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Cell , Parenchyma, and Stroma Liver organ liver arrangement of cells anastomosing plates or cord shape of the cell polyhedral/polygonal nucleus 1-2/mononucleated binucleated - location central-eccentric - nucleolus present - type of chromatin - euchromatin cytoplasm fat vacuoles - glycogen vacuoles specialized membrane structure - microvilli specilaized junctional structure lateral surfaces tight junction parenchyma hepatocytes/liver cells stroma reticular tissue envelope the individual hepatocyte matrix - ground substances - fiber, type III collagen characteristic cell fibroblast/reticular cells - glissons capsules - dense irregular Function endocrine, exocrine, detoxification

Spinal cord organ spinal cord structure gray and white matter arrangement of cells random shape of the cell - irregular/stellate ( cytoplasmic processes) nucleus 1/mononucleated - owl-eye - nucleolus - type of chromatin euchromatic cytoplasm - processes - axon and dendrites - Nissls bodies RER and associated polyribosomes - cytoskeletons neurofilaments parenchyma neuron/nerve cell - part of the nervous system - CNS - functional classification - sensory, motor, autonomic - morphologic classification multipolar - soma/ perikaryon and dendrites gray matter - axon white matter stroma neuroglia location - gray and white matter matrix modified ectodermal elements cells - astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes - meninges Function initiates and transmit electrical impulses

Skeletal muscle cell organ skeletal muscle arrangement of cells bundles/fascicles shape of the cell long cylindrical/tubular nucleus more than 1/multinucletated - type of chromatin heterochromatin cytoplasm striations myofibrils (actin and myosin) parenchyma skeletal muscle cells stroma connective tissue investments epimysium dense irregular collageneous perimysium dense irregular collagenous endomysium loose collageneous (external lamina and reticular fibers ) enveloping the individual skeletal muscle cell tendons dense regular collageneous aponeuroses dense regular collagenous Function voluntary movements

Heart organ layer myocardium parenchyma - cardiac muscle cell - arrangement bundles - branched, mono-binucleated, centrally located nucleus - cytoplasm striations - glycogen granules - joint at the branched portion by intercalated disk stroma perimysium dense irregular endomysium loose connective specific subtype cardiac muscle subtype muscle fundamental muscle tissue function produce spontaneous contraction and rhythmic beat under the influence - ANS

Stomach organ structure/layer muscularis externa specific structure/sublayer inner diagonal, middle circular and outer longitudinal parenchyma smooth muscle cell - spindle-shaped - mononucleated, centrally located - cytoplasm no striations specific subtype smooth muscle subtype muscle fundamental type muscle tissue function produce peristalsis

Bone organ - long bone, diaphysis specific portion - cortex gross- compact bone histologic type mature or lamellar bone secondary bone part of the long cortex ( diaphysis) functional structure osteon ( Haversian system) bone matrix - concentric lamellae inorganic hydroxyapatite crystals organic osteoid, ground subs. and fibers, type I coll haversian canal BV, nerve, and loose Volkmanns canal interconnect osteon connected to the periosteum BVs and nerve arrangement of the cells concentric cells are housed in Lacunae shape of the cell stellate nucleus 1/mononucleated - location central - type of chromatin heterochromatin

cytoplasm cytoplasmic processes of each cells are joint by gap junction to each other cell to cell communication - calcified matrix around it formed canaliculi source of nutrients, removal of wastes parenchyma osteocytes derived from osteoblast - nonsynthetic - embedded in bone matrix stroma bone matrix interstitial lamellae, outer and inner circumferential lamellae inorganic hydroxyapatite organic osteoid ground subs. and fibers

- periosteum distribute BVs outer fibrous layer dense irregular collageneous tissue - parenchyma - fibroblast osteogenic layer - inner cellular layer - parenchyma -ostoeprogenitor cells

