Indonesian National Historiogr'aphy

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Syaiful Asrobuanam
 Between 1927 and the collapse of the Dutch colony by the Japanese
in 1942, Indonesia's national awakening began to take on a less
splendid style. However, there were several aspects at that time that
became supporters in preparing for the events that would occur in
1942. First, all hopes for cooperation with the Dutch had been
completely shattered, so that the only possible tactic for the future
was simply resistance. against the Netherlands. Second, the divisions
that occurred among the very small number of Indonesian elites
generally did not defeat the understanding that the main goal of
political efforts was the formation of an autonomous or independent
Indonesian state, thus, nationalism occupied the most influential
ideological position. Third, there are efforts to maximize the
interests of unity among cultural, religious and ideological groups in
Indonesia. In the period between 1926-1930, the idea of
nationalism carried by Soekarno became more familiar among the
figures, within the Indonesian National Party, as well as within the
PPPKI Indonesian Movement Federation, the specific goal was to
include all Indonesians and separate them from outsiders. .
Sukarno's Biography
 IR. Soekarno was born in Surabaya on June 6 1901, his father
named Raden Soekemi Sosrodiharjo and his mother named Ida Ayu
Nyoman Rai. In 1915 in Surabaya Soekarno attended school at the
Hogere Burger School and lived at the house of H.O.S
Cokroaminoto who was one of the founders of the first
organization in Indonesia and as the nation's great professor. it
was during his stay at H.O.S Cokroaminoto's house that Soekarno's
spirit of insightful leadership and nationalism grew. In 1921
Soekarno continued his studies at the Technise Hoogeschool te
Bandoeng or now known as the Bandung Institute of Technology
(ITB). Soekarno majored in civil engineering and during college,
Soekarno's leadership spirit grew even more, together with other
nationalist young people Soekarno founded a public lecture club
called Almeene Study Club which became the forerunner of the
Indonesian national party which was founded in 1927.
Soekarno's Principles and Thoughts in the Formulation of

 Soekarno realized that Indonesian society was a plural

society. This inevitability is obtained when viewed from
the aspects that surround it, starting from ethnicity,
language, culture, religion and social class. This means
that plurality or diversity is a reality for Indonesian
people. Therefore, in formulating Pancasila Soekarno
tried to unite all the thoughts of various figures and
groups and throw away individual, ethnic and group
interests. Therefore, to understand the essence of the
existence of Pancasila, it is necessary to understand
the logic of Soekarno's thought, which was mostly built
empirically through the experience of the history of
this nation's life.
 There are five principles that became the basis for the birth
of Pancasila as a preference for Soekarno's thought, namely
Nationalism, Internationalism, Democracy, Welfare and
Godhead. The five principles as the foundation of the state
were then proposed by Soekarno to be named "Pancasila"
on the advice of one of his friends who is a linguist. Next,
according to Soekarno, the five precepts can be squeezed
into "Tri Sila" which includes: socio-nationalism which is a
synthesis of nationality (nationalism) with humanity
(internationalism), socio-democracy which is a synthesis of
consensus (democracy), with social welfare, as well as
divinity. Next Soekarno also proposed that the "Tri Sila"
could also be squeezed into "Eka Sila" which essentially is
Gotong Royong.

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