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PPST Career Stages and COT Rubric Levels

The PPST presents a continuum of practice by stipulating what the teachers are expected to know and do at different stages of their development. To address this
continuum, each indicator in the COT uses nine (9) rubric levels based on the four (4) career stages: Beginning, Proficient, Highly Proficient, and Distinguished. Each level
corresponds to the extent of performance of teachers in each career stage.

LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
LEVEL NAME Not Evident Building Organizing Developing Applying Consolidating Integrating Discriminating Synthesizing

LEVEL The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher uses The teacher applies The teacher
does not demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a uses well- well-connected deep knowledge strategically applies
DESCRIPTIONS demonstrate limited range of limited range of range of range of connected pedagogical aspects and understanding exceptional knowledge
the indicator. separate loosely- associated associated pedagogical of the indicator to of the indicator and understanding of
aspects of the associated pedagogical pedagogical aspects of the create an discriminately to the indicator to foster a
indicator. pedagogical aspects of the aspects of the indicator that environment that contextualize teaching and learning
aspects of the indicator that indicator that consistently are addresses individual teaching and culture that values
indicator. sometimes are usually are aligned with and group learning learning processes informed feedback,
aligned with the aligned with the student goals. within the discipline to critical thinking and
learners' learners' development meet individual and lifelong learning.
developmental developmental and support group learning goals.
needs. needs. students to be

If taken in separate career stages, each indicator has 5 levels. The Beginning rubric uses levels 1 to 5; the Proficient rubric uses levels 3 to 7; the Highly Proficient rubric
uses levels 4 to 8; and the Distinguished rubric uses levels 5 to 9.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Not Evident Building Organizing Developing Applying Consolidating Integrating Discriminating Synthesizing

PPST-based Classroom Observation Tool
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)

1. Applied Classroom Observation Tool Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated

knowledge of (COT) rating sheet/s or inter- Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
content within observer agreement form/s Objective 1 as Objective 1 as Objective 1 as Objective 1 as Objective 1 as
and across done through onsite / face-to-face shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating
curriculum / in-person classroom sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter-
teaching areas. observation. observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement
(PPST 1.1.2) Quality forms forms forms forms forms
If onsite / face-to-face / in-
person classes are not or
• through observation of No acceptable
synchronous / asynchronous evidence was
teaching in other modalities; shown
• through observation of a Objective was met Objective was No acceptable
demonstration teaching* via within the allotted met but evidence was
LAC session. time instruction shown
exceeded the
allotted time

* The demonstration teaching must always reflect the teaching-learning process.

1. PPST Resource Package Module 1 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 1.1.2).
2. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below:

COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating

Means of Verification Average
Rating Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table

COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000

COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
COT Rating Sheet 3 5 3 (Very Satisfactory) Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
COT Rating Sheet 4 6 4 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499

PPST Module Link:

RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers

INDICATOR 1 Applies knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas

3 4 5 6 7

The teacher The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates The teacher The teacher applies extensive or significant degree of errors in the content of the lesson

demonstrates minor accurate knowledge of key accurate and in-depth demonstrates accurate, high- level knowledge MODERATE CONTENT ERRORS
reasonable degree of errors in the content of the lesson
content errors either in concepts both in the knowledge of most in-depth and broad of content and
the presentation of the presentation of the lesson concepts in the knowledge of all pedagogy that creates MINOR CONTENT ERRORS
lesson or in responding and in responding to presentation of the concepts in the a conducive learning insignificant degree of errors in the content of the lesson

to learners’ questions learners’ questions or lesson and in responding presentation of the environment that KEY CONCEPTS

or comments. comments. to learners’ questions in lesson and in enables an in-depth and central ideas of the topic or lesson

a manner that attempts responding to learners’ sophisticated COHERENCE

logical and/or developmental sequence in presenting the lesson
The lesson The lesson content to be responsive to questions in a manner understanding of the
content displays coherence. student developmental that is responsive to teaching and learning SIMPLE COHERENCE
displays simple learning needs. learner‘s developmental process to meet basic logic in the sequence of the lesson with one part linked to the next
coherence. The teacher attempts to needs and promotes individual or group PEDAGOGY
method and practice of teaching
make connections across The teacher makes learning. learning needs within In the context of Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd), pedagogy is articulated in the IP's Indigenous Learning System (ILS) (DO 32, s. 2015).

curriculum content areas if connections across and across curriculum

appropriate. curriculum content areas if The teacher makes content areas. ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE
appropriate. meaningful connections error-free content

across curriculum IN-DEPTH KNOWLEDGE

content areas, if foundational knowledge and finer details within the curriculum teaching area

knowledge across curriculum teaching areas
accurate, in-depth, and broad knowledge within and across curriculum teaching areas
The teacher indicates 1. The teacher clearly 1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher 1. The teacher
some awareness of explains concepts comprehensive displays extensive applies extensive knowledge grounded in global best practices
other ideas of the and makes no understanding of knowledge of knowledge of
same discipline that content errors. the concepts and content. content beyond CURRICULUM TEACHING AREAS
different learning/subject areas taught and learned in the K to 12 curriculum which includes areas for Kindergarten Education, Special
are connected to the 2. The content appears structure of the 2. The teacher his/her area of Education, Alternative Learning System, Indigenous Peoples Education

lesson but does not to be accurate and its disciplines. addresses specialization.
make solid focus 2. The teacher content 2. The teacher For IPEd, learning/subject areas are contextualized by interfacing the national curriculum competencies with the community competencies

connection. shows awareness of addresses accurately and motivates learners identified in their Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs) (DO 32, s. 2015).

the ideas and content accurately its to investigate the KNOWLEDGE OF CONTENT AND PEDAGOGY
integration of expertise and teaching skill for a particular area; appropriateness of the pedagogy to teaching area
The teacher makes and makes content area to
structure of the focus is
few content errors expand their
discipline. connections across congruent with
in presenting the knowledge and WITHIN CURRICULUM TEACHING AREA
3. The teacher disciplines the big ideas
lesson but does not satisfy their natural inclusion of appropriately chosen intra-disciplinary topics and enabling learning competencies within the curriculum guide of a specific

affect entirely the demonstrates factual and/or structure curiosity.

learning/subject area and grade level

learning process. knowledge of subject of the discipline ACROSS CURRICULUM TEACHING AREA
matter and making meaningful connections and including appropriate interdisciplinary topics and learning competencies cited in the curriculum guide of
other learning/subject areas in any grade level
attempts to connect
content across
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)

2. Used a range of Classroom Observation Tool Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
teaching (COT) rating sheet/s or inter- Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
strategies that observer agreement form/s Objective 2 as Objective 2 as Objective 2 as Objective 2 as Objective 2 as
enhance learner done through onsite / face-to-face shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating
achievement in / in-person classroom sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter-
literacy and observation. observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement
numeracy skills. Quality forms forms forms forms forms
(PPST 1.4.2) If onsite / face-to-face / in-
person classes are not or
• through observation of No acceptable
synchronous / evidence was
asynchronous teaching in shown
other modalities; or Objective was met Objective was No acceptable
• through observation of a within the allotted met but evidence was
demonstration time instruction shown
teaching* via LAC exceeded the
session. allotted time

* The demonstration teaching must always reflect the teaching-learning process.