Fundamental type of tissue connective tissue Subtype specilaized C.T. Specific subtype gross compact bone spongy or cancellous bone histologic primary bone, immature or woven bone secondary bone, mature or lamellar bone Compact bone Pattern of bone formation intramembranous endochondral Intramembranous bone formation flat bone formation of primary ossification center condensation of mesenchymal cells --- differentiate --- osteoblast synthesize --- osteoid --- calcification ----- osteoblast trapped in the bone matrix ---- transform into osteocytes become spicules - fused ----- formed trabeculae spongy bone

also formed bone marrow hematopoeitic tissue

Periosteum and Endosteum developed from mesenchymal cell fibrous layer - osteoprogenitor cells Endochondral bone formation - long bone hyaline cartilage small model for bone primary center of ossification midriff, diaphysis perichondrium vascularization chondroprogenbitor cells transformed into osteoprogenitor cells periosteum --- osteoprogenitor cells differentiate into osteoblast intramembranous bone formation forming subperiosteal bone collar

Chondrocytes hypertrophy and degenerate formed spaces

perforated by enter osteoclast allow the entry of periosteal buds Blood vessels, osteoprogenitor cells and mesenchyme enter the

Degenerated chondrocytes --- lacunae become confluent

entry of blood vessels

calcification ----- calcified-cartilage bone complex osteoclast resorptions --- bone marrow cavity Subperiosteal collar - thickened and elongates toward the epiphysis Secondary ossification center epiphysis

Cancellous bone organ long bone, diaphysis structure medulla specific structure - bone trabeculae bone matrix random arrangement of osteocytes - endosteum lined by osteoporgenitor cells - marrow cavities hematopoeitic cells parenchyma osteocytes nonsynthetic lodge within the lacunae stroma matrix - osteoid ground subs fibers type I collagen

Cartilage organ trachea layer adventitia structure C-shape hyaline cartilage arrangement of the cells - isogeneous groups (4-8 cells) - cells are housed in a lacunae shape round, spherical or ovoid nucleus 1/monnucleated type of chromatin heterochromatin parenchyma chondrocytes/cartilage cells - nonsynthetic cells - embedded in an avascular matrix stroma matrix territorial and interterritorial ground substance and fibers, type II collagen - perichondrium distribute BV provide bld supply outer fibrous layer dense irregular collageneous - parenchyma - fibroblast inner cellular layer parenchyma chondroprogenitor cells

Fundamental type of tissue connective tissue Subtype specialized C.T. Specific subtype 1. Hyaline cartilage organ trachea layer adventitia specific structure C-shape cartilage function support soft tissue located in the following organs/tissues articular ends, long bone nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi ventral ends ribs template for endochondral bone formation no perichondrium in articular surfaces pattern of growth interstitial division of preexisting chondrocytes appositional division of chondroprogenitor cells in the perichondrium chondroblast (synthesized matrix - ground subs and fibers) trapped in the matrix ---- transformed into chondrocytes

2. Elastic cartilage organ epiglottis layer cartilageneous layer beneath the mucosa function flexible support located in the following organs/tissues pinna of ear auditory canal and tube epiglottis larynx stroma matrix elastic fibers perichondrium pattern of growth interstitial division of pre-existing chondrocytes appositional division of chondroprogenitor cells in the perichondrium chondroblast (synthesized matrix - ground subs and fibers) trapped in the matrix ---- transformed into chondrocytes

3. Fibrocartilage tissue intervertebral discs located in the following organs/tissues articular discs pubic symphysis insertion of tendons meniscus of knee function support and tensile strength parenchyma chondrocytes arrangement rows lodge within the lacunae stroma dense collagneous tissue, type I collagen - no perichondrium

Epithelial tissue Kidney organ structure renal corpuscle specific part Bowman capsule specific layer parietal layer specific subtype of tissue simple squamous surface epithelium, lining epithelium, parenchyma flat, mononucleated, subtype simple - single layer fundamental epithelial stroma basal lamina, type IV collagen function - protection

Thyroid gland organ

functional structure follicle lining epithelium colloid T3, T4, iodine, mono,diiodothyronine specific subtype simple cuboidal surface epithelium, lining epithelium, square, mononucleated parenchyma other name follicular cell stroma basal lamina, type IV collagen specilaized membrane structure blunt microvilli subtype simple single layer fundamental type epithelial function synthesize and store thyroid hormones under the influence of TSH of anterior pituitary

