” like customers, suppliers, government,
community, and owners that have needs and expectations to be
answered by the organization.

 Foodservice Input
It is composed of material and immaterial goods that acts as pre-
requisite to production
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
 Transformation Process
It is composed of the different activities needed to
change the raw inputs into end-results of the
foodservice system.

This involves menu and production planning, mise-en-

place preparation, and actual preparation.

Also included in the in the transformation process is

management as an important function.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Foodservice Output
It is the end result of the use of inputs
changed through the transformation process.

It consists of goods and services that are

provided to customers and other claimants in the
external environment.
It should include quality products, efficient and
friendly service, proper nutrition, safe products,
and profit.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

 Communication, Feedback, and Control System
This ensures that the needs of the external
environment as well as the requirements of the
internal environment are correctly matched and

It can include simple systems like the physical

inventory of stocks and customer satisfaction
surveys or it can be as complex as the use of
database gathered or bought over time and
stored in computers as part of the
establishment’s MIS (Management Information
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Work System
It is the internal environment where the task
are to be accomplished.
It includes the “work area”, which is the physical
facility where the task is to be done.
It also include the less tangible aspects of the
work environment such as temperature, humidity,
illumination, work processes and procedures, as well
as social interactions among workers.
The study of the work system covers an
extensive area that includes ergonomics, time and
motion studies, and work simplification.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Fill in the blanks .
1. The _______________________ is the internal environment where
the task are to be accomplished.
2. The entire process of gathering inputs and changing them into
outputs must be connected through __________________,
_________________, and _______________ system.
3. ___________________ are the end result of using the inputs and
changing them through the transformation process.
4. _____________________, _______________, and
________________ are examples of claimants in the external
5. __________________________, ___________________ and
_______________ are examples of the output of the foodservice

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement



2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Flow of Food
 Alternate paths that food and menu
items may follow
 Initiating with receiving & ending with
service to the customer
 Aimed at increasing productivity,
decreasing cost, or strengthening
control of operations
 Changes occurring in food
throughout all stages must be
controlled to ensure quality & safety
of finished products
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Flow of Food

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Types of Foodservices
 Four (4) types of foodservice
 Conventional or traditional
 Ready prepared
 Commissary
 Assembly / serve

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Conventional Foodservice
 Foods are purchased in various
stages of preparation for individual
 Production, distribution, & service are
completed on same premises
 Following production, foods are held
hot or refrigerated to be served as
soon as possible

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Conventional Foodservice

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Conventional Foodservice
 Menu items are prepared near to
service time to assure quality
 Hot-holding conditions affected by
temperature, humidity, & length of
holding time

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Conventional Foodservice
 May be distributed to adjacent or
nearby serving area (cafeteria or
dining room)
 Hospitals or healthcare facilities –
food served on trays
 Centralized service
 Decentralized service

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Food Delivery Systems
 Centralized Delivery-Service System
 Prepared foods portioned and
assembled for individual meals at a
central location in or adjacent to the
main kitchen
 Completed orders then transported and
distributed to the customers
 Fast food, restaurants, banquet
services, hospitals, long-term care

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Food Delivery Systems
 Decentralized Delivery-Service
 Bulk quantities of prepared foods sent
hot or cold to serving galleys or ward
kitchens located throughout the facility
 Reheating, portioning and meal
assembly take place in remote
 Foods travel better in bulk than plated
 Large hospitals, medical centers, school
districts, hotels

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Kitchen Layout for Conventional
Type of Foodservice

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Ready Prepared Foodservice
 Menu items produced & chilled or
frozen until heated for service later
 Produced for inventory &
subsequent withdrawal
 Readily available at any time for
final assembly & heating for service

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2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Ready Prepared Foodservice
 Cook-chill – partially cooked, rapidly
chilled, held in chilled storage, &
reheated just prior to service
 Use remains limited throughout
 Cook-freeze - partially cooked,
rapidly frozen, held in freezer
storage, & reheated just prior to
 Frozen from 2 weeks to 3 months
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Ready Prepared Foodservice
 Sous vide – sealing raw, fresh food
items in plastic pouches to allow
chilled storage & then cooking in
boiling water prior to service

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Ready Prepared Foodservice
 Special recipe formulations needed
because of changes during chilling
or freezing of food
 Development of off-flavors may be
problem; controlled by
 Substituting stable ingredients
 Greater control of storage time,
temperature, & packaging
 Adding stabilizers

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Ready Prepared Foodservice
 Production designed to meet future
rather than immediate needs
 Production personnel can be
scheduled for regular hours (no
early/late shifts)
 Does not require as many highly
skilled employees

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Commissary Foodservice
 Centralized procurement &
production facilities with distribution
of prepared menu items to several
remote areas for final preparation &
 Menu items delivered hot or
cold/hold & served, some chill or

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Commissary Foodservice
 Foods purchased have little or no
 Generally purchased in large quantities
 Operational advantages include
centralized receiving, storage, &
inventory control

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Commissary Foodservice
 Large central units designed like
food industry operations
 Require major modifications of
recipes & food preparation
 Menu items may be stored in bulk
or in individual portions

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Commissary Foodservice
 Packaging & storage challenging
 Various packaging materials used
 Such as individual pouches or
disposable serving dishes
 Specialized equipment required for
packaging, storing, & distributing
 Preserving microbiological,
nutritional, & sensory qualities
during holding and heating can be
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Commissary Foodservice
 Adopted in operations in which
service centers are remote from
production unit
 Reduce duplication of production,
labor, & equipment
 Especially suitable for unique
 Long been used in schools

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Assembly / Serve Foodservice
 Purchased pre-prepared & require
minimal cooking before service
 Food products brought into
operation with maximum degree of
 Fresh, frozen, & dried items
 Only storage, assembly, heating, &
service functions commonly
performed in these foodservices
 Reduces labor and equipment costs

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Assembly / Serve Foodservice
 3 market forms of foods
predominantly used in these
foodservice operations
 Bulk – requires portioning before or
after heating within foodservice
 Proportioned – requires assembly &
 Preplated – require only heating for
distribution & service, most easily
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Assembly / Serve Foodservice
 Patient trays are assembled & food
items reheated in gallery before
 Eliminates need for central kitchen
 Combination of foods is used, some
requiring limited degree of processing
& others requiring none
 Partially prepared foods – often add
other ingredients before heating or
 Completely processed foods may be
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Assembly / Serve Foodservice
 Offers easy solution to labor &
production problems
 Readily available supply of highly
processed, high-quality food
products is a prerequisite for a
successful assembly/serve operation
 Special diet modifications can be

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Test yourself by identifying the foodservice system/operation shown in the picture. Write
your answer beside the photo.

University Cafeteria


Country Club Dining


Hospital Dietary Unit


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Theatre Dining




2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


Sports Bar


Food Park


2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Institutional Menu
A. Types of Menu
B. Menu Analysis and Evaluation

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

A. Factors to Consider in Menu Planning
Physical Factors Patron & Artistic Consideration

Equipment & Facilities

Guest Expectations

Labor, Skill, & Time Available

Taste, Variety, Complexity

Profit & Financial The

Considerations Appearance,
Perfect Temperature,
Product Availability & Quality Menu Consistency &

Nutrition & Physiology

Time & Seasonal Considerations

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Sa isang pag-uusap…

Anak: Tay, ano ang difference ng dinner at


Tatay: Kung kumain tayo sa labas, nad-

dinner tayo. Kung kumain tayo ng luto ng
nanay mo…nag-suffer tayo!