1. PPST Resource Package Module 2 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 1.4.2).
2. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below:

COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating

Means of Verification Average
Rating Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table

COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000

COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
COT Rating Sheet 3 5 3 (Very Satisfactory) Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
COT Rating Sheet 4 6 4 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
PPST Module Link:
Page 6 of 20
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers NOTE: FIRST QUARTER TO FOURTH QUARTER
INDICATOR 2 Use a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills

The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher skills needed for reading and writing. These may include awareness of sounds of
uses loosely- occasionally applies frequently consistently integrates well- language, awareness of print, and the relationship between letters and sounds. Other
skills such as creating knowledge through writing as well as developing media and
connected teaching strategies applies relevant applies relevant connected technology are part of literacy skills.
teaching that address strategies that strategies that teaching Examples of literacy skills in IPEd classrooms: reading the behavior of animals,
strategies to learners’ literacy enhance enhance learners’ strategies that symbols of leaves, formation of clouds, wind direction and temperature;
address and/or numeracy learners’ literacy literacy and/or promote identifying the meaning of dreams
learners’ literacy needs. and/or numeracy skills. individual and
and/or numeracy skills. group learners’ NUMERACY SKILLS
numeracy critical literacy skills which consist of comprehending and applying fundamental arithmetic operations
needs. and/ or critical like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Numeracy skills may also
numeracy skills. include the ability to reason with mathematical concepts like interpreting data, charts,
and diagrams; to process information; to solve problems; and to make decisions
based on logical thinking and reasoning.
Examples of numeracy skills in SPED classrooms: up-down movement in brushing
of teeth; counting the number of boys and girls; folding of clothes using numbered
FEATURES OF PRACTICE Examples of numeracy skills in IPEd classrooms: indigenous measurement
(handspan, pacing, etc.); indigenous calendar; synchronized planting; weaving
1. The teacher 1. In some parts of 1. The teacher 1. 1. The teacher patterns
defines the lesson, the uses employs
general teacher activities that The teacher activities that CRITICAL LITERACY
terms in the provides enhance provides enhance ability to critically analyze and evaluate the meaning of text as it relates to
community and global issues to inform a critical stance, response, and/or action
lesson but activities which literacy activities to and support
fails to address and/or enhance learners’ CRITICAL NUMERACY
define learners’ numeracy in learners’ higher level ability to effectively use mathematical concepts in applying, analyzing,
specific literacy and/or almost all literacy of literacy evaluating,TEACHING
terms numeracy aspects of and/or and/or teaching approaches which are inappropriate in addressing literacy and/or numeracy
needed to needs but fails the lesson. numeracy numeracy needs
develop to do so in skills in all skills as a
teaching approaches which are mismatched in addressing literacy and/or numeracy
learners’ full some critical aspects of significant needs
understandin parts of the the lesson. part of
g of literacy lesson where his/her irregularly occurs
and/or either or both instruction. FREQUENTLY
numeracy skills are often occurs
concepts. necessary. CONSISTENTLY
constantly occurs
teaching approaches which are moderately associated with the learners’
developmental needs to enhance literacy and/or numeracy skills

PPST-based Classroom Observation Tool

KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)

3. Applied a Classroom Observation Tool Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated

range of (COT) rating sheet/s or inter- Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
teaching observer agreement form/s done Objective 3 as Objective 3 as Objective 3 as Objective 3 as Objective 3 as
strategies to through onsite / face-to- face / in- shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating
develop person classroom observation. sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter-
critical and observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement
creative If onsite / face-to-face / in- Quality forms forms forms forms forms
thinking, as person classes are not
well as other implemented, or
higher-order • through observation of
thinking skills. synchronous / asynchronous No acceptable
(PPST 1.5.2) teaching in other modalities; or evidence was
• through observation of a shown
demonstration teaching* via
LAC session. Objective was met Objective was No acceptable
within the allotted met but evidence was
Efficiency time instruction shown
exceeded the
allotted time

* The demonstration teaching must always reflect the teaching-learning process.

1. PPST Resource Package Module 3 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 1.5.2).
2. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below:

COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating

Means of Verification Average
Rating Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table

COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000

COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 4 Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
(Very Satisfactory)
COT Rating Sheet 3 5 3 Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
COT Rating Sheet 4 6 4 Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499

PPST Module Link:

Page 8 of 20
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers NOTE: FIRST QUARTER TO FOURTH QUARTER
INDICATOR 3 Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills

The teacher provides The teacher uses questions The teacher employs a range The teacher challenges The teacher provides a CRITICAL THINKING
straightforward questions and and activities that mostly of targeted follow-up learners to justify their broad range SKILLS
activities which lead learners require the learners to questions and activities thinking and successfully of questions and activities, high-level
through a single path of inquiry. interpret, explain, or that encourage learners to engages most learners in including those of higher- thinking skills
describe ideas learned. explain, demonstrate, and discussion using well- order, that challenge such as analysis,
use ideas learned. directed questions and learners to analyze their interpretation, or
activities. thinking to promote synthesis of
deeper understanding. information and
application of
FEATURES OF PRACTICE creative thought
1. The teacher makes 1. The teacher employs a 1. The teacher 1. The teacher gives to form an
1. The teacher asks questions
argument, solve
that require rote-type some attempt to range of strategies to challenges learners learners a problem, or
responses such as Who, engage learners in ensure that most cognitively to advance opportunities to reach a
What, Where, and When. genuine discussion learners are given high- level thinking compare and conclusion
rather than simple, opportunities to give and discourse in an contrast ideas.
Examples of rote- factual, or rote- type opinions about the interactive exchange CREATIVE
type questions vs. discussion. lesson and to react to of views. 2. The teacher gives
thinking skills that
high-order questions: the opinions of others. learners opportunities involve exploring
2. The teacher asks, “Can 2. The teacher ensures to synthesize or ideas, generating
a. “Who is the author?” you please explain this 2. The teacher creates a that all voices of summarize possibilities, and
vs. “Who is the idea?”. genuine discussion learners are heard in information within or looking for multiple
persona?” among learners, the discussion. across disciplines. right answers rather
b. “What is the solution providing adequate than just one
to time for them to HIGHER-ORDER
the problem?” vs. respond, as well as to THINKING SKILLS
“How will you step aside when complex thinking
address the issue?” appropriate. processes which
c. “Saang kontinente include analysis,
matatagpuan ang
synthesis, reflection,
bansang Indonesia?” and creativity
vs. “Saang kaugnay
na lokasyon
matatagpuan ang

