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Surface Antigen of the Hepatatis B Virus

• Its presence in blood indicates
current Hepatatis B Virus or
• HBsAg under a transmission
electron microscope: the protein
self assembles into virus-like
Structure and function :
• The section is missing information about the structure of the actual
protein and the actual function and how (i.e. to get into the cell and
not just “being recognized as foreign”)
• The viral envelope of an enveloped virus has different surface proteins
from the rest of the virus which act as antigens.
How’s HBsAg is related eye surgery?
• I think checking HBsAg is related to eye surgery because it is a test for
hepatitis. Hepatitis B is a serious condition that affects the liver. The
virus infects liver cells, eventually causing liver failure. The HBsAg test
is used to detect the presence of the hepatitis B surface antigen in the
blood. It is important to check for hepatitis B before eye surgery
because hepatitis B can have an effect on your eyes and vision.
Types of HBsAg result:
HBsAg result: POSITIVE

HBsAg result: Negative

HBsAg is negative when:

• A patient has never been
infected or immunised.
• Infection has resolved.
• The patient is immune to the

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