Gallbladder organ layer mucosa sublayer/specific layer lining epithelium/surface epithelium specific subtype simple columnar surface epithelium, lining epithelium, rectangular, mononucleated, nucleus basally located parenchyma stroma basal lamina, type IV collagen subtype simple, single layer fundamental type epithelial function absorption, concentration of bile other characteristic structure of the epithelium R-A sinus and diverticula

Uterus structure/layer endometrium specific structure/ sublayer functional layer specific subtype simple columnar ciliated/secretory surface epithelium, lining epithelium, rectangular, mononucleated, nucleus basally located two type of cells peg cells nourishes the spermatozoa secretory granules ciliated transport developing embryo parenchyma specialized membrane structure - cilia stroma basal lamina, type IV collagen subtype simple/single layer Fundamental epithelial under the influence of estrogen and progesterone

Trachea organ structure/layer mucosa specific structure/sublayer surface/lining epithelium specific subtype pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cells surface epithelium, lining epithelium, rectangular, mononucleated, nucleus basally located parenchyma other name - respiratory epithelium stroma basal lamina, type IV collagen specialized membrane structure cilia function removal of trapped particles in the mucus goblet cells secrete mucus cuboidal, mononucleated, nucleus is peripherally located subtype simple, single layer fundamental type epithelium function conditioning the air removal of trapped particles in the mucus

Epididymis extratesticular duct of male genital system content spermatozoa structure/layer mucosa specific structure/sublayer lining epithelium specific subtype pseudostratified columnar with stereocilia surface epithelium, lining epithelium, rectangular, mononucleated, nucleus basally located parenchyma stroma basal lamina, type IV collagen specialized membrane structure stereoilia long irregular microvilli subtype simple/single layer fundamental type epithelial function fluid resorption and secrete glycerophosphocholine under the influence of testosterone

Ureter excretory passage of urinary system content - urine layer/structure mucosa specific structure/sublayer lining epithelium specific subtype transitional epithelium surface epithelium, lining epithelium, rounded relaxed state, mononucleated, nucleus centrally located - dome-shaped cells specialized membrane structure plaques thick luminal plasma membrane) and flattened elliptical vesicles in the cytoplasm flat distended state mononuclated, nucleus centrally located - squamous - insertion of elliptical vesicles into the luminal plasma membrane parenchyma, other name - urothelium stroma basal lamina, type IV collagen

Subtype stratified Fundamental type epithelial Function prevent back flow of urine into the epithelium

Esophagus organ structure/layer mucosa specific structure/ sublayer lining epithelium specific subtype stratified squamous non-keratinized surface epithelium, lining epithelium, flat, mononucleated, nucleus centrally located parenchyma stroma basal lamina, type IV collagen subtype stratified Fundamental type epithelial Function - protection

Skin organ structure/layer epidermis specific structure/sublayer stratum corneum specific subtype stratified squamous keratinized surface epithelium, lining epithelium, horny cells or squame - flat, anucleated, nonviable scale-like structure filled with tonofilaments (keratine) keratinized desquamated parenchyma other name keratinocyte, epidermal cells stroma basal lamina, type IV collagen subtype stratified Fundamental type epithelial Function protection dessication, infection,

Connective Tissue Skin organ structure/layer dermis specific structure/sublayer reticular layer specific subtype dense irregular collageneous stroma matrix parenchyma fibroblast/fibrocytes spindle-shape syntheized ground subs and fibers fiber type I collagen subtype connective tissue proper, fibrous/collageneous/regular function allows irregular or multidirectional movement of the skin also found in ligaments

Tendon tissue specific subtype dense regular connective tissue subtype connective tissue proper, fibrous/collageneous,regular fundamental type connective tissue

Aorta organ structure/layer tunica media specific structure - fenestrated elastic membrane specific subtype elastic tissue stroma matrix parenchyma smooth muscle cells synthesized ground subs and fibers fiber elastin subtype connective tissue proper, fibrous/collageneous/regular fundamental tissue connective tissue function return the normal diameter of the lumen after conducting the blood also found in muscular artery (medium-sized) structure/layer tunica intima specific structure/sublayer internal elastic lamina