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

A. Based on Pricing
1. A la carte
-offers food items separately at a separate price
-contains large selection of food items
-popular in commercial operations due to high profitability
provided food spoilage are minimal
2. Semi ala carte
-combination of items and pricing them as one (maindish and
soup or salad)
3. Table d’hote
-groups food items together at a single price
-directly opposite of the ala carte, offers fixed menu
- appeals to customers unfamiliar w/ the cuisine offered
- limited production of entrees

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B. Based on Extent of Selection
1. Selective
2. Semi-selective
3. Non-selective
C. Based on Frequency of Use
1. Du jour
-means menu for the day, especially planned for a certain day
-convenient ways of utilizing leftovers and food bargains
-provide varied menus for regular clientele
-requires a more creative & experienced chef
2. Single use

3. Cycle
-several menus offered in rotation
-benefits: gives personnel greater knowledge of production and
quality requirements, more opportunity for better planning
-must be flexible to include leftovers or account for occasional
unavailability of certain foods

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Others/ Special Menu
1. English/holiday
2. Formal menu
3. Festive menu
4. Commercial
5. Club-special menu for specific group of people
6. Continental-bread & butter, coffee
7. California-menu does not change, used during
the entire period the place is open; many hotel
room services menus are based on this design

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2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

• Popularity Index- shows the percentage
popularity of one menu item in comparison with
other items.
• Menu Count- assesses the acceptability or
popularity of menu items by tracking the number
of proportions sold per menu item on hourly or
daily basis.
• Expert Evaluation- cautious examination
conducted by experts using a given pre-
determined set of criteria.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

• Menu Engineering- menu analysis is conducted
based on the relationship of profit and volume.

a) Mean Mix percentage(MM%): sales of

all items on the menu is compared with a mean
achievement target; it is usually 90% of the
average sales of all menu items.

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• High-rating given if the mean mix
percentage is higher than the mean
achievement target; the best selling items
• Low-rating given if the mean mix
percentage is lower than the mean
achievement target; poor selling items

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b) Contribution Margin-statistical analysis of
satisfaction of each menu item that will
generate categorization of the menu item's
popularity relative to its financial

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Rating are as follows:
> Low profitability, low popularity-menu items need
to be discontinued
> High profitability, high popularity- menu items rated
in this category should be retained
> Low profitability, high popularity-need careful
consideration before determining which of these items will be
retained or removed
> High profitability, low popularity- need careful
consideration before determining which of these items will be
retained or removed.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Definition and Process
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Menu engineering is the study of the
profitability and popularity of menu
items and how these two factors
influence the placement of these
items on a menu.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Most restaurants improve
profits by 2 to 10 percent
from a reengineered
menu. (Restaurants USA)
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Process: Evaluating Menu Profitability
How to Evaluate Menu Profitability?
1. Calculate each menu item’s contribution margin or the
menu price less the total cost of
2. Divide the sum of all contribution margins
by the number of items on your menu.
This calculates the average contribution
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
• Items above the average
contribution margin are
considered “high profitability”,
while items below the average
are considered “low profitability”.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Recipes Food Cost Selling Price Contribution
Fried Chicken P 28.75/serving P 83.00 P 54.25
Mixed Seafood P 103.50/serving P 296.00 P 192.50
US Sirloin P 175/serving P 500.00 P 325.00
Pork Humba P 63.78/serving P 183.00 P 119.22
Beef Steak P 115/serving P 329.00 P 214.00
Total P 904.97

Average Contribution Margin: P 180.994

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Evaluating Menu Profitability
Average Contribution Margin: P 180.994
Recipes Food Cost Selling Price Contribution Profitability
Fried Chicken P 28.75/serving P 83.00 P 54.25 Low
Mixed Seafood P P 296.00 P 192.50 High
103.50/serving Profitability
US Sirloin P 175/serving P 500.00 P 325.00 High
Pork Humba P 63.78/serving P 183.00 P 119.22 Low
Beef Steak P 115/serving P 329.00 P 214.00 High

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Determining Popularity
1. Divide 1 by the total number of menu items you
offer. For example, if you have ten menu items, the
average popularity is .1 or 10 percent.
2. Look at your sales and assess if each item is high or
low in popularity. In the example above, a menu
item can be considered popular if it represents
more than 10 percent of sales.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Determining Popularity
Average Popularity: 20%
Recipes No. of Servings Popularity Index Popularity

Fried Chicken 86 29% High Popularity

Mixed Seafood 44 15% Low Popularity

US Sirloin 17 6% Low Popularity

Pork Humba 78 27% High Popularity

Beef Steak 69 23% High Popularity

Total 294 100%

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Identifying your stars, plow horses, puzzles and dogs
• Stars: High in profitability, High in
• Plow horses: Low in profitability, High in
• Puzzles: High in profitability, Low in
• Dogs: Low in profitability, Low in
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Identifying the Menu Items That are Contributing the Most
of Your Sales
Fried Chicken Low Profitability
High Popularity
Mixed Seafood High profitability
Low Popularity
US Sirloin Low Profit
Low Popularity
Pork Humba Low Profit
High Popularity
Beef Steak High Profit
High Popularity
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Fried Chicken Low Profitability Plowhorse
High Popularity

Mixed Seafood High profitability Puzzle

Low Popularity

US Sirloin Low Profit Dog

Low Popularity

Pork Humba Low Profit Plowhorse

High Popularity

Beef Steak High Profit Star

High Popularity
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Finding Your Stars

• Stars- Stars are simple. These are the dishes

that deserve special attention. Highlight with a
photo or by graphical element.
• Plow horses- These are the crowd-pleasers.
They are in demand by customers but do little
for your bottom line. Give plowhorses lower
visibility on your menu.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Finding Your Stars

• Puzzles- For some reason, Puzzles aren’t selling.

Try giving them greater visibility on your menu.
• Dogs- Dogs are a challenge. They can’t all be
dropped, because they may be a menu
essential, like children’s mac ‘n’ cheese or
chicken tenders.
You can rebrand each Dog---a new name or
flashy description.
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Guests will spend an
average of 109 seconds
looking at your menu.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Practice…practice din pag may time!

1. A restaurant has been operating for nearly ten years in a busy corner of Baguio City’s
central business area. The owner became a little worried over their sales since popular and
quick-service restaurants are emerging and some patrons rarely visit the restaurant. The
owner then sought the suggestions of other foodservice business operators as well as
experts who will evaluate their menu. Your task:
a. Determine the profitability of some of their entrees by establishing first the
contribution margin. Compute below and fill-up table 3 and table 4.

Average Contribution Margin: _________________

Table 3. Contribution Margin

Recipe/Menu Cost per serving Selling Price Contribution Margin

Chicken Cordon P 118.25 P 155.00
Steamed Ginger P 102.50 P 140.00
Pork Pot Roast P 233.25 P 299.00
T-Bone Steak P 303.00 P 399.00
Grilled Pork P 225.55 P 260.00

Table 4. Menu Profitability

Recipe Cost Selling Price Contribution Profitability

Chicken Cordon P 118.25 P 155.00 P 36.75
Steamed Ginger P 102.50 P 140.00 37.50
Pork Pot Roast P 233.25 P 299.00 65.75
T-Bone Steak P 303.00 P 399.00 96.00
Grilled Pork P 225.55 P 260.00 34.45

b. Determine menu popularity by computing the average menu popularity below and then fill-
up table 5.
Average menu popularity:

