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Islamization of Knowledge

• Albert Einstein said “Religion without science is blind,

Science without religion is lame” (Agama tanpa ilmu
buta, ilmu tanpa agama lumpuh). This shows that
religion and science are two parts that cannot be
separated. There will be weaknesses if science is only
seen from one scientific point of view, without
looking at it from other points of view that can color
• The Islamization of Knowledge, or the Islamicization
of knowledge, is an important concept in
contemporary Islamic thought. This concept
encompasses efforts to integrate Islamic values,
principles, and worldviews into various fields of
knowledge and human understanding. Its aim is to
ensure that knowledge does not only encompass
technical or scientific aspects but also reflects Islamic
moral and ethical values.
• The Term "Islamization of Knowledge" :
The Islamization of Knowledge is the effort to
align knowledge with Islamic principles. This
involves the understanding that human
knowledge should not exist outside the
boundaries of religion but should be rooted in
Islamic values. It emphasizes that knowledge
should be in harmony with Islamic beliefs and
principles, integrating them into various fields of
study and human understanding.
• The Historical Context :
The concept of the Islamization of knowledge
emerged in response to globalization and
modernization, during which science was often
viewed as separate from religion. These efforts
aimed to preserve the Islamic identity in an
increasingly secular world.
• Goals:
One of the primary goals of the Islamization of
knowledge is to develop a more holistic
understanding of science. This involves applying
Islamic ethical principles in research and
scientific practice, as well as creating knowledge
that is more relevant to the lives and societies of
• Fields of Science Involved:
The Islamization of knowledge encompasses
various fields, including the social sciences,
natural sciences, medicine, economics, and
other disciplines. Its aim is to ensure that every
field of science recognizes and respects Islamic
values in its processes.
• Education:
Islamic education also plays a crucial role in the
Islamization of knowledge. Islamic schools and
universities strive to integrate an understanding
of Islamic religion and ethics into their curricula.
• Debates and Challenges:
The concept of the Islamization of knowledge has
sparked debates among Muslim scholars. Some are
concerned that this approach may hinder the
progress of science by limiting freedom of thought.
Therefore, there are challenges in finding a balance
between preserving Islamic values and promoting
intellectual innovation.
• The Importance of Openness and Dialogue:
The Islamization of knowledge needs to go hand in
hand with openness to ideas from various cultures
and traditions. Intercultural and interreligious
dialogue can help enrich understanding and
promote broader intellectual cooperation.
For students, the Islamization of knowledge is
the process of integrating Islamic values, ethics,
and principles into their education and
understanding of science. This can help students
make Islam a moral and ethical foundation in
their pursuit of knowledge and contribute to
Steps for Students in the Effort of Islamization of
• Understanding Islamic Values
• Integrating Islamic Values into Learning
• Studying Science in an Islamic Context
• Participating in Islamic Discussions and Activities
• Contributing to Society
• Openness to Various Perspectives
• Maintaining Balance
Ismail Rajhi Al-Faruqi 12 Axes of Islamisation of Knowledge
The 12 steps are:
1. Penguaasaan disiplin modern-prinsip 1. Mastery of the modern discipline-
metodologi, masalah, tema dan methodological principles, problems, themes and
perkembangannya developments
2. Peninjauan disiplin 2. Review of the discipline
3. Penguasaan ilmu warisan Islam (antologi) 3. Mastery of the science of Islamic heritage
4. Penguasaan ilmu warisan Islam (analisis) 4. Mastery of the science of Islamic heritage
(analysis) -turats/turath: intellectual tradition is
Islam, with turats we could understanding Qur’an
and Sunnah and also the problem of Ummah.

5. Penentuan relevansi Islam yang tertentu 5. Determination of the specific relevance of Islam
kepada suatu disiplin to a discipline
6. Penilaian secara kritis disiplin modern- 6. Critical assessment of modern disciplines-
memperjelas kedudukan disiplin dari sudut clarifying the position of discipline from an Islamic
Islam dan memberi panduan terhadap langkah point of view and providing guidance on the steps
yang harus diambil untuk menjadikannya Islami that must be taken to make it Islamic

7. Penilaian secara kritis ilmu warisan Islam- 7. Critical assessment of Islamic heritage science-
pemahaman terhadap Al-Quran dan Sunnah, understanding of the Al-Quran and Sunnah, it is
perlu dilakukan pembetulan terhadap necessary to correct misunderstandings

8. Kajian masalah utama umat Islam 8. Study of the main problems of Muslims
9. Kajian masalah manusia sejagat 9. Study of universal human problems
10. Analisis dan sintesis kreatif 10. Analysis and creative synthesis
11. Pengacuan kembali disiplin dalam kerangka 11. Reconsideration of discipline within the
Islam:buku teks universitas, dan framework of Islam: university textbooks, and
12. Penyebarluasanluasan ilmu yang sudah 12. Dissemination of Islamic knowledge.
The Islamicization of Knowledge According to Syed Naquib al-
Attas :
• Islamicization in the context of knowledge is an effort to
integrate the insights of knowledge that must be pursued as
the initial step in the integration process of the lives of
Muslims. Islamicization of knowledge means liberating
knowledge from interpretations based on secular ideologies
and expressions of secular human meanings (Naquib al-Attas,
• The Islamicization of knowledge involves the liberation of
humanity from magical, mythological, animistic, national
(contradictory to Islam) cultural traditions, and from the
shackles of secular thinking and language.


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