Lymph node - organ structure cortex and medulla specific subtype reticular tissue stroma matrix parenchyma reticular cells stellate, mononucleated, nucleus centrally located fiber type III collagen function framework located in the following organs/tissues Bone marrow, liver, thymus, spleen smooth muscle cells, fat cells endocrine glands

Umbilical cord Wharton jelly specific subtype mucous connective tissue stroma matrix jelly-like (more fluid than fibers) parenchyma fibroblast-like cells stellate fiber type I collagen subtype specialized connective tissue fundamental type connective tissue Function support the arteries and vein

Embryo body wall specific subtype embryonic tissue parenchyma mesenchymal cells stellate, mononucleated, nucleus centrally located stroma matrix gel-like amorphous fiber type III collagen subtype specialized connective tissue fundamental type connective tissue Function differentiate into soft tissues/connective tissues

Adipose tissue hypodermis/ subcutaneous layer specific subtype white adipose tissue brown adipose tissue stroma reticular tissue with rich neurovascular supply matrix parenchyma unilocular or multilocular adipose cell fat cells - cytoplasmic structure fat vacuoles content triglycerides release neural and adrenaline - synthesize lipoprotein lipase hydrolyze dietary lipids - synthesize fatty acids from glucose - mononucleated, peripherally located - ovoid/polygonal - under the influence of insulin increase synthesis of lipoprotein lipase and uptake of glucose ,

subtype specialized connective tissue fundamental type connective tissue function source of energy source of heat brown adipose thermogenin infant

Stomach - organ structure/layer mucosa specific structure lamina propia specific subtype loose connective tissue (areolar) stroma matrix more ground subs than fibers parenchyma fibroblast - spindle-shaped - synthentize ground subs and fibers fiber type I collagen subtype connective tissue proper, fibrous/collageneous, regular fundamental tissue connective tissue function allow diffusion/ delivery of nutrients and removal waste products of metabolism


parenchyma cellular elements RBCs, WBCs, Platelets stroma - plasma

Respiratory system layers of the walls mucosa lining epithelium pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cells lamina propia loose and dense lymphatic tissues capillaries and lymphatic channels submucosa serous mucous glands arterioles and venules muscular arteries and veins dense irregular connective tissue muscularis layer smooth muscle adventitia /serosa

Nasal cavity respiratory portion mucosa lining epithelium PSCCE with GC lamina propia venous plexuses and serousmucous glands nerve cartilage hyaline

Larynx mucosa respiratory portion false vocal cord lining epithelium PSCCE with GC lamina propia serousmucous glands true vocal cord lining epithelium SSNK lamina propia elastic ligaments cartilages hyaline and elastic muscle skeletal muscle vocalis muscle

Trachea mucosa lining epithelium PSCCE with GC lamina propia loose and dense lymphatic tissue capillaries and lymphatic channels loose connective tissue submucosa serousmucous glands adventitia C-shaped hyaline cartilage open end smooth muscle trachealis muscle

Intrapulmonary bronchus segmental bronchus mucosa lining epithelium - PSCCE with GC to simple columnar ciliated with GC lamina propia loose and dense lymphatic tissue capillaries and lymphatic channels loose connective tissue muscularis layer spiralling smooth muscle bundles irregular hyaline cartilage submucosa serousmucous glands connective tissues PV,PA,BA and BV

Bronchioles mucosa lining epithelium regular bronchiole simple columnar with cilia and GC to simple cuboidal with cilia and Clara cells terminal bronchiole simple cuboidal with Clara cells respiratory bronchiole simple cuboidal with clara cells aveolar portion simple squamous smooth muscle Alveolar ducts walls with alveoli lined by simple squamous pneumocyte type I and simple cuboidal pneumocyte type II smooth muscle

Alveolar sacs wall - alveoli lined by simple squamous pneumocyte type I and simple cuboidal pneumocyte type

Alveoli lining epithelium simple squamous pneumocyte type I gas exchange simple cuboidal pneumocyte type II secrete surfactant lamellar bodies - alveolar macrophages interalveolar septum capillaries lined by simple squamous - endothelium connective tissue elastic and reticular fibers parenchyma fibroblast pores of Kohn alveolar macrophages

