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DÉTENTE 1970-79


Discuss this source

with your partner.
What can you infer
that détente was?

I can infer….. This is

because I can see….
• Détente is a French
word which literally
means a relaxing of
• The word is used to
describe a relaxing of
tensions between the
superpowers which
lasted from 1964 to
Which factor do you think was most important in the
development of détente?
The Cuban Missile
Crisis showed both The Vietnam War was becoming
sides how quick a unpopular in America. It was hoped
potential nuclear war if relations improved with the USSR
could develop. they could persuade the Vietcong to
end the war.
New conflicts were
emerging like in the
Middle East. The A hotline between A 1963 test ban
USSR supported the USSR and the treaty showed a
Arab states and the USA improved willingness on both
USA supported communications. sides to look for
Israel. Another solutions to the
nuclear conflict Cold War
could develop fast!
• Republican President of USA
from 1968-74.
• Elected on the promise of
pulling the USA out of
• His presidency focused on
foreign affairs and worked
hard to reduce tension in the
Cold War.
• Resigned as President in
1974 in the Watergate Affair.
• Was leader of USSR
between 1964-82.
• In 1968, he outlined the
Brezhnev Doctrine which
defined a communist
country as a one-party
system and a member of
the Warsaw Pact.
• Needed US grain
supplies and did not want
the US to ally with China.
SALT I, May 1972
In 1969 America and the Soviet Union began SALT (Strategic
Arms Limitation Talks) to slow down the arms race by limiting
the construction of new middle-range nuclear weapons.
President Nixon signed the SALT I Treaty with Brezhnev in
1972 where they agreed to:
• Place a limit on ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missile) and SLBMs
(submarine-launched ballistic missile) until 1977
• Only have two sites of 100 ABMs (Anti-Ballistic Missiles)
each. These were defensive missiles that would shoot down
nuclear weapons. This meant deterrence continued: both
sides remained vulnerable to attack so neither side would
risk attacking the other one.
Helsinki Accords 1975
Helsinki Agreement signed by 33 countries on 3
‘baskets of issues’.

Sets out a comprehensive framework governing relations between

Eastern and Western Europe – significant as a way of managing a
divided Europe
SALT 2, 1979
SALT II began in 1972, but was due to be signed in June 1979.
It agreed that:
• A limit of 2400 strategic delivery vehicles for each side.
These are ways to deliver/drop/launch a nuclear weapons.
• Limit to 1320 MIRVs (a type of intercontinental nuclear missile carrying
several independent warheads)
• And limits to construction of launchers and deployment of
new types of weaponry.

It did not get ratified by the US government. Reasons include

the concerns over the 2,000 Soviet troops in Cuba, NATO
missile launchers in Europe and the Soviet invasion of
Moscow Summit - 22nd May 1972

President Nixon and Mr Brezhnev met on the first day of

the American visit
MAIN 1. Get yourselves into groups of
ACTIVITY FOUR. You will all be given a
worksheet with FOUR sections to
fill out.
• We are going to find out about four 2. Each member of your group is
key areas of Detente going to become an ‘expert’ in
• There are a series of treaties and ONE key aspect of Detente.
agreements that had a significant Number yourselves 1-4.
impact on US-Soviet relations • All the number 1s are going to be
learning about Causes and
jotting them down on the
paper. All the number 2s are
going to do the same about SALT
1. All the number 3s will be
working on the Helsinki
Accords. All the number 4s are
going to be jotting down about
SALT 2. You will have five
minutes to complete your section.
• You need to work together to NO COPYING
complete all four sections of your LEARN NOTHING THIS
sheet. WAY!
You remember about
• Make sure each expert gets to 10% of what you hear.
speak. You remember about
25% of what you hear
• Keep your sheets upside down and write down.
when you are done. You remember about
• Wait for your turn to share your 50% of what you hear,
write down and then
answer. teach to someone else.
• One team will share one answer at a This is why You need to
teach your team
time. members about your

• Wants to focus • Poor living

Both countries:
on ending the standards
• Can spend
Vietnam War. • Economy is
less on
• Need to not
address social developing.
problems that • Building
• Have more
caused large- nuclear
money and
scale rioting in weapons is
time to
1968. expensive
concentrate on
• Building other issues.
weapons is

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