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This poem encourages individuals to embrace their unique

qualities and strive for excellence, regardless of their
circumstances. Through the lens of formalism, we can
analyze the poem's structure, language, and artistic choices
to understand how they contribute to its impact and evoke
emotions within the reader. Studying the formal aspects of
this poem enhances our appreciation for the art of poetry
and allows us to connect with its message on a deeper level.
If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley — but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,

And some highway happier make;
If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass —
But the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,

There's something for all of us here,
There's big work to do, and there's lesser to do,
And the task you must do is the near.

If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,

If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail —
Be the best of whatever you are!

It consists of four quatrain stanzas, with each stanza

containing four lines. The rhyme scheme of the
poem follows an ABAB pattern, where the end
words of the first and third lines rhyme with each
other, and the end words of the second and fourth
lines rhyme with each other. The consistent
structure and rhyme scheme of the poem contribute
to its overall rhythm and musicality.

“Be a scrub in the valley but be a brush if you can’t be a tree”

Metaphor: The poem uses
Repetition the poem
: to create vivid
The phrase relies
"Be on
imagery and convey its metaphors,
the best of
message.is also
you simile present
is repeated
example, the
line "If you can't be aa
the line
throughout "If you
the can't be
sun, be thena just
emphasizing star."
the This
be acentral
message Language
compares and emphasizes
life if
of one cannot
to your achieve
highlight in the
of they
makingcan still
most andof make a
one's positive
Metaphor: The poem uses
metaphorsThough to createthe poem
vivid Repetition :
primarily relies on
imagery and convey its metaphors, The phrase "Be the best of
message.is also
Fora simile
example, present
the whatever you are" is repeated
line "If you can't be aa
the line "If you can't be throughout the poem,
sun, be thena juststar." This emphasizing the central
comparisonLanguage be a trail"
compares different pathsthat
in message and reinforcing the
life if one
to cannot achieve
highlight the
the idea of giving your best in any
of they
making can still
the situation.
most andof make a
one's positive
Metaphor: The poem uses
Simile: Though the poem Repetition : metaphors to create vivid
primarily relies on metaphors, The phrase "Be the best of imagery and convey its
there is also a simile present whatever you are" is repeated message. For example, the
in the line "If you can't be a throughout the poem, line "If you can't be a
sun, be a star." This emphasizing the central
comparison emphasizes that message and reinforcing the
highway, then just be a trail"
compares different paths in
even if one cannot achieve the idea of giving your best in any life to highlight the
highest position, they can still situation. importance of making the
shine and make a positive
most of one's own
Metaphor: The poem uses
Repetition : metaphors to create vivid Simile: Though the poem
The phrase "Be the best of imagery and convey its primarily relies on metaphors,
whatever you are" is repeated message. For example, the there is also a simile present in
throughout the poem, line "If you can't be a the line "If you can't be a sun,
emphasizing the central
Language message and reinforcing the
highway, then just be a trail"
compares different paths in
be a star." This comparison
emphasizes that even if one
idea of giving your best in any life to highlight the cannot achieve the highest
situation. importance of making the position, they can still shine and
most of one's own make a positive impact.
Metaphor: The poem uses
Repetition : metaphors to create vivid Simile: Though the poem
The phrase "Be the best of imagery and convey its primarily relies on metaphors,
whatever you are" is repeated message. For example, the there is also a simile present in
Allusion: While there are no explicittheallusions
throughout poem, inline
the poem, we can consider the broader context
"If you can't be a the line "If you can't be a sun,
of the poem's message. It speaks to
emphasizing the thecentral
universal human
highway, then desire
just be afor success
trail" be a and
This comparison
message and reinforcing the compares different paths in emphasizes that even if one
drawing on the idea that individual has the potential to excel in their own unique way
idea of giving your best in any life to highlight the cannot achieve the highest
situation. importance of making the position, they can still shine and
most of one's own make a positive impact.
Metaphor: The poem uses
Repetition : metaphors to create vivid Simile: Though the poem
The phrase "Be the best of imagery and convey its primarily relies on metaphors,
whatever you are" is repeated message. For example, the there is also a simile present in
throughout the poem, line "If you can't be a the line "If you can't be a sun,
emphasizing the central highway, then just be a trail" be a star." This comparison
message and reinforcing the compares different paths in emphasizes that even if one
idea of giving your best in any life to highlight the cannot achieve the highest
situation. importance of making the position, they can still shine and
most of one's own make a positive impact.
Metaphor: The poem uses
Repetition : metaphors to create vivid Simile: Though the poem
The phrase "Be the best of imagery and convey its primarily relies on metaphors,
The theme of the
whatever you are" ispoem
repeated"Be the Best of Whatever
message. For example, the there is also a simile present in
You Are" by Douglas
throughout the Malloch
poem, is the
line "If you celebration
can't be a theof line "If you can't be a sun,
emphasizing the central highway, then just be a trail" be a star." This comparison
individuality and the
message and reinforcing pursuit
the compares of personal
different paths in emphasizes that even if one
idea of giving your best in any life
to highlight the cannot achieve the highest
importance of making the position, they can still shine and
most of one's own make a positive impact.
poem: is written inMetaphor: the formThe of poem auses
metaphors to create vivid Simile: Though the poem
poem. It encourage
The phrase "Be the bestindividuals
of imagery and to strive
convey for greatness
its primarily relies on metaphors,
whatever you are" is repeated message. For example, the there is also a simile present in
be the best the version
poem, lineof"Ifthemselves regardless of
you can't be a the line "If you can't be a sun,
circumstancesthe central highway, then just be a trail" be a star." This comparison
or limitations. It emphasizes the
message and reinforcing the compares different paths in emphasizes that even if one
importance ofin self-
idea of giving your best any lifebelief,
to determination,
highlight the cannot and achieve the highest
perseverance in achieving importance success
of making and making
the position, theyacan still shine and
most of one's own make a positive impact.
positive impact the world. circumstances.
Metaphor: The poem uses
Repetition : metaphors to create vivid Simile: Though the poem
The phrase "Be the best of imagery and convey its primarily relies on metaphors,
whatever you are" is repeated message. For example, the there is also a simile present in
throughout the poem, line "If you can't be a the line "If you can't be a sun,
emphasizing the central
message and reinforcing the
highway, then just be a trail" be a star." This comparison
compares different paths in emphasizes that even if one
idea of giving your best in any life to highlight the cannot achieve the highest
situation. importance of making the position, they can still shine and
most of one's own make a positive impact.
1. What are the figures of speech used? Point it out


2. What does the poet tells the reader?
3. What is the relationship of each part of the work to the
work as the whole? How are the parts related to one another?
4. How is the work structured or organized? How does it begin? Where does it go next? How does
it end?

The Work of the Poem by Douglas Malloch is structured in a way that reflects the theme of striving
for excellence in whatever you do. The poem begins by emphasizing the importance of doing your
best, regardless of the task or occupation. It encourages the reader to give their all and put in their
best effort.

As the poem progresses, it goes on to describe various scenarios where individuals are dedicated
and committed to their work. It highlights different professions and the excellence with which they
are pursued. The poem emphasizes that it doesn't matter what you do, but how you do it. It
encourages the reader to take pride in their work and strive for excellence.

The poem ends with a powerful message, stating that those who truly excel in their work are the
ones who put their heart, soul, and passion into it. It concludes by reminding the reader that success
comes from within, and by doing your best in everything you do, you can achieve greatness.

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