Table 5. Menu Popularity

Recipes No. of Items Sold Popularity Index Popularity

Chicken Cordon Blue 68
Steamed Ginger Chicken 79
Pork Pot Roast 55
T-Bone Steak 87
Grilled Pork Tenderloin 91
Total 380
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Procedures in Calculating Prices
a. Get the total cost of the recipe. Add buffer margin when
b. Determine the food cost budget and the mark up factor
The food cost percentage can vary, depending on
the desired mark up. Fine dining that cater to high income
group can have a food cost percentage ranging from 30-
35% of the selling price, casual dining usually follow a 40-
45% food cost ratio and canteen can go as high as 50-55%
if the cost of the operation is low.
c. Once the cost of the recipe and the food cost budget is
determined, get the price using any of the two methods
as follows
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Cost Percentage Method, using the formula:
Selling price= materials cost (or cost of ingredients) divided by
desired food cost %
Example: If the cost of ingredients (raw materials) for one portion of pork
adobo is P30.00 and the desired food cost percentage of 40%, then the
selling price will be computed as follows;
P 30.00 = P 75.00
If a buffer margin is considered the selling price will be computed as
P 30.00 + P 3.00 ( 10% buffer) = P 33.00
= P 82.50

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Mark up factor method, computed as
Selling price=material cost X mark up factor
Where: Mark up factor is equal to 100% divided by the desired
food cost %

If desired food cost % is 40%, the mark-up factor will be : 100 = 2.5
The selling price of pork adobo in the above example will be:
SP= P 33.00 (with buffer) x 2.50 = P 82.50

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

• Purchasing primarily involves obtaining the right kind
and the right amount of food at the right time, at the
right place and from the right source.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Types of Purchasing

A. Centralized Purchasing
 a purchasing department is responsible for obtaining needed supplies and equipment for
all units in the organization
 used in many large organizations, including universities, schools, multiple-unit
restaurants, and hospitals
 The authority to buy some product, such as fresh produce or other perishables may
be delegated to the foodservice, or in multiple-unit organizations to the individual units.
 Potential disadvantage of centralized purchasing is friction can develop between the
purchasing department and the foodservice unit if there is not a clear understanding of
decision-making authority, especially on quality standards.

B. Group or Cooperative Purchasing

• Beneficial for buyers to increase volume and lower service requirements to improve
leverage with supplies, and thus, buy at lower prices.
• Group buying differs from central purchasing in that members of the group are
independent organizations and are not under the same management.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Methods of Purchasing
A. Informal or open-Market Buying

• Commonly used method of buying, especially in smaller foodservice

• Systems involves ordering needed food and supplies from a selected list of
vendors based on daily, weekly, or monthly price quotations.
• Prices are based on a set of specifications furnished to interested vendors.
B. Formal Competitive Bid Buying

• In formal competitive bid buying, written specifications and estimated

quantities needed are submitted to vendors with an invitation for them to
quote prices, within a stated time, for the items listed.
• Request for bids can be quite formal and advertised in the newspaper, and
copies can be printed and widely distributed, or the request can be less
formal with single copies supplied to interested vendors.
• Bids are opened on a designated date, and the contract is generally
awarded with the best price and quality.
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
2. Prime Vending
 The method involves a formal agreement (secured through a bid or informally)
with a single vendor to supply the majority of product needs.
 Primary advantages of the method are: (1) reduced prices, which are realized
through high volume and time savings. Time savings results from not having to fulfill
administrative and accounting requirements for numerous vendors. (2) Development of a
strong, professional partnership with the vendor and the potential for value-added
services such as computer software for submitting and tracking orders.
3. Blanket Purchase Agreement
 Vendors agree to furnish –on a “charge account” basis—such supplies may be
ordered during stated period of time.
 BPAs should be established with more than one vendor so that delivery orders
can be placed with the firm offering the best price.
 Use more than one vendor also allows the buyer to identify a “price creep”,
which can occur when only one vendor is involved.
4. Just-in-Time Purchasing
 An inventory and production planning strategy where the product is purchased
in the exact quantities required for a specific production run and delivered “just-in-time”
to meet the production demand.
 The goal is to have as little product in inventory for as little time as possible in
an effort to maximize cash flow.
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Food Storage
A. Types of Storage facilities
B. How to Store Specific Foods

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Forborne Infection vs. Foodborne Intoxication

Foodborne Infection
Illness that results from ingesting foods
containing live microorganisms.
Foodborne Intoxication
Illness that results from eating food containing
toxins produced by bacteria or molds present
in the food.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Microorganisms Causing Foodborne Infections

A. Salmonellae infections
> account for numerous cases of gastrointestinal disorders
three most common: S. enteriditis, S. typhimurium, S.
> intestinal tract of animals and humans is the principal
> excreted in the feces and can contaminate food and water if
personal hygiene and proper handling are not practiced
> primary sources: poultry, poultry products, beef, pork, and
eggs and egg-containing foods
> proper cooking will kill salmonella, but cross contamination
of cooked foods with raw foods must be avoided

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

B. Campylobacter jejuni
> transmitted by the consumption of raw milk,
contaminated water, undercooked chicken,
beef, pork, and raw clams.
> cross contamination from knives or cutting
boards may be another cause of contamination
> readily killed by heat and is highly sensitive to
chlorine-containing sanitizers

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

C. Escherichia coli
> found in the feces of humans and other animals, and
so may contaminate soil, water, and food plants
> illnesses caused by E. coli range from “traveler’s
diarrhea” to life-threatening hemolytic uremic syndrome
> organism is easily killed by heat, but foods that has
been heat-processed can be contaminated after heating,
and improper refrigeration and temperature control can
result in the organism increasing in numbers

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Microorganism Causing Foodborne Intoxication

A. Staphylococcus aureus
> most frequent type of foodborne intoxication, results
from toxin production by S. aureus in high-protein menu
items such as cooked meats, eggs, and milk as well as
cream pie.
> commonly found on the human skin and is abundantly
present in pimples and suppurating wounds
> many people without skin problems carry the organism,
with the nose being the most common site.
> S.aureus is not destroyed by cooking techniques
commonly employed in food preparation, so refrigerated
temperature control is critical
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Major Points of Control of this Hazard:
1. train employees to avoid hand contact with
the face, and wash hands after such contact
2. exclude from work any employee with
pimples, pus pockets, or suppurating wounds
so that contamination of food may be avoided
3. refrigerate foods that could support S.
aureus growth & toxin production
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
B. Clostridium botulinum
> a spore-forming organism that causes a far more
serious food intoxication known as botulism
> food supporting growth of C. botulinum does not
always show noticeable changes from normal
> toxin can be destroyed by boiling vigorously for 20
minutes, although this step is not recommended as
sole method for preventing botulism
> botulism is an uncommon occurrence in foodservice
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
C. Clostridium perfringens
> found widely distributed in soil, water, dust, sewage,
and manure, and is also found in the intestinal tracts of
human and healthy animals
> food purchased by foodservices , especially meats
and some spices are probably contaminated with this
> foodservice workers may carry this organism into the
kitchen on their hands
> one food handling error often associated with illness
caused by C. perfringens is slow cooling of large
batches of high-protein foods such as roasts, stews,
and gravy
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Types of Storage
• Self storage has one kind of
food storage known as Dry
• Dry Storage is for ‘dry’ foods
which have a long shelf life and
they can be kept at room
• Examples of such foods are
flour, tea, coffee, dried pasta,
sugar, canned foods, biscuits,
rice and other uncooked grains.

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•  The other self storage type is cold storage.
•  Cold storage is for foods that must be kept
in the refrigerator or cool room below 5.c.

