Course Introduction

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CS 101

Today’s class will start 5 minutes

CS 101
Introduction to Computer Science

Aaron Bloomfield
University of Virginia
Spring 2007
Who we are

 Aaron Bloomfield: CS 101  Michele Co: CS 101-E

 Office: Olsson 228D  Office: Olsson 228A
 Office hours will be posted  Office hours will be posted
on the website on the website
 Email:  Email:

Who they are

 Both instructors also accept appointments

 We have 16 undergraduate teaching
 And 1 graduate teaching assistant
 Their information and hours will be posted on the

What this course is

 An introduction to programming using Java

 An introduction to theoretical problems in

computer science
 We’ll start seeing these next time

What this course is not

 We do not talk about (in any depth):

 Applications of computing
 Other programming languages (C, C++, Matlab,
 History of computing (well, not much)
 How to use Microsoft office or create a web page

Course objectives

 Understand fundamentals of programming such as

variables, conditional and iterative execution,
methods, etc.
 Understand fundamentals of object-oriented
programming, including defining classes, invoking
methods, using class libraries, etc.
 Gain exposure to the important topics and principles
of software development.
 Have the ability to write computer programs to solve
specified problems.
 Be able to use a software development environment
to create, debug, and run programs. 7
Honor Policy

 Honor Policy: The University of Virginia Honor Policy

is in effect in this class. As a student in the course
you also agree to follow the following principles.
 Unless otherwise specified, the only allowed collaboration
for the homeworks and labs is the discussion of ideas; no
collaboration is allowed on the exams and lab quizzes.
 No code or solutions are to be distributed to other students
either electronically (i.e. e-mail) or on paper. If you are
looking at another student's code, you are in violation of
this honor policy.
 Unless otherwise noted, exams and individual assignments
are pledged: you promise that you have neither given nor
received unauthorized help.
 When there is doubt regarding the honorability of an action,
you will ask before doing it. 8
Honor Policy

 Honor Policy: The University of Virginia Honor Policy

is in effect in this class. As a student in the course
you also agree to follow the following principles.
 You are not allowed to describe problems on an exam or
quiz to a student who has not taken it yet. You are not
allowed to show exam papers to another student or view
another student's exam papers while working on an exam.
 You are not allowed to debug your fellow student's code –
there is ample teaching assistant support, and they can
help debug code. This will be discussed in more detail once
we start getting into writing (and debugging) Java
 You may not use another students 'clicker' during lecture
(we will be discussing clickers shortly).
Honor Policy

 If you find yourself looking at somebody

else's code, and doing such was not explicitly
allowed, then you are in violation of this

 Any honor violation or cheating will be

referred to the honor committee, and will
result in an immediate failure for the
course, regardless of the outcome of
the honor trial or your other grades.

 No exceptions! 10

 At
 The syllabus is there (with most of the info in
this slide set)
 And all the lecture notes
 I will try to post all slide sets on the website
the night before lecture
 But will probably be editing them that day
 Don’t bother writing down what’s on the
 There will also be videos of 101 lectures 11

 Starting Out with Java 5

from Control Structures
to Objects
 Tony Gaddis
 We’ll be covering the
first 6 chapters and
chapters 8 and 9
 This is not the same
textbook that was used
last semester!


 These are RF “remote

 Allow me to ask
questions during class
and get responses
from everybody
 Very useful in large
lecture halls…
 The bookstore has
them (or will shortly)
 It is required: there will
be a grade penalty if
you do not get one

Keeping the class interesting

 Humor breaks
 Actually helps with attention span!
 Not surprisingly, most of it will be computer

Motivational posters

Today’s demotivators

Grading criteria

 10% – Laboratory participation

 However, if you miss more than 2 labs, you are subject to
failure for the course
 More on this in a bit…
 10% – Laboratory programming quizzes
 30% – Homework assignments
 30% – Midterms
 21 February, 28 March, 25 April
 20% – Final exam
 Scheduled time is Friday, 4 May from 7 pm. to 10 pm
 We will discuss conflicts as the semester progresses
 APMA 310, MATH 111, 114, 121, and 122, and STAT 110
 Will be following the standard 10-point curve scale

 All grades will be kept online

 Viewing your grades will be gone over in the first
 All electronically submitted assignments
(labs, HWs, lab quizzes) will be graded
 They are still graded by a human, of course
 You will receive an e-mail about your grade
 Only the exams will be graded via paper

Grading critera

 We reserve the right to modify the

weighting, especially if attendance drops off
 Any such change will be announced in