2. The teacher accepts all

contributions without
processing the learners’
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)

4. Displayed Classroom Observation Tool (COT) Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
proficient use of rating sheet/s or inter- observer Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
Mother Tongue, agreement form/s done through Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Objective 4 as Objective 4 as
Filipino and onsite / face-to- face / in-person shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating
English to facilitate classroom observation. sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter-
teaching and observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement
learning. If onsite / face-to-face / in- Quality forms forms forms forms forms
(PPST 1.6.2) person classes are not
implemented, or
• through observation of
synchronous / No acceptable
asynchronous teaching in other evidence was
modalities; or shown
• through observation of a Objective was met Objective was No acceptable
demonstration teaching* within the met but evidence was
via LAC session. Efficiency allotted time instruction shown
exceeded the
allotted time

* The demonstration teaching must always reflect the teaching-learning process.

1. PPST Resource Package Module 14 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 1.6.2).
2. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below:

COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating

Means of Verification Average
Rating Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table

COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000

COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 (Very Satisfactory) Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
PPST Module:
Page 10 of 20
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers NOTE: FIRST QUARTER AND THIRD QUARTER
INDICATOR 4 Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning
3 4 5 6 7
The teacher displays The teacher displays The teacher displays Advanced The teacher displays The teacher displays
Intermediate Mid sublevel Intermediate High sublevel Low sublevel proficiency in the Advanced Mid sublevel Advanced High sublevel
proficiency in the use of proficiency in the use of use of Mother Tongue, and/or proficiency in the use of proficiency in the use of
Mother Tongue, and/or Mother Tongue, and/or Filipino, Filipino, and/or English that Mother Tongue, and/ or Mother Tongue, and/ or
Filipino, and/or English that and/or English that fairly regularly facilitates teaching Filipino, and/ Filipino, and/
loosely facilitates teaching facilitates teaching and and learning. or English that or English that extensively
and learning. learning. progressively facilitates facilitates teaching and
teaching and learning learning including probing
including probing questions and feedback.
questions and feedback.
1. . Teacher’s use of 1. Teacher’s use of 1. Teacher’s use of Mother 1. Teacher’s use of 1. Teacher’s use of Mother
Mother Tongue, and/or Tongue, and/or Filipino, Tongue, and/or Filipino,
Mother Tongue, and/or Mother Tongue,
Filipino, and/or English and/or English is mostly and/or English
Filipino, and/or English is and/or Filipino,
is characterized by sufficient, accurate, clear, demonstrates a well-
primarily framed using and/or English is
occasional pauses and and precise in conveying developed ability in
connected ideas. marked by a
self- corrections as ideas to learners without using communication
substantial flow of
he/she searches for misrepresentation or strategies, such as code
2. Teacher’s use of Mother ideas. His/ her
adequate vocabulary confusion. switching and
Tongue, and/or Filipino, vocabulary is fairly
and appropriate translation.
and/or English manifests extensive and
language forms in 2. Teacher’s use of Mother
minimal linguistic appropriate to the
delivering the lesson. Tongue, and/or Filipino, 2. The teacher uses
challenges. level of learners.
and/or English is generally precise vocabulary and
2. The teacher rarely has understood by the intonation to express
2. Teacher’s use of Mother
difficulty linking ideas learners. meaning and often
Tongue, and/or Filipino,
and using shows great fluency
and/or English is
communication and ease in delivering
concrete, accurate,
strategies, such as the lesson.
clear and precise,
code switching and
conveying his/ her ideas
misinterpretations or
the native language or the first language the learner learns as a child (PPST, able to consistently handle class discussions in any of the mediums of
2017) instruction (Mother Tongue/ Filipino/English) in a variety of communicative
tasks in learning situations
the use of language (medium of instruction) to communicate effectively in ADVANCED MID SUBLEVEL PROFICIENCY
speech and in writing, including code switching (alternating between 2 or able to consistently handle class discussions in any of the mediums of
more languages in a single discourse) and translation (communicating instruction (Mother Tongue/ Filipino/English) with ease and confidence in a
meaning from one language to another) large number of communicative tasks

Proficiency for SPED teachers handling learners with hearing impairment: ADVANCED HIGH SUBLEVEL PROFICIENCY
use of Total Communication (TC), that is incorporating various modes of able to consistently handle class discussions in any of the mediums of
communication such as speech, gestures, body language, lipreading, and instruction (Mother Tongue/ Filipino/English) with linguistic ease, confidence,
formal signs (e.g., American Sign Language (ASL), Filipino Sign Language and competence in complex communicative tasks
(FSL), Signed Exact English (SEE)
NOVICE PROFICIENCY able to communicate in any of the mediums of instruction (Mother
able to lead class discussions in any of the mediums of instruction (Mother Tongue/Filipino/English) with accuracy and fluency in order to engage
Tongue/Filipino/English) but unable to sustain performance at proficient level learners fully and effectively in a variety of learning situations from both
concrete and abstract perspectives
able to lead class discussions in any of the mediums of instruction (Mother DISTINGUISHED PROFICIENCY
Tongue/Filipino/English) but in a limited number of simple communicative able to use any of the mediums of instruction (Mother
tasks in learning situations Tongue/Filipino/English) skillfully, and with accuracy, efficiency,
effectiveness, and cultural appropriateness
INTERMEDIATE MID SUBLEVEL PROFICIENCY (Adapted from ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, 2012)
able to lead class discussions in any of the mediums of instruction (Mother
Tongue/Filipino/English) in a variety of simple communicative tasks in
learning situations


able to lead class discussions in any of the mediums of instruction (Mother
Tongue/Filipino/English) with ease and confidence when dealing with routine
tasks and learning situations
KRA 2: Learning Environment & Diversity of Learners
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)