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• The frozen storage is used to store foods
which need to be kept frozen solid at -15.c or

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

General Storage Guidelines
• Label Food
• Potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat food
prepared on-site must contain a label that
– The name of the food
– The date by which it should be sold,
consumed or discarded

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

General Storage Guidelines
• Rotate products to ensure the oldest inventory
is used first
• One way to rotate products is
to follow FIFO:
– Identify the use-by or expiration
date of products
– Shelve products with the earliest
dates in front of those with later dates
– Use products stored in front first
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
General Storage Guidelines
• Deplete stored product
on a regular basis
• If product is not sold or consumed by a
predetermined date:
– Throw it out
– Clean and sanitize the container
– Refill the container with new product

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

General Storage Guidelines
• Discard food that has passed the
manufacturer’s expiration date
• Potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat food
that was prepared in-house:
– Can be stored for 7 days at 41°F (5°C) or
– Must be thrown out after 7 days

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

General Storage Guidelines
• Transfer food between
containers properly
• If food is removed from its original
– Put it in a clean, sanitized container
– Cover it
– Label the container with:
• The name of the food
• The original use-by or expiration date

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

General Storage Guidelines
• Keep potentially hazardous food out of the
temperature danger zone
– Store deliveries after inspection
– Take out only as much food
as can be prepared at one time
– Put prepared food away
until needed
– Properly cool and store cooked
food when it’s no longer needed

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

General Storage Guidelines
Check temperatures of
stored food and storage areas

Photo courtesy of Roger Bonafield and Dingbats

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

General Storage Guidelines
• Store food in designated
storage areas
• Do not store food:
– Near chemicals or cleaning
– In restrooms
– In locker rooms
Never store food near chemicals
– In janitor closets or cleaning supplies

– In furnace rooms
– Under stairways or pipes
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
General Storage Guidelines
• Keep all storage areas clean and dry
– Clean up spills immediately
– Clean dollies, carts, transporters, and
trays often

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Refrigerated Storage
• Refrigerated Storage
– Used to hold
hazardous food at 41°F
(5°C) or lower
– Slows the growth of

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Refrigerated Storage Guidelines
• Set refrigerators to the
proper temperature
– The setting must keep the
food at an internal temperature
of 41°F (5°C) or lower

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Refrigerated Storage Guidelines
• Monitor food temperature regularly
– Randomly sample the
internal temperature of
stored food with a
calibrated thermometer

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Refrigerated Storage Guidelines
• Do not overload refrigerators
• Storing too many products:
– Prevents good airflow
– Makes units work harder

Overloaded refrigerator
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Refrigerated Storage Guidelines
• Use open shelving in the unit
• Lining shelving with the following
restricts air circulation:
– Aluminum foil
– Sheet pans
– Paper

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Refrigerated Storage Guidelines
• Never place hot food in refrigerators
– This can warm the interior
and put other food into the
temperature danger zone

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Refrigerated Storage Guidelines
• Keep refrigerator doors closed as
much as possible
– Frequent opening lets warm air
• Use cold curtains to help maintain

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Refrigerated Storage Guidelines
• Store raw meat, poultry, and fish:
– Separately from cooked and
ready-to-eat food

– Below cooked and

ready-to-eat food
Improper Storage

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Refrigerated Storage Guidelines
• Wrap food properly
– Leaving it uncovered can lead to cross-contamination

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Apply Your Knowledge: Load the Fridge
• Store each item on the proper storage shelf

2 Cooked and
A Whole, raw meat C ready-to-eat food

B Raw poultry D Raw ground meat

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Frozen Storage Guidelines
• When storing food in freezers:
– Keep freezers at a temperature that will keep
products frozen
– Check freezer temperatures regularly
– Place deliveries in freezers as soon as
they have been inspected
– Clearly label frozen food that was
prepared on site

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Dry Storage Guidelines
• Keep storerooms:
• Cool (50°F to 70°F [10°C
to 21°C])
• Dry (50% to 60%
• Well ventilated
• Clean

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Dry Storage Guidelines
• When storing food in
dry storage keep it:
– Away from walls
– Out of direct sunlight
– At least 6” (15 cm)

off the

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Storing Meat
• When storing fresh meat:
– Store it at an internal temperature
of 41°F (5°C) or lower
– Wrap it in airtight, moisture-proof material

– Place it in a clean, sanitized container

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Storing Poultry
• When storing fresh poultry:
– Store it at an internal temperature
of 41°F (5°C) or lower
– Store ice-packed product as is
in self-draining containers
• Change the ice often
• Clean and sanitize the
container regularly

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Storing Fish
• When storing fresh fish:
– Store it at an internal temperature
of 41°F (5°C) or lower
– Store ice-packed product as is
in self-draining containers
– Keep fillets and steaks in original packaging
– Store frozen fish in moisture-proof wrapping

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Storing Eggs and Egg Products
• Shell Eggs:
– Store at an air temperature
of 45°F (7°C) or lower
– Keep eggs in refrigerated
storage until used
– Use eggs within 4-5 weeks of
packing date
• Liquid Eggs:
– Store according to manufacturer’s
– Keep in refrigerated storage until used
• Dried Eggs:
– Store product in a dry, cool storeroom

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Storing Shellfish
• When storing shellfish:
– Store alive at an air temperature
of 45°F (7°C) or lower
– Store in original containers
– Keep shellstock tags on file for
90 days from the harvest date
of the shellfish
– Obtain a variance if storing shellfish in
a display tank prior to service

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Storing Dairy
• When storing dairy:
– Store fresh at 41°F (5°C) or lower
– Follow FIFO
– Discard product that has passed
use-by or expiration dates

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Storing Produce
• When storing fresh produce:
– Storage temperatures will vary by
– Product packed on ice can be stored
as is
– Do not wash product prior to storage
– When soaking or storing product in
standing water or an ice water slurry:
• Do not mix different items
• Do not mix multiple batches
of the same item

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Apply Your Knowledge: What’s Wrong With This Picture?

• Find the unsafe storage practices in this picture:

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


Definition: In foodservice operations, receiving

means, inspecting the products and taking legal
ownership and physical possession of the items
ordered. (A trained personnel on receiving
procedures perform this activities)
Purpose: To ensure that food and supplies
delivered match established quality and quantity
Location: closes to the back door when the
product arrives.
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
•Space and Equipment:
1. Sufficient space to allow proper
review of incoming products
2. Accurate weighing scales
3. Sink for cleaning soiled products
4. Adequate space for weighing and
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Receiving Policies and Procedures

1. No item will be received without a

duly approved purchase order
and/or market list as reference.
2. All delivered items shall be
recorded by the receiving clerk in a
Receiving Record then summarized
in a receiving summary.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


• All establishments must have set down procedures for receiving,

checking and accepting goods
• These goods must be checked against the purchase specification.
• The procedures involved in checking goods delivered will vary in
different establishments
• The receiver of the goods needs to be competent and have
knowledge of purchase specifications.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

What to Check

• Quantity
• Quality
• Price
• Date of Expiry
• Freshness of Vegetables etc.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Functions of the Receiving Dept
• Aware of the commodities ordered .

• Inspection and receiving procedures should be completed in

a reasonable amount of time.

• Experience receiving personals

• Receiving personnel should know the time and temperature

at which different products may be stored.

• They should also know the shelf life of various commodities.

• It is advisable to have this information as wall charts and on

the other easily understood illustrations.
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
• Receivers should also be aware of specifications, description of
terms, weights and measures

• Receiver should have a copy of invoice or the delivery ticket

• The purchasing department should be promptly informed of

any items that were not delivered

• If possible, the deliveries should be scheduled in such a way

that there is even and smooth transfer of goods.

• Too many shipments at one time will interfere with adequate

receiving and may result in food spoilage and other losses.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Receiving Flow Chart
• Be ready for the delivery.

• Check the merchandise.

• Weigh each item separately. (Ice & Water consideration)

• Weigh meat orders separately

• Tag meat on delivery.

• Check for quality

• Check for price.

• Check for expiry date & manufacturing date.

