Origin of Building Rules - 3

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• Origin means The point or place where some
thing begins , arises
• Development control is a process by which the
planned development is achieved.
• For effective development control, scrutiny
and disposal of Building Applications and
prompt action against the unauthorised
constructions and deviations from approved
plans in violation of Rules and Regulations is
very essential.
• This will avoid many legal complications also.
• Today, town and country planning , in its
broadest sense would mean the definition of a
desirable objective for community living which is
realised through the operation under public
controls of coordinated programmes for
physical, social and economic improvements of
the urban areas.
• Its history is the history of mans changing
attitude towards his shelter ,his means of
livelihood and his leisture time. Although many
of the tools of planning remain essentially the
same as they were thousands of years ago .
• From about the middle of the 19th century,
town and country planning has been accepted,
although not always practiced as a separate
and official function of the government in
many countries of the world.
• For over eight hundred years our country
faced devastating foreign invasions and
innumerable wars amoung several cities and
human settlements were razed to the ground
through fire and various other means and rose
again many times.
• During this period ,the population of these
settlements were more worried for their
personal safety and existence ,rather than about
finer aspects of their life and environments.
• For over hundred years the britishers who came
to our country as traders were busy
consolidating their own power and ultimately in
the year 1858 A.D. Queen Victoria was crowned
to be the empress of India which became a part
of the British Empire . With this , normalcy was
restored in the Country.
• With the return of citizens, the cities and towns
were once again active with life . The lack of
peace and security ,which prevailed for
centuries made our people forget totally their
ancient wisdom and culture .
• We looked to our foreign rulers for anything and
everything and gratefully accepted what all they cared
to give . We also took pride in imitating what all they
• They came as traders and till they left our country in
1947 , they subjected our country to economic
exploitation .With the increase of economic
exploitation, our cities , especially the ones blessed
with port facilities and the ones which became the
seats of the provincial governments, were rapidly
growing in size with no control on land and building
• The ruling class lived in parts of the cities and towns,
orderly developed with wide roads and avenues,
luxuriouds open spaces and palatial manslons.
• The natives of the soil were confined to live in
centres of congestion and squalor filled with sub
standard dwellings with no basic amenities
required for urban life.
• The outbreak of indigenous and important
epidemics became recurring features in these
areas. The rulers had to defend heavily to check for
treating the ones affected by these epidemics.
• Before long , they have realisied that the out break
of epidemics can be checked to acertain extent by
recurring clean and healthy environment in and
around the dwellings.
• With the full realization of the importance of
environment in and around the dwellings.
• With the full realisation of the importance of
environmental hygiene, as one of several
measures, during the last quarter of 19 th
Century , the building regulations were
introduced by the government for
enforcement by the local bodies of the towns
and cities of our Country.
• Till 1941 these building rules with little
changes were being enforced in the municipal
towns of Madras presidency. In 1942, the old
rules, which were insufficient to meet the
growing needs of the urban society, were
suitably modified and issued for enforcement.
• Except for a few essential additions and verbal
changes, the building rules 1942 (which form
part of the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Act
1964)are subsequently same as the Building
Rules do not prescribe optimum
• It is not possible to think in such terms , till it
becomes possible to secure atleast minimum
of the basic needs for buildings of every kind
in the existing thickly builtup areas of the
• In general , the principles of prevailing Planning
law will be effective and useful only after a
Master Plan or a Detailed Town Planning Scheme
is prepared , published and got sanctioned for
each town by the government and implemented.
• Till then it is inevitable to enforce the building
rules in the old built-up areas of our cities and
• Every one should understand that these Building
Rules in our Municipal Towns are not intended to
secure ideal planning standards , but are
essentially meant for saving our towns and cities
from further deteriaoration and congestion.

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