5. Established safe Classroom Observation Tool Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
and secure learning (COT) rating sheet/s or inter- Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
environments to observer agreement form/s done Objective 5 as Objective 5 as Objective 5 as Objective 5 as Objective 5 as
enhance learning through onsite / face-to- face / in- shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating
through the person classroom observation. sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter-
consistent observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement
implementation of If onsite / face-to-face / in- Quality forms forms forms forms forms
policies, guidelines person classes are not
and procedures. implemented, or
(PPST 2.1.2) • through observation of
synchronous / No acceptable
asynchronous teaching in other evidence was
modalities; or shown
• through observation of a Objective was met Objective was No acceptable
demonstration teaching* within the met but evidence was
via LAC session. Efficiency allotted time instruction shown
exceeded the
allotted time

* The demonstration teaching must always reflect the teaching-learning process.

1. PPST Resource Package Module 15 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 2.1.2).
2. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below:

COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating

Means of Verification Average
Rating Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table

COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000

COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 (Very Satisfactory) Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499

PPST Module:

Page 13 of 20
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers NOTE: FIRST QUARTER AND THIRD QUARTER
INDICATOR 5 Establish safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures

The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT
rarely occasionally frequently generally consistently every aspect of creating a positive experience for
students which includes the physical space and the
implements implements implements implements implements relationships between students, teachers, and the
safety policies, safety policies, safety policies, safety policies, safety policies, learning community as a whole (UNHCR, 2007)
guidelines, and guidelines, and guidelines, and guidelines, and guidelines, and SECURE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT
procedures to procedures to procedures to procedures to procedures to school spaces and activities that free learners from
establish a establish a safe establish a safe establish a safe regularly physical harm or risks to promote their well-
being and support their learning (NCSSLE,
safe and and secure and secure and secure maintain a safe 2019)
secure learning learning learning learning and secure SAFETY POLICIES, GUIDELINES, AND
environment environment and environment and environment learning PROCEDURES
and only some majority of the most of the and all learners environment to involve proper conduct in relating to adults and
learners follow learners follow follow such
peers; arrangement of chairs, tables, and
learners follow such rules. enhance equipment; general cleanliness; precautions in
such rules. such rules.. rules. individual and handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous
chemicals in laboratories; proper use of tools; etc.
group learning.
seldom occurs
1. 1. The teacher 1. The teacher 1. The teacher 1. The teacher OCCASIONALLY
irregularly occurs
The teacher implements implements implements ensures
safety safety safety that FREQUENTLY
often occurs
implements guidelines guidelines and guidelines learners can
safety and practices practices to and articulate GENERALLY
normally occurs
guidelines to several most of the practices in and adhere
and learning learning almost all to the CONSISTENTLY
practices to tasks. tasks. of the safety constantly occurs

very few learning guidelines SOME

selected tasks. and less than half

tasks. practices in MAJORITY

all the more than half
learning MOST
tasks. almost all, approaching 100%
KRA 2: Learning Environment & Diversity of Learners
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)

6. Maintained Classroom Observation Tool Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated

learning (COT) rating sheet/s or inter- Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
environments that observer agreement form/s done Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Objective 6 as Objective 6 as
promote fairness, through onsite / face-to- face / in- shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating
respect and care to person classroom observation. sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter-
encourage learning. observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement
(PPST 2.2.2) If onsite / face-to-face / in- Quality forms forms forms forms forms
person classes are not
implemented, or
• through observation of
synchronous / No acceptable
asynchronous teaching in other evidence was
modalities; or shown
• through observation of a Objective was met Objective was No acceptable
demonstration teaching* within the met but evidence was
via LAC session. Efficiency allotted time instruction shown
exceeded the
allotted time

* The demonstration teaching must always reflect the teaching-learning process.

1. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See
sample computation below:

COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating

Means of Verification Average
Rating Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table

COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000

COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 (Very Satisfactory) Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499

Note: No available module in the PPST Support MaterialsC Poor (1) 1.000-1.499

Page 15 of 20
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers NOTE: FIRST QUARTER AND THIRD QUARTER
INDICATOR 6 Maintain learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning

The teacher- The teacher- The teacher- The teacher- The teacher
learner learner learner learner promotes a RARELY
learner-teacher interactions are minimally acceptable
interactions interactions are interactions are interactions are supportive and
occasionally generally fair, consistently fair, consistently fair, nurturing OCCASIONALLY
support fairness, respectful, and respectful, and respectful, and learning learner-teacher interactions are moderately acceptable
respect, and caring, and the caring, and most caring, and all environment GENERALLY
care, which majority of learners feel learners feel where all learner-teacher interactions are mostly acceptable
results in some learners feel accepted and accepted and learners feel
learners feeling accepted and encouraged to encouraged to accepted, CONSISTENTLY
learner-teacher interactions are highly acceptable
accepted and encouraged to learn. learn. encouraged to
encouraged to learn. learn, and free
learn. to take FAIRNESS
impartial and just treatment or behavior
learning risks.
FEATURES OF PRACTICE due regard for the feelings, rights, and culture of others
1. 1. The teacher 1. The teacher 1. The teacher 1. The teacher
The teacher promotes maintains establishes enhances attention or consideration to others
encourages generally polite and positive polite and
social positive respectful social respectful SOME
less than half
positive interactions interactions interactions interactions
interactions with learners with learners with learners with learners MAJORITY
with learners and among and among and among and among more than half
and among learners but learners. learners. learners, and MOST
learners but some conflict Disagreemen exhibits almost all, approaching 100%
occasional and/or ts, if sensitivity to
inconsistenci occasional present, are learners’
es like insensitivity handled differences.
favoritism, or are displayed. respectfully.
for learners’
are evident.
KRA 2: Learning Environment & Diversity of Learners
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)

7. Established a Classroom Observation Tool (COT) Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
learner-centered rating sheet/s or inter- observer Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
culture by using agreement form/s done through Objective 7 as Objective 7 as Objective 7 as Objective 7 as Objective 7 as
teaching strategies onsite / face-to- face / in-person shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating
that respond to classroom observation. sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter-
their linguistic, observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement
cultural, socio- If onsite / face-to-face / in- Quality forms forms forms forms forms
economic and person classes are not
religious implemented, or
backgrounds. • through observation of
(PPST 3.2.2) synchronous / No acceptable
asynchronous teaching in other evidence was
modalities; or shown
• through observation of a
Objective was met Objective was No acceptable
demonstration teaching*
within the met but evidence was
via LAC session.
Efficiency allotted time instruction shown
exceeded the
allotted time

* The demonstration teaching must always reflect the teaching-learning process.