• Check for leakage & damage

• Store items properly. 2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Document by Supplier

•Advice Note-Advice notes are sent to the purchaser,

informing him that goods ordered have been dispatched, giving the
date of dispatch and method of carriage used. eg. Post, rail etc. Most
suppliers on a regular basis do not use these procedures; the most
common would be for equipment or deliveries of high value.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Delivery Note

• Sent by the supplier to the purchaser accompanying the goods


• The goods must be checked against delivery notes and then signed

• The delivery note should be in duplicate one copy for the purchaser
and another for the supplier.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Format- Delivery Note
XYZ Whole Sale Supplier
To Purchaser order No.
Hotel ABC Delivery Note No.

S. No. Items SPS Qty Unit Price Checked

Goods Received By

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


The supplier sends an invoice to the purchaser

usually a few days after delivery has been made and
accepted, giving financial details of the transaction
(bill). Some suppliers will incorporate the invoice
with the delivery note to minimize their paper work.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Format- Invoice
XYZ Whole Sale Supplier
To Purchaser order No.
Hotel ABC Invoice No.

S. No. Items SPS Qty Unit Price Total Cost

Less Discount
Sales Tax
Signature of Supplier Grand Total
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


made up by the receiver when the goods
have to be returned. It is signed by the
delivery driver, who takes the duplicate
copy back to the supplier as proof that the
goods were sent back. The supplier will
subsequently issue a credit invoice.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Format- Request for Credit
Hotel ABC
To S No.
XYZ Supplier
Please issue credit memo for items listed below
S. No. Items SPS Qty Unit Price Total

Reason- Liver not found Satisfactory

Fish is Smelling
Beef not delivered but invoiced

F&B Controller Accounting Department Van Driver Requested by

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Credit Note

 These are advices to clients, setting out allowances made

for goods returned or adjustments. They should also be
issued when crates, boxes or containers are returned. Credit
note is exactly the same form as invoices except the word
“credit note” appears in place of the word invoice.

 To make them more easily distinguishable they are usually

printed in red, whereas invoices are always printed in black.

 A credit note should be sent as soon as it is known that a

client is entitled to the credit of the sum with which he has
been previously charged by invoice.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


•Goods Received Book

•Daily Food Receiving Report

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Goods Received Book

• Large establishments will have their own goods received

documentation, either in the form of notes or books
specifically designated to meet their own needs. The
information contained on such documents needs to include
the following
• Date of delivery
• Name of supplier
• Order No.
• Delivery note no.
• Space for comments as to any variances in quantity and
• Signature of the receiver
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Format- Goods Received Book

Goods Received Book

ABC Hotel Date

Delivery Supplier Dry Meat Poultry Fish Main Staff

note no. Store Kitchen Kitchen

Signature of Receiving Clerk

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


• It is prepared in duplicate for F & B Control verification.

• The receiving clerk from invoices received with goods

purchased and delivered that day completes daily food
receiving report at the end of each day.

• This report summarizes all daily food deliveries to the

establishment. The main purpose of daily report of food
received is to summarize purchase for that day.

• However, this daily report can themselves be summarized

each day by transfixing the column totals to a receiving
report summary.
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Format- Receiving Clerk’s Daily Report

Receiving Clerk’s Daily Report

No. _________
Date ________

Items SPS Quantity Unit price Total Distribution

Main Store Sundries


Signature of Receiving Clerk

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Beverage Receiving Report

Week ending March 9 Date ____________
Supplier Wine Whisky Brandy Beer Invoice Total

Atlantis 215 230 230

Haig 400 400

Shaw Wallace 500 250 750

Total 215 400 500 480 1380

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Meat Tag

Hotel ABC
Food Copy

Item Name- Beef No. 2215

Cut Rib
Total Cut 22Kg
Cost/ Unit 200/-
Total Cost 4400/-
Supplier XYZ
Date Received 10/02/10
Date Issued 25/02/10

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Meat Tag

Hotel ABC
Food & Beverage Control Copy

Item Name- Beef No. 2215

Cut Rib
Total Cut 22Kg
Cost/ Unit 200/-
Total Cost 4400/-
Supplier XYZ
Date Received 10/02/10
Date Issued 25/02/10

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


• Facilitation and supplementation of inventory records and the

checking process.
• Shortage and discrepancies- Check
• Assurance of checking procedures.
• Assists the FIFO procedures.
• Reweighing is eliminated.
• It helps in the calculation of meat costs per day.
• It helps in comparative evaluation of meat.
• It helps for reordering of stock.
• It aids in tracing the origin of meat in case of problem.
• It helps to keep a strict control in general.
• Receiving stamp to be affixed on invoice.
• Items are send to respective storage areas.
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Methods of Receiving

• Invoice Receiving
Invoice Receiving is a frequently used and more traditional
method. The clerk checks the delivered items against the original
purchase order and takes note of any deviations.

• Blind Receiving
Blind method involves providing an invoice or purchase
order. The clerk will quantify each item by weighing, measuring or
counting, and recording. The blind document is compared with the
original order.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

What is quantity food production?
 It is an organized group of workers
using special equipment and facilities to
produce food for the consumption of
 It requires a complex and efficient
organization as well as specialized
knowledge, skills and equipment.
 It is also called institutional food

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

What makes quantity production
 Volume: Regular production may vary
from 25, 50, 100, 200 or more.
 Organization: It requires workers that
are skilled and knowledgeable in the
different aspects of food production.
 Mode of operation: It requires
specialized knowledge such as
recipe quantification, proper
production planning and use of
specialized equipment that could
handle large2023volumes of production.
PSU BSND Enhancement
Objectives of Quantity Food
Conserve the nutritive value of food.

Improve digestibility of food.

Develop and enhance flavor and


Destroy harmful microorganisms.

Minimize quality losses.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Trends in Quantity Food
Nutrition as a trendsetter

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

 Information technology as a

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

 Freezing, storage, packaging
technology as trendsetter

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

 Environmental renewal as a

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Convenience food as a trendsetter

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Quantity Food Production
Principles and Techniques
 Prevent Nutrient Losses
- Follow good marketing procedures
- Store foods at proper temperature
- Avoid long storage periods
- Shorten pre-preparation time
- Use careful preparation methods
- Shorten post-stove time
- Avoid left over

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Prevent Quality Losses

- Control color changes

- Avoid development of off flavors
- Flavors may be accentuated and
- Control texture and consistency

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Control Temperature Changes

- Serve hot foods hot (above

- Serve cold foods cold (below

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Serve Safe Foods

- Buy foods from safe source

- Store foods at correct
temperature for a short period
- Cook properly and sufficiently

- Keep leftover refrigerated and

use promptly.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Sections/ Areas in the Kitchen

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Hot Kitchen

 A section that prepares main dishes,

sauces, vegetable dishes, rice dish,
noodle/pasta dishes and soups.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Cold Kitchen
 Section that prepares salads
and salad dressings, appetizers,

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
 Section responsible for food
processing and meat cutting

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
 Area that prepares breads,
cakes, pastries, and other baked

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Dishwashing Area

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Kitchen Position and Job

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

1. Executive Chef
The highest position in
the kitchen
Overall in-charge of the
whole kitchen
operations both in
technical and
administrative aspects.
He is considered the
kitchen or production
manager. Chef Brian Boismier
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Lake Jovita
Golf & Country Club
2. Sous Chef
(Deputy Kitchen Chef)
The assistant of
the executive
He is the
working chef in
the kitchen.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

3. Station Chef or Demi-
Chef de Partie
Section head or a
supervisor in a section
of a kitchen.
He assists the
executive chef in menu
He is the one in control
both in technical and
administrative aspects.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

