Problems of Labour in India

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Peculiarities of Labour:

1.Active factor of production. 2.Perishable in nature. 3.Creates exchange value. 4. Bargaining power. 5. Living being. 6. Supply of labour. 7. Backward sloping supply curve. 8. Relatively immobile. 9. Heterogeneous factor of production. 10. Inseperable from labourer.

Organised and Unorganised labour: The organised sector enjoys higher wages, social status, job security and welfare benefits. On the other hand unorganised labour does not get any benefits from the employer. They are not organised due to problems like casual nature of employment, ignorance and illiteracy, small and scattered size of establishments, lack of common interest etc. In India 93% labour belongs to unorganised sector.

Peculiarities of Agricultural labour.

Most unorganised in nature. Lack bargaining power. Seasonally unemployed. Own marginal land and produce for self consumption. Live below poverty line. Exploitation by landlord. Many of them work as bonded labour.

Peculiarities of Industrial labour

Migration to cities in search of jobs. Most of them are illiterate and unaware of law. They are not united. Divided on the basis of religion, caste, region and language. High degree of absenteeism and irregular in their work. Indulge in wasteful expenditure.

Child Labour
Children upto the age of 14 working in the agricultural fields, small factory, shops, restaurants, mines etc. About 50% of working children in the world are in India. Most of them are in household work and are deprived from education and privilege of childhood. They are working in hazardous activities like mining, cloth making, matchsticks and cracker manufacturing units. Poverty is the main cause of child labour in India.

Female labour
They are predominantly seen in agricultural activities of as construction workers, domestic helpers, cottage industries, self employment, medical services, teaching and social work. Features: Paid Low wages. Poor opportunities. Sexual harassment at work place. Low literacy rates. Greater exploitation. Discrimination in work place.

Migrant Labour
They are marginalised landless labour who leave rural areas during off season. Features: Poor and Illiterate. Unskilled. Most deprived section of the society. Selling vegetables and fruits, domestic work, sanitation and menial works. No permanent residence. No access to public distribution system.

Construction workers
They constitute second largest category of workers in the unorganised sector. Features: Uneducated and unskilled. Mostly drawn from migrant population. Work on contractual basis at the mercy of contractors. Poor bargaining and highly exploited. The construction industry is prone to accidents and there are no effective security measures to protect them.

Low labour productivity

Indian labour is marked by very low level of productivity irrespective of the activity he is employed in. Causes: Lack of education. Lack of training. Poor health. Irregular job. Low fertility of land. Obsolete methods of production.

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