 When an assignment is graded, the grading

guidelines will be posted
 If you feel you deserve more credit, you need
to submit a regrade
 Paper-based for the exams
 Electronically for labs, HWs, and lab quizzes
 Regrades must be submitted within 10 (ten)
 More on regrades in the first lab
 We reserve the right to possibly institute a
“penalty” on “whiny” regrades

 These are programming homeworks

 We estimate 9 or so of them
 Are due at 10 a.m. on Friday
 Late policy:

1 second late to 24 hours late: -25%

24 hours and 1 second late: -100%

 Will have one each week
 Total of 11 (or so) throughout the semester
 Lab attendance is REQUIRED
 If you miss more than 2 labs, you are subject to course
failure for the course
 If you show up to a different lab section without
permission, it counts as missing that lab
 There ARE labs this first week
 Lab grading will be discussed in the first lab
 If you don’t finish the lab during lab period, you can finish it
within the next 24 hours
 More details on this in the first lab
 If for a valid reason you are unable to do your lab, there will be
a make-up lab on Sunday night, provided that you get
permission prior to your scheduled lab

Lab scheduling problems

 I expect about some students will switch into CS

 Using last spring semester as a guide
 That will free up space in all the lab sections
 I then have to course action in the lab section 10

 We will get everybody registered for a lab section

that fits their schedule

 If you are not registered for a lab section this week,

you can go to any lab
 But only if you aren’t registered for any lab section!

 There will be three midterms, all pledged

 21 February, 28 March, 25 April (all are Wednesdays)
 There will be three lab quizzes, all pledged
 During lab sections the week of the midterms
 The tests are going to be hard!
 Final exam
 Scheduled time is Friday, 4 May from 7 pm. to 10 pm
 We will discuss conflicts as the semester progresses
 APMA 310, MATH 111, 114, 121, and 122, and STAT 110

Home directory service

 All assignments and lab files must be kept on

your home directory

My philosophy: hard but fair

 Fairness is a challenge in a class of 375

 If you feel something is not fair, you need to
let me know
 I will do my best to correct it
 If you think that this course is not hard, let
me know
 I will do my best to correct it

Who to contact

 I am not always the best person

 I easily get inundated with emails, as I have
hundreds of students
 The TAs can often answer a question just as
easily as I can, and much quicker
 There will be a dedicated graduate TA for grading
 Any administrative requests should be e-
mailed to, not the
instructors or TAs
 Lab section switches, homework questions, etc.
 Anything that does not need to be answered by
the instructors 27
Office hours

 Office hours will be posted on the website

 Note that changes to an individual week will be
posted there as well
 Please check it before you head off to office
 There will be a lot of TA office hours
 We expect to provide over 50 office hours during
a given week
 Please utilize them!!!


 It’s a very good thing!

 Feel free to leave us feedback
 Can be done anonymously, if you wish

Via the Toolkit or the CS dept website
 It’s hard for the instructors to know what the
students think of the course…

Learning the material

 There are a number of ways we provide to help you

learn the material
 Lecture
 Lecture videos
 Slides on the website
 Programming homeworks
 Labs
 Textbook
 Previous years’ tests
 TAs (during labs or office hours)
 Professors (office hours)
 Fellow students
 Find what works best for you and use it
 CS 101
 Students have little or no programming experience
 Mandatory scheduled closed labs
 Meets three times a week (M/W/F 3:00-3:50)

 CS 101-E
 Students with programming experience
 Open labs that are to be completed by a scheduled time
 Meets two times a week (M/W 2:00-3:15)

 CS 101-X
 Is being run separately from 101/101-E

 101 & 101-E students take same quizzes and tests, and do the
same assignments

 The 10-point curve is the same for everybody

 So helping your fellow students out does not hurt you 31
Differences with 101-E

 Labs are done by all 101-E students on their own

 If you miss more than 2, you are still subject to failure
 Labs due 8:30 p.m. on Sunday
 Optional lab session for 101-E students Sunday at 5 p.m.
 Pace through the textbook is the same
 They may go through it in more detail, though
 The following is assumed for students in 101-E
 You have taken a course in programming

Thus, you know the basics of programming
 You will need to sign a pledge stating this
 You did not get a 4 or a 5 on the AB level AP computer
science exam, or a 5 on the A level AP exam
Should you be in 101-E?

 If you have had a semester’s worth of

programming, then yes
 Stay to the end of this lecture, then start
going to the other section next time
 Meets in MEC 205

En d of le ctur e o n 1 7
Januar y 2007


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