1. PPST Resource Package Module 17 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 3.2.2).
2. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below:

COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating

Means of Verification Average
Rating Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table

COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000

COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 (Very Satisfactory) Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
PPST Module:
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RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers NOTE: FIRST QUARTER AND FOURTH QUARTER
INDICATOR 7 Establish a learner-centered culture by using teaching strategies that respond to learners' linguistic, cultural, socio- economic and religious backgrounds
The teacher The teacher employs The teacher The teacher employs The teacher
employs strategies which are employs a variety of employs an LEARNER-CENTERED CULTURE
strategies partially appropriate strategies strategies which are extensive a set of attitudes, conventions, and practices that
which to address learners’ which appropriate to repertoire of place learners at the center of the learning process
are somewhat linguistic, and/or are appropriate to address learners’ strategies to by using varied teaching modalities responsive to
appropriate to cultural, and/or socio- address learners’ linguistic, and/or create a learner- learners’ diverse backgrounds and relevant to
address learners’ economic, and/or linguistic, and/or cultural, and/or centered meaningful learning experience
linguistic, and/or religious backgrounds. cultural, and/or socio- economic, environment
cultural, and/or socio- economic, and/or religious that addresses LINGUISTIC BACKGROUND
socio- economic, and/or religious backgrounds. individual and learners' understanding of the principles of
language and their application to the language
and/or religious backgrounds. group of learners’
being taught
backgrounds. linguistic, and/or
cultural, and/or
ethnic and racial factors and values that shape the
and/or religious
learners' upbringing at the family or societal level


factors that affect the social standing or class of
1. The teacher 1. The teacher 1. The teacher 1. The teacher 1. The teacher the learners as determined by their education and
demonstrates a displays demonstrates an delivers demonstrates a family's income and occupation
limited familiarity of understanding of appropriate wider RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND
understanding learners’ the purpose and instructional understanding
learners' belief system and/or spirituality that is
of the background but value of learning adaptation for of the reflected in a worldview and in expected actions
educability of sometimes lacks about learners’ individual educability of
individual responsiveness background to learner needs. individual
learners. in addressing inform The adaptation learners. EDUCABILITY
them. of instruction is observed variations in the learners’ capacity to perform
2. The teacher realistic and 2. The teacher's
gives effective. instructional VARIETY
opportunities to strategies a range of different strategies employed as required by
only few 2. The teacher respond to the learning situation
learners to provides individual and
actively engage diverse learners group of EXTENSIVE REPERTOIRE
in the learning with learners’ wide and comprehensive range of strategies
activities. opportunities to background,
actively engage thus creating an SOMEWHAT APPROPRIATE
in various environment minimal degree of appropriateness
learning where learners
activities. feel equally moderate degree of appropriateness
KRA 2: Learning Environment & Diversity of Learners
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)
8. Adapted and Classroom Observation Tool Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
used culturally (COT) rating sheet/s or inter- Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
appropriate observer agreement form/s done Objective 8 as Objective 8 as Objective 8 as Objective 8 as Objective 8 as
teaching through onsite / face-to-face / in- shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT
strategies to person classroom observation. sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- rating sheets /
address the needs observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement inter-observer
of learners from If onsite / face-to-face / in- forms forms forms forms agreement forms
indigenous Quality
person classes are not
groups. (PPST implemented, or
3.5.2) • through observation of
synchronous / asynchronous No acceptable
teaching in other modalities; or evidence was
• through observation of a shown
demonstration teaching* via
LAC session.
Objective was met Objective was met but No acceptable
within the allotted instruction exceeded evidence was
time the allotted time shown

* The demonstration teaching must always reflect the teaching-learning process.

1. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below:

COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating

Means of Verification Average
Rating Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table

COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000

COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 (Very Satisfactory) Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Note: No available module in the PPST Support Materials C Poor (1) 1.000-1.499

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RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers
INDICATOR 8 Adapt and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups
The teacher The teacher employs The teacher employs The teacher The teacher LEARNERS FROM INDIGENOUS GROUPS
employs strategies which are strategies which are employs a employs people who have, under claims of ownership since time
strategies partially culturally culturally appropriate variety of extensive immemorial, occupied, possessed, and utilized ancestral
which appropriate in in addressing the strategies repertoire of territories, shared common bonds of language, customs,
are somewhat addressing the learning learning needs which are strategies to traditions, and other unique cultural traits (RA 8371,
culturally needs of learners from of learners from culturally create a learner- IPRA)
appropriate in indigenous groups. indigenous appropriate in centered TEACHING STRATEGIES
addressing the groups. addressing the environment that In the context of IPEd, teaching strategies are
learning needs learning needs addresses the embedded in an indigenous cultural community's (ICC)
of learners from learning needs of Indigenous Learning System (ILS), which is an ICC's
of learners
individual and system of educating succeeding generations of youth
from indigenous
into the community's cultural system (DO 32, s. 2015).
indigenous groups. group of learners
groups. from indigenous
comprise both essential learning tools (literacy, oral
groups. expression, numeracy, and problem solving) and the
basic learning content (knowledge, skills, values, and
attitudes) required by human beings to be able to survive,
1. The 1. The teacher 1. 1. The 1. The teacher to develop their full capacities, to live and work in dignity,
to participate fully in development, to improve the quality
teacher displays The teacher demonstrates a
teacher provides of their lives, to make informed decisions, and to
demonstrates familiarity of demonstrates an wider
a culture-based continue learning (UNESCO
a limited learners’ cultural understanding of understanding
instruction to
understandin background but the purpose and of a culture- CULTURE-BASED EDUCATION
meet the needs
g of a sometimes lacks value of learning based an education that is grounded in the context of the
of learners. The
culture-based responsiveness in in the learners' education. indigenous communities' life, recognizes their Indigenous
adaptation of
education. addressing them. context. Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs), and is
instruction is
realistic and 2. Teacher’s
inclusive of their cultural perspectives (DO 32, s. 2015,
Enclosure p.4)
2. The teacher effective. instructional CONTEXTUALIZATION
gives strategies the educational process of relating the curriculum to a
opportunities to 2. The teacher respond to particular setting, situation or area of application to make
only few provides individual and the competencies relevant, meaningful, and useful to all
learners to diverse learners group of learners; distinguished into two: localization and
actively engage with learners’ indigenization (DO 32, s. 2015, Enclosure p.6)
cultural VARIETY
in the learning opportunities to
background, a range of different strategies employed as required by the
activities. actively engage
learning situation
in various thus creating
learning an
wide and comprehensive range of strategies
activities. environment SOMEWHAT APPROPRIATE
where learners minimal degree of appropriateness
involved. moderate degree of appropriateness
KRA 4: Curriculum and Planning & Assessment and Reporting
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)