3.a.Saucier or Sauce Chef

Prepares sauces, stew

and hors d’oeuvres
and sautés food to
This is usually the
highest position of all
the stations.
Commands after the
sous chef.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

1) Fish Cook or Poissonier

 Prepares fish and sea food dishes.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2) Entremetier

 Prepares vegetable
dishes, soups,
starches and eggs
(may be divided
into vegetable cook
- legumier, fry cook
- friturier, and soup
cook- potager)

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

3) Roast Cook or Rotisseur

Prepares roasted
and braised meats
and their gravies
He also broils meat
and deep fries food
other items to

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

4) Grill Cook or Grillardin

grilled foods
instead of the

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

3.b. Pantry Chef or
Garde Manger
Processes raw meat,
cold dishes,
forcemeat, pies,
salads and dressings
galantines and cold
hors d'ouevres.
Organizes large buffet
displays and prepares
charcuterie items.
Next in line after the
saucier for command.
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
3.c. Pastry Chef or Patissier
Prepares breads,
all basic desserts,
hot desserts, cold
desserts, frozen
desserts and hot
and cold pastries.
Works with
bakers or

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

 Confiseur – prepares candies &
petite-fours in larger restaurants

 Glacier – prepares frozen and cold

desserts in larger restaurants

 Decorateur – prepares showpieces

and specialty cakes in larger

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

4. Relief Cook
 Tournant (swing cook),
 de Garde (duty chef),
 de Nuit (night chef),
 Banquet chef, etc
 Replaces station heads

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Butcher or Boucher
Butchers meat,
poultry and
sometimes fish
May also be in
charge of
breading meat
and fish items

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Announcer or Expediter or
Takes orders from
the dining room
and distributes
them to the various
This position may
also be performed
by the sous chef

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


Prepares the
meal served to
the restaurant

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Cuisinier (Cook)
He prepares
specific dishes in
a station
He may also be
referred to as a
cuisinier de partie

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Commis I or First Cook or
Senior Cook
A highly skilled cook in
a section of the kitchen.
He constantly checks
the job of cooks under
He could possibly be
promoted for a
supervisory position.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Commis II or Second Cook
or Junior Cook
Another skilled
cook in a section
of the kitchen

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Commis III or Third Cook
or Cook Helper
The lowest
rank of cook
in the kitchen

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Kitchen Steward

Responsible in
maintaining the
cleanliness of the
Also does the
washing, sorting
and keeping of
soiled dishes

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Dishwasher or Plongeur – cleans
dishes and utensils and may be
entrusted with basic preparatory job

Pot and Pan Washer or

Marmiton – in larger restaurants,
he takes care of all the pots and
pans instead of the plongeur

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Standardized Recipe

Recipes that have been tested

and revised to repeatedly
produce good results.
It ensures that the production
and products are consistent and

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Differences from an
Ordinary Recipe

Tried and Tested

 Standardized recipes undergo a
standardization process, which
consist of development, testing,
adjusting and retesting before they
can be used.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Uniform product results
 The end product of standardized
recipe is consistent in quality, flavor
and appearance

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Standard Yield/ Portion Sized
 The standardized recipe has been
adjusted to produce a yield based on
the production activities.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Written in a standard format
 The standardized recipe must be
recorded in a form that best suit
the production activities.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Information Found in a
Standardized Recipe

1. Recipe Name
 Descriptive and even creative name
for the recipe.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2. Product Classification
 Describes under which category the
recipe belongs to (i.e. soup, poultry
beef, etc)

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

3. Recipe File Number
 A filing number assigned to each
recipe card for easier organization,
storage and retrieval.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

 The total amount of the end product
or number of portions produced by
the recipe

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Portion Size

 Description of the amount of product

found in one serving.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Cooking Time and Temperature
 Describes how long and at what
temperature the product is
to be prepared.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

 A list of the required raw materials for
the recipe

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

 An accurate description of how much
ingredient is to be used and its
measuring unit

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Procedures and Methods
 Describe the steps to be undertaken
to produce a satisfactory product.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Date Revised
 Indicates the date that the recipe was
last reviewed and changed

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Recipe Development and
Standardization Process

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Methods & Develop recipe (taste & odor)
Test Recipe
Packaging & Texture
Adjust Recipe Presentation
Retest Recipe Practicality

Procedure &
Adjust Yield Methods

Fix in a Standardized Recipe Format
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Benefits of a Standardized Recipe

Guesswork is replaced by accuracy

Customers are assured of consistently
high quality products
Easier to cost
Easier to train workers
Minimizes left-over and waste
Avoids dependence on any one
Requires less time for mis-en-place and
Facilitates control
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

What is Recipe Quantification?
 It is the process of enlarging recipes
with lower yields to adjust it to meet
the production requirements of bigger

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Factor Method
A. Factor Method

A most recommended method for recipe

adjustment because it is accurate and it
can be used to any yield required. It is also
relatively easy to learn.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Steps in Adjusting Recipes Using Factor
1. Divide the yield wanted by the yield of the
standardized recipe. The result is called the factor.
This step is applied for both increasing and
decreasing quantities of ingredients for a
standardized recipe.
Example: A hospital dietary unit will serve 45
medical front liners for a welcome party. One of the
standardized recipes to be used has a yield of 6.
To get the factor, divide 45 by 6.
Factor = 45/6
= 7.5
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
2. Using the factor, multiply this to the quantity of
ingredients to increase the amount corresponding
to the required number of yield. Quantities that are
in fractions are converted to whole or in decimals.
3. The quantified amount is converted back to its
original unit after the adjustment.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Steamed Fish Filled with Garlic Sauce

1 2 3

Quantity Converted Ingredients Factor Quantified/Adjusted

quantity Amount (Yield of
(Yield of 6) 45)
(X) (=)

½ kg 1 / 2= .5 White fish fillet, sliced into 7.5 3.75 kg or 3 ¾ kg

2 tsp Cornstarch 7.5 15 tsp
1 pc red and/or yellow bell 7.5 7 ½ pcs
peppers, sliced
4 cloves Garlic, minced and toasted 7.5 30 cloves
for garnish
1 tsp Sesame oil 7.5 7 ½ tsp

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

B. Percentage Method
A method that is accurate but less
frequently used because of its difficulties and
possible errors in converting to and from
percents, weights, and measures.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Step in Adjusting recipes using percentage method.

1. Convert all ingredient measurements to weight and calculate the total

weight of the recipe. Usually, the unit with the most is carried out.
2. Next is to calculate the percent of the total represented by each
Where, converted weight of an ingredient is divided by the total weight of all
ingredients then multiplied by 100.
Ex. 80 oz/ 183.5 oz= 0.4359
0.4359 x 100= 43.60*
*get up to second decimal

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

3. Multiply the percent value of ingredient with
the yield requirement.
Ex. .0.4360 x 22 lb= 9.59 lb

4. Get the total sum of all converted


2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

An institution requires 20 pieces of lemon pie where each pie is weighing 1.1 lb. Adjust or
quantify recipe using percentage method.

