Presentation1 MBA 1 SEMrvl

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A study on strategy used

In new product launch

and development 0f
Introduction :-
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I want to
talk to you about launching a new product market
research. By conducting through market research, you
can gain valuable insights into your target audience,
identify potential competitors, and determine the best
Defining the Problem
• The problem that a new product will solve is a crucial
step in any successful product launch.
• The problem you can ensure that your product
addresses a real need and provides value to your
•It can be include surveys, focus groups and analyzing
customer feedback.
Reviews of Literature
•The characteristics of the new product launch strategy
were found to have a significant impact on both the
occurrence and nature of competitive reactions.
The impact of new product
launch strategies on competitive reaction in industrial
(Marion Debruyne, Rudy Moenaertb, Abbie Griffinc,
Susan Hartd, Erik Jan Hultinke, Henry Robben Journal of Product Innovation
Management: An International Publication of The Product Development &
Management Association 19 (2), 159-170, 2002)
•The existing literature offers little decision-making
guidance to managers on how to successfully
introduce a product that network effects. New
product launch strategy for network effects products.
(Yikuan Lee, Gina Colarelli O'ConnorJournal of the Academy
of Marketing Science 31 (3), 241-255, 2003).
•The impact of new product launch
strategies on competitive reaction in industrial
markets . (Marion Debruyne, Rudy Moenaertb, Abbie Griffinc,
Susan Hartd, Erik Jan Hultinke, Henry Robben Journal of Product Innovation
Management: An International Publication of The Product Development &
Management Association 19 (2), 159-170, 2002 )
•For consumer products, strategic launch
decisions appear more defensive in nature, as
they focus on defending current market
positions. Launch decisions and new product
success: an empirical comparison of consumer
and industrial products.
(Erik Jan Hultink, Susan Hart, Henry SJ Robben, Abbie Griffin Journal of
• They identify several market and competitive
conditions in which it might be optimal for firms
to target the Majority rather. than the Innovators.
When is it worthwhile targeting the
majority instead of the innovators ina new
product launch?
(Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller Journal of Marketing Research 35 (4),
488-495, 1998)
•To evaluate the strategies employed by key competitors
in product development and launch, and their impact on
market success.
•To assess the various innovation techniques and
methodologies used in new product development,
including the adoption of emerging technologies.
•To examine the marketing and promotional strategies
used in product launches, including digital marketing,
social media, and traditional advertising.
•To identify and analyze current market trends and
consumer preferences in the target industry to inform
the product development process.
• The hypothesis need to used various
techniques, such as brainstorming,
mind mapping, customer interviews,
surveys or competitor analysis.
• The conclusion of market research for new
product launch. By defining the problem,
identifying the target market, conducting a
competitive analysis, and utilizing effective
data collection methods, companies can
gain valuable insights that inform their
product development decisions.

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