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Beyond test:

Alternatives in assessment

Student: Soria Daiana

Any procedure for measuring the ability, knowledge, or
performance of an individual in using the language.

A systematic approach to collect information and make
inferences about ability of a student or the quality or success
of a teaching course on the basis of various sources of
Alternative Assessments:
1.create, produce, or do something
2.real world context or simulations
3.they extend the day to day classroom activities
4.students are assessed on what they normally do in class everyday
5.tasks that represent meaningful instructional activities
6.process and products
7.thinking and problem solving skills
8.information about strength and weaknesses
9.multiculturally sensitive(cultural differences and similarities)
10.human judgement (scoring)
11.there are open standards and rating criteria
12.perform new instructional and assessment roles.
Different alternatives in assessment

Portfolios,journals,observation,self and peer assessment,

conferences and interviews

▻ Open ended in their time orientation and format

▻Contextualized to a curriculum
▻Referenced to the criteria ( objectives) of that curriculum
▻build intrinsic motivation.
(essays, compositions, reports, etc.)

1. State objectives clearly.

2. Give guidelines on what materials to include.
3. Communicate assessment criteria to students.
4. Designate time within the curriculum for portfolio development.
5. Establish periodic schedules for review and conferencing.
6. Designate an accessible place to keep portfolios.
7. Provide positive washback-giving final assessments (assessment ‘s effect)
A journal is a log or account of one’s thoughts, feelings,
reactions, assessment, ideas, or progress toward goals,
usually written with little attention to structure, form, or
correctness. (Ex: project journals, personal journals, school
journals, and stories, poems, and songs)
Some of the steps to carry out classroom observation are:
1. determine the specific objectives of the observation
2. decide how many students will be observed at one time
3. set up the logistics for making unnoticed observation
4. designed a system for recording observed performances
5. do not overestimate the number of different elements you can
observe at one time-keep them very limited
6. plan how many observations the teacher will make
7. determine specifically how you will see the results
Conferences and interviews

▻ not limited to drafts of written work including portfolios
and journals.
▻ the teacher plays the role of a facilitator and guide.

▻ Teacher’s interviews to a student for a designated
assessment purpose.
▻ Interview may have one or more of several possible
goals in which the teacher assesses the student’s oral production.

Self and Peer Assessment
Five categories of self and peer assessment:
1. Assessment of performance
2. Indirect assessment of performance
3. Metacognitive assessment
4. Socioaffective assessment
5. self or peer assessment

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