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Curriculum development is influenced by a multitude of
factors. Factors affecting curriculum development include
philosophical, psychological, societal or social, political, economical,
educational, technological and gender factors etc. A brief
description of these factors affecting curriculum development is as
Psychological Factors
The purpose of psychology is to study human behavior.
Psychology contributes to curriculum planning by
providing teachers with information concerning the
nature of students, the nature of the process involved in
learning, the motivation, personality and individual
differences of students, the value of teaching methods
and teaching effectiveness. Psychology
has played a huge role in curriculum development. In
particular, the study of cognitive development has
helped guide curriculum development for some time.
Influential psychologists, like Jean Piaget and Lev
Vygotsky, have helped educators to understand what
children are capable of learning at different ages.
Political Factors

Politics has a certain impact on all spheres of life, and

instability of politics leads to instability in everyday life.
It usually defines goals and content; political
considerations need to be admitted while curriculum
development; and political decisions may change the
requirements for curriculum development.
Governments need to promote nationalism, patriotism
and ideologies. Therefore have polices according to
which they send out directives. The directives state the
medium of instruction, the nature of the syllabus and
the kind of textbook, etc. Political political factors such
as government policies and regulations, ideology and References:
political agenda, funding and resources, and cultural
and social factors can have a significant impact on development.html
curriculum development. It is important for educators
and policymakers to consider these factors when
developing curriculum and ensure that it reflects the
values and needs of their society.
Social or Societal Factors affecting Curriculum Development

The purpose of sociology is the analysis of organized human relationship.

Its major contribution to curriculum has been the making of decisions
about the content of the curriculum and its main focus has been the
understanding of the direction of social change and the socialization of
the individual. Its method of working involves providing extensive
information about the social background of students, promoting a realistic
evaluation of the role of the teacher and school in social change. It
increases teacher’s flexibility, tolerance and awareness of methods of
inquiry. It keeps in mind that primary school curriculum differs from
secondary school curriculum. The needs of society play an important role
in development of the curriculum, e.g. it should be emphasis on a
technical based curriculum for the development of an industrialized
society. Social The sociological aspects of the curriculum affects the
development of the curriculum in the sense that there are certain factors
which intervene in the curriculum development process due to cultural
beliefs, societal expectations, values, norms and traditions emanating
from the background of stakeholders.
Teachers involvement In Curriculum Development
Teachers play a crucial role in curriculum development. Critical steps in the process include needs assessment,
goal setting, content selection, instructional methods, and assessments.
The Essential Stages Of Curriculum Development
Curriculum development is the process of
designing and creating an educational curriculum, which
includes the selection of appropriate learning objectives,
content, instructional methods, assessment strategies, and
resources. It involves a systematic approach to planning,
implementing, and evaluating a course or program of study.
Here are the key steps involved in curriculum development:
1. Needs Assessment
This step involves identifying the needs and requirements of
the learners, the educational institution or organization, and the
broader society. It includes conducting surveys and interviews
and analyzing the data to determine what knowledge, skills,
and attitudes should be targeted in the curriculum.
2. Establishing Goals And Objectives
Based on the needs assessment, clear and measurable learning
goals and objectives are established. These objectives define
what learners should be able to accomplish after completing
the curriculum.
3. Content Selection
The next step is determining the appropriate content to help learners achieve the objectives. Content
selection involves identifying core concepts, topics, and themes. It may include selecting textbooks,
reference materials, multimedia resources, and other learning materials.
According to The Washington Post, education officials in D.C. have been developing a fresh set of
social studies standards. The updated guidelines incorporate greater inclusivity by amplifying the
voices and experiences of individuals from diverse racial backgrounds. Having gathered input from
parents, students, and teachers, officials anticipate finalizing and implementing the new standards in
the spring.
4. Instructional Methods And Strategies
Once the content is identified, the next step is to determine the instructional methods and strategies
that will be used to deliver the content. This includes selecting appropriate teaching techniques,
instructional technologies, and activities to facilitate effective learning and engagement.
5. Assessment And Evaluation
Assessment strategies and tools are developed to measure the learner's progress and achievement of
the defined objectives. This may include formative assessments (e.g., quizzes, projects, class
participation) and summative assessments (e.g., exams, final projects) to evaluate the learner's
understanding and mastery of the curriculum.
The Importance of Teachers Involvement in Curriculum Development

Without doubt, the most important person in the curriculum implementation process is the
teacher. With their knowledge, experiences and competencies, teachers are central to any
curriculum development effort. Better teachers support better learning because they are most
knowledgeable about the practice of teaching and are responsible for introducing the curriculum
in the classroom. If another party has already developed the curriculum, the teachers have to
make an effort to know and understand it. So, teachers should be involved in curriculum
development. For example, teacher’s opinions and ideas should be incorporated into the
curriculum for development. On the other hand, the curriculum development team has to
consider the teacher as part of the environment that affects curriculum (Carl, 2009). Hence,
teacher involvement is important for successful and meaningful curriculum development.
Teachers being the implementers are part of the last stage of the curriculum development

Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-
1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.7, No.9, 2016

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