Lec 4 Myth & Mythology

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Myth & Mythology

Lecture by
Samiul Islam, Asst. Professor
Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Green University of Bangladesh
Breaking down the
word for meaning
• Myth> Muthos = Stories
• Logy> Logo = Speech or Argument > Study or
What is Myth?
• Myths are stories about supernatural beings, in early times handed down orally from
one generation to another–

• Myths attempt to Explain such ideas as

• Nature…… Where did earth come from?
• Man ….. Where did man come from?
• Gods….. How many? Role of gods?

• “Myth represents a projection of social patterns upward onto a superhuman level that
sanctions and stabilizes the secular ideology”—Emile Durkheim
A collection of myths belonging to a people and
addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and

What is What cultures created myths?

• Celtic mythology
• Greek mythology
• Norse mythology
• Roman mythology
• African mythology
• Egyptian mythology
• Aboriginal mythology
• Indian Mythology, etc
What are some
characteristics of myths?
• Contain heroes and heroines
• Supernatural elements
• Gods and goddesses
• Explains a natural phenomenon
• Told orally (spoken)
Why did ancient people
tell myths?
• To help explain the unexplainable
• To explain natural phenomenon
• To tell about their heroes
• To explain human nature
• To teach morals and values
Why do we still
study mythology?
• To learn about ancient cultures
• As inspiration for the arts
• To teach values and morals
• For entertainment
There are four basic functions of
mythology, according to Joseph
John Campbell (March 26, 1904 –
October 30, 1987)

1. The mystical function: The first

function of mythology is to
evoke in the individual a sense of
grateful, affirmative awe before
the existence of any mystic
power. It tells the stories that
express the awe and wonder of
the universe.

2. The cosmological function: The

second function of mythology is
to present an image of the
cosmos that will maintain your
sense of mystical awe and
explain everything that you

Four Functions of come into contact within the

universe around you. It tells
stories that attempt to explain
Mythology the processes of nature.
Four Functions of
Mythology (contd.)
3. The sociological function: The third function of a mythological order
is to validate and maintain a certain sociological system: a shared
set of right and wrong, proprieties or improprieties, on which your
particular social unit depends for its existence. It tells stories that
support and validate a certain social order.

4. The pedagogical function : The fourth function of myth deals with

psychological aspects through teaching individuals. It refers that
myth must carry the individual through the stages of his/her life,
from birth through maturity and perfection to death. The
mythology must do so in accords with the social order of his group,
the cosmos as understood by his/her group, and the monstrous
mystery. So, it tells stories that explain how to live a full, happy life.
Thank you!

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