1 2 3 4
Ingredients Original Converted % Total Total Yield Quantified
Weight Weight Required Amount
Water 5 lb 80 oz 43.60 22 9.59
Sugar 3 lb 6 oz 54 oz 29.43 22 6.47
Salt ½ oz 0.5 oz 0.27 22 0.059
Lemon 3 oz 3 oz 1.63 22 0.36
Constarch 8 oz 8 oz 4.36 22 0.96
Egg yolks 12 oz 12 oz 6.54 22 1.44
Lemon Juice 1 lb 6 oz 22 oz 11.99 22 2.64
Butter 4 oz 4 oz 2.18 22 0.48
Yellow Color As needed --- --- --- ---
Total 183.5 oz 100 22 lb

Total Quantified Amount = 22 lbs/ 1.1 lbs

= 20 pieces lemon pie

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Cost Control in Foodservice

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Definition of Related Terms
1. Costs- The prices paid for or the fair value of
other considerations given to acquire
resources or services. It is an economic
sacrifice measured by monetary value of an
exchange transaction.
Elements of costs:
a. Raw materials (food & beverage)
b. labor or manpower
c. Overhead
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
2. Expenses- expired, consumed and or utilized
3. Controlling- One of the functions of
management which is concerned with the
measurement of current performance and
guidance towards some predetermined goal/s
4. Cost Control- The process through which
actual costs are made to conform to
STANDARD or expected costs with the end in
view of maximizing profit without sacrificing
the quality of the item being served or
produced. 2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
5. Cost Reduction- The use of management
devices to reduce costs such as the search for
cheaper materials, improved methods of
production, proper scheduling and utilization.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Control System is designed to:
 Establish standards and consumption limits
 Point out and measure variances from the
 Localize trouble spots
 Provide feedback to end-users and
management about variances
 Seek for causes and remedies to solve

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Steps in Control
1. Establish standards or goals
Cost of food sales (food cost)…35-40%
Beverage Cost………………………..18-25%
Labor Cost………………………………15-24%
In food and beverage operations, the food cost
occupies the largest expense usually ranging
from 30-45% of sales. The most acceptable ratio
will depend on competitor’s prices, cost of
overhead expenses, type of market, the buying
capacity of the customers and other factors.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

2. Measure actual performance- compare actual
cost vs. budget
3. Analyze variance
-Any variance between the actual cost and the
budgeted cost is a signal that there is
excessive consumption.
4. Take corrective action

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Essential Elements in Controlling
Food Cost
• Standard Recipes
• Standard Purchase Specifications
• Standard Yield (net weight or volume of
cooked or prepared dishes
• Standard Portion Size(size or weight of
ingredients used in food preparation)

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Areas and Sequence of Control in Food Production & Service
Activities Control Measures & Tools Who is Responsible
Setting Standards Clear definition of standards, establishing budget, Top Management
food cost %
Planning menus Standardized & cycle menus, recipe costing, pricing Chef, F&B Manager,
of menu packages, tests for quality & yield Cost Clerk, Chef
Ordering & Purchasing Purchase request, Market/grocery list, purchase End-user,
specifications, competitive bidding, purchase order Chef/storekeeper,

Receiving Stocks Inspection for quality and quantity, use of receiving Receiving Clerk
reports/records, Supplier’s invoice
Store Keeping Use of meat tags, bin cards, Limitation of access, Storekeeper or stock
periodic inventory clerk
Issuance Requisition forms, Balancing requisition slips with End-user, Stock clerk
inventory, FIFO system, Forced issuance for non-
moving stocks

Food Preparation Use of standard recipe, Inter-kitchen memo All cooks/chef

Sales & Service Order slips, Issuance of receipts, reconciliation of Waiter, Order taker,
receipts vs. order slip Cashier, Auditor
Accounting Cashier’s report, documentation of purchases, Bookkeeper,
receipts, cash transactions, Revenue report, financial Accountant
statement 2023 PSU BSND Enhancement


a. Net Food Cost- represents the portion of sales which is spent for materials (i.e.
ingredients) or the amount spent for every peso sold

b. Food cost percentage is the ratio of cost of materials over the net food sales
Net Food Sales= Gross food sales- tax and service charge

Food Cost % is calculated as: FOOD COST

If a buffer margin is considered, the food cost will be actual cost + buffer margin
Example: Corn Soup
The total cost of ingredients for 10 portions is P74.50. Add a buffer margin of
10%, that is equivalent to P7.45 and the total food cost is P 81.95

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Factors Affecting Cost

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

A. Factors Affecting Food Cost
1. Menus: Menu planning is the first and perhaps the most important step in
control of food costs. The menu determines what & how many foods must
be purchased and prepared. The extent of the no. of choices of each menu
also influences food costs.
2. Type of service: Offered may be a factor in determining food costs. For
example food service using table service will have a higher food and labor
cost than a cafeteria style service. Self service helps in savings because each
individual can decide the quantity he prefer and thus reduce wastage.
3. Purchasing methods: Food costs begin at the time of purchase and
controlled procedures are an effective step for wise buying. Bulk purchasing
- rigid set of specification for quality of food to be purchased.
4. Receiving control: this is another step in controlling food costs. It is the
management’s responsibility to make certain that what was ordered is
received both in terms of quantity & quality.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Factors Affecting Food Cost
5. Storage & storeroom control: Purchase should be made only of food that
can be used at once or stored adequately. Only what is essential should be stored
for a limited period because unnecessarily large inventories tend to increase the
possibility of loss through spoilage, waste, pilferage or theft.
6. Production of foods: Preparation, cooking & left overs control: The quality
& form of food purchased has a direct bearing on the amount of waste in the
process of preparation & cooking. The actual cost of food is influenced not only by
the relationship between amount or weight of the edible portion and that of the
waste or inedible portion, but also by the quality of the edible portion.
7. Standardized portions and serving wastes: standardized portions and
portion control by using standard cups or dippers prevents the wastage.
8. Method of pricing: It is the responsibility of the food service manager to
determine the specific price of the food. Haphazard methods only lead to financial
disaster dissatisfaction of the customer or both.
9. Employee’s meal costs: Providing meals for employees is necessary and
desirable in most food services. This is a means of providing wholesome,
nutritionally balanced meals at reduced rates or free of charge as a convenience to
employees and helps to build and maintain a healthy & happy and efficient
working force. 2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
B. Factors Affecting Labor Cost
1. Type of service: cafeterias require less number of labour. In Table service
the labour requirement is based on the ratio of waiters to guests will vary
2. Hours of work / service: will determine number of shifts number of
meals to be served. In school lunch only one meal whereas hospital food
service should provide 4 to 5 meals / day.
3. Menu pattern: Major controlling factor in determining number of
employees required and skill (varies with type of food service org. amt. of
built in labour – which is more profitable.
4. Physical plant: Efficient kitchen arrangement helps in controlling labour
cost. Poor planning, arrangement results in inconvenience and waste of
human energy additional labour may be required to left, handle & carry or
move materials in a poorly arranged kitchen.
5. Equipment & arrangement: labour saving equipment is related to no. of
labour hours required to accomplish a given price of work.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

6. Personnel policies: proper selection and skill increases the
productivity which helps in labour cost control.

7. Supervision: helps to achieve better standards greater utilization

of labour & equipment, and more compact functioning layouts.

8. Fringe Benefits: are given to the employees as encouragement to

increase productivity apart from the regular salary. This also includes
good share of labour costs. This can be minimized by better scheduling
or redistribution of work loads.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Budget vs. Budgeting
> Budget is a plan for operating a business
expressed in financial terms or plan to control
expenses and profit in relation to sales.

