Gender Discrimination in Little Woman Movie (2019) by Greta Gerwig As A Feminism Study

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Anita Mutoharoh
Background of The Study
Gende r d i sc ri mi n a t i o n i s t he u nequa l or di sadva nt a geous t rea t ment of
an i ndi v i d u a l o r g ro u p of i ndi vi d ual s based on gen der.

Due to that cause that is much discrimination towards women

The phenomenon of that gender discrimination, I took the Little Woman Movie to
show the discrimination towards women that is shown through this movie
Statement of the Study

• What are the causes of gender discrimination in Little Woman Movie?

• What are the impacts of gender discrimination in Little Woman Movie?

Objective of the Study

• To find out the cause of gender discrimination in Little Woman Movie.
• To find out the impacts of gender discrimination in Little Woman Movie.
Scope of the Study

This study is limited to discuss about the cause of gender discrimination in Little
Women (2019), and the impacts of gender discrimination that are related to the female
character Jo in Little Women (2019).

Significance of the Study

As the result we can find this research will provide benefits for women in a
society that awareness in gender equality is important. In this millennial era, we
can express our opinion well that women have equal role to men in society.
Approach of the Study
Judith Butler – Gender Trouble
Butler said that one in all the central assumptions of feminist theory is that there still
exists an identity and a subject matter that need representation in politics and language.

For the data I will find it from watching movie, read the script, identifying the
object and the I can find the gender discrimination towards the character Jo’s.

Butler, Judith (2007). Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.

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