9. Set achievable At least one (1) lesson plan Set learning Set learning Set learning Set learning No acceptable
and appropriate (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, outcomes were outcomes were outcomes were outcomes were not evidence was
learning outcomes WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes) achievable and achievable and achievable and achievable or shown
that are aligned with or one lesson from a self- learning appropriate, and appropriate, and appropriate, and appropriate, and
learning module, developed by the ratee* and led to the attainment contributed to the are aligned with the were partially
competencies. used in instruction, with achievable and of the next related understanding of learning aligned with the
appropriate learning outcomes that are
(PPST 4.2.2) aligned with the learning competencies Quality competency, as the next related competencies, as learning
as shown in any one (1) of the shown in the MOV competency, as shown in the MOV competencies, as
following: submitted. shown in the MOV submitted. shown in the MOV
 lecture/discussion submitted. submitted.
 activity/activity sheet
 performance task
 rubric for assessing performance
using criteria that appropriately All of the learning Majority of the At least half of the Less than half of No acceptable
describe the target output outcomes set were learning outcomes learning outcomes the learning evidence was
aligned with the set were aligned set were aligned outcomes set were shown
learning with the learning with the learning aligned with the
Efficiency competencies as competencies as competencies as learning
shown in the MOV shown in the MOV shown in the MOV competencies as
submitted submitted submitted shown in the MOV

* If the lesson plan or the lesson from a self-learning module is a product of a group work / collaborative effort of two (2) or more teachers, ratee should specify and provide annotations of one’s contribution to the material.

Note: The PPST Resource Package Module 18 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 4.2.2).

PPST Module:
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RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers
KRA 3: Curriculum and Planning & Assessment and Reporting
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor (1)

10. Used strategies Classroom Observation Tool (COT) Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
for providing timely, rating sheet/s or inter- observer Level 7 in Level 6 in Level 5 in Level 4 in Level 3 in
accurate and agreement form/s done through Objective 10 as Objective 10 as Objective 10 as Objective 10 as Objective 10 as
constructive onsite / face-to- face / in-person shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating shown in COT rating
feedback to improve classroom observation. sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter- sheets / inter-
learner observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement observer agreement
performance. (PPST If onsite / face-to-face / in- Quality forms forms forms forms forms
5.3.2) person classes are not
implemented, or
• through observation of
synchronous / No acceptable
asynchronous teaching in other evidence was
modalities; or shown
• through observation of a Objective was met Objective was No acceptable
demonstration teaching* within the allotted met but evidence was
via LAC session. Efficiency time instruction shown
exceeded the
allotted time

* The demonstration teaching must always reflect the teaching-learning process.

1. PPST Resource Package Module 20 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 5.3.2).
2. In computing the rating for Quality: (i) get the corresponding RPMS 5-point scale rating of each COT rating; (ii) calculate the average of the RPMS ratings; and (iii) find the transmuted RPMS rating. See sample computation below:

COT RPMS 5-point RPMS Rating for RPMS Rating

Means of Verification Average
Rating Scale Rating Quality Transmutation Table

COT Rating Sheet 1 6 4 4 Outstanding (5) 4.500-5.000

COT Rating Sheet 2 5 3 (Very Satisfactory) Very Satisfactory (4) 3.500-4.499
Satisfactory (3) 2.500-3.499
Unsatisfactory (2) 1.500-2.499
Poor (1) 1.000-1.499
PPST Module:
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RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers NOTE: FIRST QUARTER AND FOURTH QUARTER
INDICATOR 9 Use strategies for providing timely, accurate and constructive feedback to improve learner performance

The teacher rarely The teacher occasionally The teacher frequently The teacher The teacher
provides feedback provides feedback that provides feedback that consistently provides consistently FEEDBACK
that results in results in opportunities results in opportunities feedback that provides feedback essential and culturally-
limited for majority of the for most of the learners results in that results in appropriate written and/or oral
opportunities for learners to improve to improve their opportunities for all opportunities for all information about learners’
learners to improve their learning. learning. learners to improve learners to improve behavior/ performance/ output
their learning. learning and leads to learning and to that can be used to raise
assess their own assess their own awareness on their strengths
progress. progress and that of and weaknesses as bases for
others. improvement
1. Teacher’s 1. The teacher 1. The 1. The teacher 1. The teacher
more than half
feedback is provides accurate teacher provides provides establishes a MOST
superficial, not feedback but accurate, timely, substantive, routine for almost all, approaching 100%
informative, and sometimes absent and constructive specific, and constructive
not when it is feedback, timely feedback, feedbacking
constructive. necessary. i.e. suggestions/ tasks/ and shares where learners RARELY
activities/ strategies to can participate seldom occurs
2. Feedback is 2. Feedback is clarifications, that learners to and respond
directed to only selective to some fully guides most of improve their productively.
the learners toward OCCASIONALLY
some of the groups of learners. performance irregularly occurs
learners. the intended toward the
learning intended learning FREQUENTLY
3. The teacher falls short outcomes.
3. Teacher’s of outcomes. 2. The teacher often occurs
feedback addressing the provides
partially guides learners’ common opportunities for CONSISTENTLY
learners toward need/ self and peer constantly occurs
the intended weakness. feedbacking that
learning is specific and is
outcomes and focused on
does not advancing their
target students’ learning of the
strengths and lesson on hand.
KRA 3: Curriculum and Planning & Assessment and Reporting

OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor

11. Utilized A list of identified least / most Implemented a Developed materials Planned for a Analyzed learners’ No acceptable
assessment mastered skills based on the teaching and learning based on learners’ teaching and learning mastered skills based evidence was
data to inform frequency of errors / correct strategy / program assessment data as strategy and/or on the frequency of shown
the modification responses with any one (1) of the using materials based evidenced by a list of program based on errors and correct
of teaching and following supporting MOVs on learners’ identified least / most learners’ assessment responses as
learning 1. accomplishment report for assessment data as mastered skills with data as evidenced by evidenced by a list of
practices and remedial / enhancement Quality evidenced by a list of supporting MOV No. 2 a list of identified identified least / most
programs. activities (e.g., remedial identified least / most least / most mastered mastered skills
(PPST 5.5.2) sessions, Summer Reading mastered skills with skills with supporting
Camp, Phil-IRI- based reading supporting MOV No. 1 MOV No. 3
2. intervention material used for
remediation / reinforcement /
3. lesson plan/activity log for
remediation / enhancement Submitted MOV/s Submitted MOV/s Submitted MOV/s Submitted MOV/s No acceptable
utilizing of assessment data to showed utilization of showed utilization of showed utilization of showed utilization of evidence was
modify teaching and learning assessment data assessment data assessment data assessment data in shown
practices or programs across 4 quarters across 3 quarters across 2 quarters only 1 quarter

Note: PPST Resource Package Module 21 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 5.5.2).


Page 24 of 20
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers
KRA 4: Personal Growth and Professional Development & Personal Growth and Professional Development

OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor
12. Build Any one (1) of the following: Sustained Sustained Secured Communicated with No
relationships with 1. Proof of participation in any activity highlighting the engagement through engagement with collaboration with and obtained acceptable
parents/ objective, such as, but not limited the following: regular parents/guardians parents/guardians response from evidence was
guardians and  Receipt form/monitoring form during communication of and/or wider school and/or wider school parents/guardians shown
the wider school distribution of learning materials, etc. learners’ needs, community to community to and/or wider school
community to  Commitment form to stakeholders, developed progress and facilitate involvement facilitate involvement community to
facilitate advocacy materials, certificate of participation achievement to key in the educative in the educative facilitate involvement
involvement in that shows parents’/stakeholders’ engagement stakeholders, process as evidenced process as evidenced in the educative
the educative signed by the school head, etc. including parents/ by 2 or more of MOV by one MOV no. 1 or process as evidenced
process. (PPST Quality guardians, as shown no. 1 or 2 2 by MOV No. 3
 Home visitation forms
6.2.2) in the MOV
 Any equivalent ALS form/document that
highlights the objective
 Others (please specify and provide
annotations) Showed engagement Showed engagement Showed engagement Showed engagement No
2. Parent-teacher log or proof of other with with with with acceptable
stakeholders meeting (e.g., one-on-one parent- parents/guardians parents/guardians parents/guardians parents/guardians evidence was
teacher learner conference log; attendance sheet and the wider school and the wider school and the wider school and the wider school shown
with minutes of online or face-to-face meeting; proof Timeliness community across 4 community across 3 community across 2 community in only 1
of involvement in the learners’/parents’ orientation, quarters quarters quarters quarter
3. Any form of communication to
parents/stakeholders (e.g., notice of meeting;
screenshot of chat/text
message/communication with


Page 25 of 20
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers
KRA 4: Personal Growth and Professional Development & Personal Growth and Professional Development
Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor
13. Participated in 1. Certificate of completion in a Participated in any Participated in any Participated in any Participated in any No acceptable
professional course/training professional professional professional professional evidence was
networks to share 2. Certificate of participation in a network/activity that network/activity that network/activity that network/activity that shown
knowledge and to webinar, retooling, upskilling, requires output* and requires output* and requires output* to does not require
enhance practice. and other training/ seminar/ proof of proof of share knowledge and to output to share
(PPST 7.3.2) workshop with proof of implementation** within implementation** enhance practice as knowledge and to
implementation Quality the school to share within the department/ evidenced by the enhance practice as
knowledge and to grade level to share submitted MOV evidenced by the
3. Certificate of recognition/
enhance practice as knowledge and to submitted MOV
speakership in a webinar and evidenced by the enhance practice as
other training/ seminar/ submitted MOV evidenced by the
workshop submitted MOV
4. Any proof of participation to a
benchmarking activity
5. Any proof of participation in
school LAC sessions Participated in Participated in Participated in Participated in No acceptable
(online/face-to-face) professional networks to professional networks to professional networks professional networks evidence was
certified by the LAC share knowledge and to share knowledge and to to share knowledge to share knowledge shown
Coordinator enhance practice across enhance practice across and to enhance and to enhance
6. Others (please specify and Timeliness 4 quarters 3 quarters practice across 2 practice in only 1
provide annotations) quarters quarter

* “Output” may include, but not limited to, lesson plan, instructional materials, action plan, or any teaching and learning-related materials.
** “Proof of implementation” can be in the form of implemented action plan, lesson plan executed in class, application project, etc.

Note: PPST Resource Package Module 23 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 7.3.2).

PPST Module:

Page 26 of 20
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers
KRA 4: Personal Growth and Professional Development & Personal Growth and Professional Development

OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(3) (2) (1)

14. Developed a 1. Certification from the ICT Updated Discussed Set professional Accomplished the No acceptable
personal Coordinator / School Head / Focal professional progress on development e-SAT at the evidence was
improvement Person in charge of e- SAT development professional goals based on e- beginning of the shown
plan based on 2. IPCRF-DP goals during development goals SAT results as school year as
reflection of 3. Mid-year Review Form (MRF) Phase II of the with the rater evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV
one’s practice Quality RPMS Cycle as during the mid-year 2 1
4. Updated IPCRF-DP from
and ongoing Phase II evidenced by MOV review as
professional 4 evidenced by MOV
learning. (PPST 3

Submitted 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted 1 No acceptable

Efficiency acceptable MOVs acceptable MOVs acceptable acceptable MOV evidence was
MOVs shown

All four (4) Three (3) of the Two (2) of the Only one (1) of No acceptable
submitted MOVs submitted MOVs submitted MOVs the submitted evidence was
were were were MOVs was shown
accomplished accomplished accomplished accomplished
Timeliness within the within the within the within the
prescribed RPMS prescribed RPMS prescribed RPMS prescribed RPMS
Phase Phase Phase Phase

Note: PPST Resource Package Module 24 offers illustrative and instructive information that can help ratees achieve this objective (PPST Indicator 7.4.2).