> Budgeting is the process of budget planning,

peparation, control, reporting, utilization, and
related procedures

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

>> Budget control involves the use of budgets and
performance reports throughout the planned period
to coordinate, evaluate, and control operations in
accordance with the goals specified in the budget plan.
>> Budgeting provides an organized procedure for
planning and for development of standards of
performance in numerical terms.
>> Budgets provide a basis for control
>> Budgets are a tool for periodic examination,
restatement, and establishment of guidelines
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Types of Budgets
A. Operating Budget
>> include revenues, expenses, changes in
inventory and other working capital items
>> a forecast of revenue, expenses and profit
for a specified period of items
B. Capital Budget
>>long term plan prepared to estimate or
predict the costs of capital or expenditures
>>equipment replacement, renovation
projects, facility expansion

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Steps in Budget Preparation
1. Establish a monthly sales forecast covering food and
2. After calculating the actual or projected sales income,
calculate or establish the profit required from the sales.
3. Determine the operating budget. If the desired profit is
20%, then the operating budget is 80% of the total
4. Allocate a certain cost percentage (ratio of cost over
sales) of every expense item from the total sales.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

• A survey of industry practice reveals that the
allocation for food/beverage cost ranges from
35-50%, payroll and related expenses
(including employees’ meals) ranges from 15-
24%, taxes at 2-10%, and the profit share can
range from 10-20%.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Financial Goal

Cost Control System

Effective & Financial

Efficient Use of Cost
Control Reports &
Mgmt. Eval.
Procedures Records
Menu Planning
Purchasing Cycle Menu
Receiving Purchase Orders
Storing Delivery Sheet
Storeroom & Profit & loss
Delivery Sheet statement
Std. recipes Balance sheet
Sales records Budget plans
Sanitation & Safety Payroll sheet
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Basic Financial Cost Records
1. Budget Plan-plan for forecasting needs,
probable activities and their expected costs
and the sources of anticipated income
2. Daily Food Cost Report- provides the latest
information about sales, food costs and
number of people served
3. Profit and loss statement –a summary
comparison in pesos and centavos of the
income with all expenses of the department
the amount of profit or loss for a given period
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Income (Sales)
Less: Cost of food sold
Equals: Gross profit
Less: Labor and Operating Cost
Equals: Net profit or loss

Cost of Goods sold

Beginning Inventory+ Purchase= Cost of
available goods
Cost of available goods-Ending inventory=Cost of
goods sold
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
4. Annual Report-provides a summary of the
activities and accomplishments of the year
just completed. It also includes plans for the
future developments, information on the
personnel situation, changes or repairs and
anticipated needs.
5. Balance Sheet-statement of assets, liabilities,
and capital or owners equity at a given time or
at the end of accounting period.
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Amrits Malabar bar and restaurant
For the year ending December 31st 2010

Income against expenses Rs. Change Upcoming Year

Food 786250.00 39313.00 825563.00
Beverage 138750.00 6938.00 145688.00

Total sales 925000.00 46251.00 971251.00

Cost of sales
Food 275187.00 13760.00 288947.00
Beverage 34688.00 1735.00 36423.00

Total sales 309875.00 15495.00 325370.00

Gross Profit 615125.00 645880.00 645881.00
Controllable Expenses
Fixed Sal and Wages 111000.00 4400.00 115400.00
Var Sal and Wages 74000.00 3603.00 77603.00
Employee benefits 46250.00 2001.00 48251.00
Other controllable expenses 138750.00 6500.00 145250.00
Total controllable expenses 370000.00 16504.00 386504.00
Income before Occupancy costs 245125.00 259377.00
Interest, depreciation Inc taxes
Occupancy costs 78625.00 2000.00 80625.00
Interest expenses 13875.00 13875.00
Depreciation 46250.00 46250.00
Restaurant profit 2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
106375.00 118627.00
Organization & Management

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Types of Organization
A. Line Authority
 Lines of authority are clearly drawn and
each individual is responsible to the person
ranking above him. Authority and
responsibility pass from the top-ranking
members down to the lowest in rank
 This is similar to the military set-up, where
the supervisor has direct control over the
people he supervises and has responsibility
for them

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Other Characteristics of Line
Vertical Growth: Occurs through the delegation of
authority, responsibilities redistributed
horizontally through departmentalization
Ways of dividing the work: By Function, product, or
1) Expediency in decision-making
2) Direct Placement of responsibility
3) Clear Understanding of authority relationship
Major Disadvantage: top tends to become
overloaded with too much detail
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
B. Staff Authority
Many diversified responsibilities demanded of
the person at the top
Staff specialists are added to assist the lines
in an advisory capacity
Line & Staff- staff advises and supports the

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

C. Functional Authority
Other known as committee type, where in a
group of persons acts as a body to formulate
When an individual delegates limited authority
over a specified segment of activities to
another person, may be vested in a vice

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Tools of Management
A. Organizational Structure
The framework by which the activities of
an enterprise, as determined by the
mangers are performed. The different
structures are held together by precise
policies, orders and instructions for doing
their respective functions.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

1) The broad base indicates that at the workers level, the
number of employees tend to be large because it is at
this level that most of the operational functions are
2) Pointed upward indicating that each higher level, the
actual performance of operations decreases, hence
reducing the need for operation personnel.
3) At higher level, an increasing amount of leadership,
planning and other managerial activities are
performed. It involves greater responsibilities but are
concentrated in less number of people.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Top Management Group
 Makes major plans and policies for the company
 Formulates major decisions on finances, production
sales & etc.
Operating Management Group
 Interprets policies, formulates plans and utilizes
 Coordinates, follow ups an trains employees
 Accountable to chief executives

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Operating Supervisors
Have control and supervises the work of
Direct and carry out the program and goals of
the section
Train personnel under him
Follow up and see to it that the employees
under them to do the work satisfactorily

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Operating Personnel/Workers/ Rank & File
No part in management
Accomplish the work given to them
Carry out the decisions made by top and
operating management

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Organizational Structure is dependent on
the following:
1) Type and size of the institution
2) Objectives and functions of the
3) Number and types of personnel available
4) Administrative policies of the institution

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Organizational Structure



Chief Prof.Staff

Chief Dietitian
Clinical Dietitian

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
B. Organizational Chart
It is a diagram showing the salient aspects
of an organizational structure. It shows the
relationship between the positions and the
people who occupy them according to
authority, responsibility and accountability.
 Solid Lines- indicate channels of authority
 Dotted Lines- show advisory responsibility
and lines of communication
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
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2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
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2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Purposes of The Organizational Chart
1. Checks important functions that are neglected
2. Unimportant functions that are overstressed
3. Duplications and/or overlapping operation
4. Functions that need not be separated
5. Men with ability wasting their talents in
subordinate position
6. Specialist handling functions out their line
7. One person handling several unrelated

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Information Derived from An Organizational Chart
1. Departmental responsibilities
2. Relationship of the department with other
3. Responsibilities of personnel within the
4. Line authority
5. Coordination of work within the department

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

C. Job Description
An organized list of duties, skills and
responsibilities required in a specific

Should be written in every position.

Should be reviewed and updated
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
1. Valuable for matching qualified
applicants to the job
2. For orientation and training employees
3. For performance appraisal
4. For establishing rates of pay
5. For defining limits of authority and
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Format According to Job Classification

1. The work of foodservice employee is described in

terms of specific duties and skill requirements
2. For the professional position is written in terms of
broad areas of responsibilities

Job Description Include:

3. Identifying information
4. A job summary
5. Specific duties and requirements
2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
D. Skills Matrix System
A written statement of the minimum standards
that must be met by an applicant for a particular

Covers duties involved in a job, the working

conditions peculiar to the job, and personal
qualifications required of the worker to carry out
the assigned responsibilities successfully.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

E. Work Schedule
An outline of work to be performed, procedures to be
used, and time schedule for a particular position
1. Helpful in training new employees
2. Supplemented by a daily production schedule giving
specific assignments for preparation of the day’s menu
items and preparation for the next day
3. Organization work schedule gives the standing
assignments by half-hour periods for all employees in
chart form.

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

Three Basic Types of Work Schedules:
1. Individual
2. Daily Unit
3. Organization

2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

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2023 PSU BSND Enhancement
Thank you.
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2023 PSU BSND Enhancement

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