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Spinal cord

Arterial supply

Its by 3 arteries
 posterior spinal arteries
 anterior spinal artery
 Segmental arteries
• Anterior spinal artery is formed by the union of two 2 arteries each of which arises from the vertebral A.
branches of this artery enter substance of the cord and supply anterior 2/3 of the cord
• posterior spinal artery arise either from vertebral arteries or inferior celebellar A. it gives off branches that
enter spinal cord substance to supply 1/3 of the cord
• segmental arteries. They reinforce the anterior and posterior arteries to form 5 longitudinal arterial trunks.
These trunks form a pial plexus ( vaso-corona) that gives the pheripheral branches which supply the
superficial regions of the cord
• they are branches from deep cervical, anterior cervical, posterior intercostal, lumbar and lateral intercostal
• additional feeder arteries anastomose with anterior and posterior spinal As most importantly the great
anterior medullary artery of adamkiewicz arising from aorta in lower thoracic verterbral artery. Its supplies
the lower 2/3rds of spinal cord

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