Lymphatic tissues Thymus capsule - dense irregular connective tissue septa dense irregular connective tissue divide it into lobules cortex and medulla immature T cells mature T cells parenchyma - T lymphocytes scanty cytoplasm azurophilic granules nucleus heterochromatin mononucleated stroma epithelial reticular tissue stellate, mononucleated, centrally located secrete thymosin and thymopoeitin type III collagen - Hassals corpuscle accretions of epithelial reticular cells - numerous in medulla subtype of lymphatic tissue dense fundamental type of tissue - connective Function differentiation and maturation of T cells

Lymph node capsule dense irregular connective tissue trabeculae - dense irregular connective tissue cortex lymphatic nodules with or with germinal center B cells subcapsular sinusoids and cortical sinusoids lined by endothelium simple squamous paracortex dense lymphatic tissue -T cells - postcapillary venule - HEV medulla medullary sinusoids lined by endothelium simple squamous medullary cords lymphocytes and plasma cells parenchyma T and B lymphocytes stroma supportive framework - reticular tissue, fibers Type III collagen reticular cells - stellate-shaped ground subs and fibers - capsule dense irregular function filter lymph, housed memory cells, maintain and produce T and B cells

Specific subtype lymphatic nodules without germinal center B cell- memory/naive lymphatic nodules with germinal center B cells immunoblast differentiate into plasma cell and memory cell dense lymphatic tissue T and B cells subtype dense nodular loose Fundamental type connective tissue

Spleen capsule dense irregular connective tissue trabeculae dense irregular C.T. and smooth muscle trabecular arteries and veins red pulp splenic cords - sinusoid lined by splenic macrophages and endothelium function removal of senescent, damaged, abnormal rbcs content - blood white pulp specific subtype - dense lymphatic tissue PALS - central arteriole surrounded by T lymphocytes nodular lymphatic tissue with germinal center - B cells immunoblast differentiate into plasma cells nodular lymphatic tissue without germinal center B cells memory/nave parenchyma - lymphocytes subtype dense, nodular or loose fundamental type connective tissue

Tonsil located in the oropharynx MALT - aggregates of lymphatic nodules - layer - located in the lamina propia crypts lined by stratified squamous nonkeratinized M cells parenchyma T and B lymphocytes specific subtype dense lymphatic tissue nodular lymphatic tissue without germinal center B cells memory/naive nodular lymphatic tissue without germinal center B cells immunoblast differentiate into plasma cells subtype dense, nodular or loose Fundamental type connectiive tissue function interact and processed the antigens

Ileum structure Peyers patch MALT aggregates of lymphatic nodules mucosa - villi lining epithelium specific subtype - simple columnar absorptive cells goblet cells M cells lamina propia aggregates of lymphatic nodules Peyers patch dense lymphatic tissue loose lymphatic nodules Peyers patch specific subtype lymphatic nodules with germinal center memory/nave cells specific subtype lymphatic nodules without germinal center B cells immunoblast differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells subtype dense, nodular or loose fundamental type connective tissue

Appendix MALT aggregates of lymphatic tissues in the appendix Mucosa - flat lining epithelium specific subtype - simple columnar absorptive cell lamina propia colonic gland dense and lymphatic nodules specific subtype dense lymphatic tissues specific subtype lymphatic nodules with germinal center B cells immunoblast differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells without germinal center B cell memory/nave subtype dense or nodular muscularis mucosae bundle of smooth muscles Submucosa Meissners plexus BVs and lymphatics

Muscularis externa inner circular and outer longitudinal bundles of smooth muscles Auerbachs plexus ganglion parasympathetic nerves pre and post ganglionic nerve fibers function increase peristaltic activity Serosa mesothelium, simple squamous epithelium

Digestive system Lip part Mucous membrane mucosa lining epithelium specific subtype SSNK surface epithelium lamina propia minor salivary glands labial glands dense irregular connective tissue muscularis layer skeletal muscle orbicularis oris Skin epidermis specific subtype SSK surface epithelium dermis papillary loose connective tissue reticular dense irregular appendages hair follicle sebaceous Mucocutaneous junction or Vermillion border junction bet SSNK and SSk

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