PPST Module:

Page 27 of 20
RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers
Plus Factor
OBJECTIVE MEANS OF VERIFICATION Outstanding (5) Very Satisfactory (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Poor
15. Performed Any one (1) proof of: Performed at least one Performed at least one Performed at least one Performed at least one No acceptable
various related ● committee involvement; (1) related work (1) related work (1) related work (1) related work evidence was
works / activities ● involvement as / activity that contributed / activity that / activity that / activity that shown
that contribute to module/learning material to the teaching-learning contributed to the contributed to the contributed to the
the teaching- writer/validator; process beyond the teaching-learning teaching-learning teaching-learning
learning process. ● involvement as a resource school / process within the process within the process within the
person/speaker/learning Quality Community school / learning class as evidenced
facilitator in in the Learning Center (CLC) Community area/department as by the submitted
RO/SDO/school-initiated as evidenced by the Learning Center (CLC) evidenced by the MOV.
TV/radio-based instruction; submitted MOV. as evidenced by the submitted MOV.
● book or journal authorship/ co- submitted MOV.
authorship/contributorship; Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that Submitted MOV that No acceptable
● advisorship/coordinatorship/ details the achieved details the perceived shows reasonable shows considerable evidence was
chairpersonship; positive contribution positive contribution interlap with the actual overlap with, hence shown
● participation in demonstration to the teaching- to the teaching- teaching- learning significantly affecting
teaching; learning process, as learning process, as process, as evidenced the performance of the
● participation as research Efficiency evidenced by the evidenced by the by the annotation actual teaching-
presenter in a annotation provided. annotation provided. provided. learning process.
● mentoring of pre-service/in-
service teachers;
Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOVs were Submitted MOV/s No acceptable
● conducted research within distributed across 4 distributed across 3 distributed across 2 was/were completed evidence was
the rating period; quarters quarters quarters in only 1 quarter shown
●others (please specify) with
annotation on how it contributed
to the teaching- learning process.

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RPMS Tool for S.Y. 2023-2024 | Proficient Teachers
Summarized link of PPST Modules as Reference
Summarized link of PPST Modules as Reference

DepEd Memorandum 8, s. 2023

PPST Support Modules:

Multiyear RPMS Tools
Videos of Features of Practice per Indicator
Just click the link
Orientation Materials on the Use of
Electronic IPCRF Tools and Online IPCRF
Consolidation System with FAQs
Objective Q E T MOV/s No. of MOVs
1 ✓ ✓ 4*
2 ✓ ✓ 4*
KRA 1 Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet/s or inter-observer agreement form/s done through onsite / face-to-face / in-person classroom observation.
3 ✓ ✓ 4*
4 ✓ ✓ If onsite / face-to-face / in-person classes are not implemented, 2*
• through observation of synchronous / asynchronous teaching in other modalities; or
5 ✓ ✓ 2*
• through observation of a demonstration teaching* via LAC session.
6 ✓ ✓ 2*
7 ✓ ✓ 2*
8 ✓ ✓ 2*
At least one (1) plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes or one lesson plan from a self-learning module, developed by the ratee
and used in instruction, with achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are aligned with the learning competencies as shown in any one of the following:
• lecture/discussion
9 ✓ ✓ • activity/activity sheet 2*
• performance task
• rubric for assessing performance using criteria that appropriately describe the target output

KRA 3 10 ✓ ✓ See similar MOV above on COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form 2*
✓ A list of identified least / most mastered skills based on the frequency of errors / correct responses with any one (1) of the following supporting MOVs
● accomplishment report for remedial / enhancement activities (e.g., remedial sessions, Summer Reading Camp, Phil-IRI-based reading program)
● intervention material used for remediation / reinforcement / enhancement
11 ✓ ● lesson plan/activity log for remediation / enhancement utilizing of assessment data to modify teaching and learning practices or programs 2*

Any one (1) of the following:

1. Proof of participation in any activity highlighting the objective, such as, but not limited the following:
 Receipt form/monitoring form during distribution of learning materials, etc.
 Commitment form to stakeholders, developed advocacy materials, certificate of participation that shows parents’/stakeholders’
engagement signed by the school head, etc.
12 ✓ ✓  Home visitation forms 4
KRA 4  Any equivalent ALS form/document that highlights the objective
 Others (please specify and provide annotations)
2. Parent-teacher log or proof of other stakeholders meeting (e.g., one-on-one parent-teacher learner conference log; attendance sheet with minutes of online or
face-to-face meeting; proof of involvement in the learners’/parents’ orientation, etc.)
3. Any form of communication to parents/stakeholders (e.g., notice of meeting; screenshot of chat/text message/communication with parent/guardian)Other
documents showing learners’ needs, progress and achievement submitted to other stakeholders

1. Certificate of completion in a course/training

13 ✓ ✓ 4
2. Certificate of participation in a webinar, retooling, upskilling, and other training/ seminar/ workshop with proof of implementation
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3. Certificate of recognition/ speakership in a webinar and other training/ seminar/ workshop
4. Any proof of participation to a benchmarking activity
5.Any proof of participation in school LAC sessions (online/face-to-face) certified by the LAC Coordinator Others (please specify
and provide annotations)

1. Certification from the ICT Coordinator / School Head / Focal Person in charge of e-SAT
14 ✓ ✓ ✓ 4
3. Mid-year Review Form (MRF)
4. Updated IPCRF-DP from Phase II
Any one (1) proof of:
● committee involvement;
● involvement as module/learning material writer/validator;
● involvement as a resource person/speaker/learning facilitator in in the RO/SDO/school-initiated TV/radio-based instruction;
● book or journal authorship/ co-authorship/contributorship;
KRA 5 15 ✓ ✓ ✓ ● advisorship/coordinatorship/ chairpersonship; 4
● participation in demonstration teaching;
● participation as research presenter in a forum/conference;
● mentoring of pre-service/in-service teachers;
● conducted research within the rating period;
with annotation on how it contributed to the teaching-learning process.

Minimum of
48 MOVs

* Note that MOVs for the Classroom Observable Indicators (COIs) may be crosscutting. Submission of four (4) COT rating sheets may already reflect the achievement of the nine (9) COIs.

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