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Topic:Aggressive Market

Penetration Strategies.

Facilitator Name: Abd’Lateef Momoh

Management consulting | Strategy & execution | Leadership | Training | Recruitment

Course Outline:Personal Selling Skills 2

• Sales Territory Management

• Territory Delineation
• Route Planning
• Achieving Sales Target for the period
• Understanding your Product-Market and Competitive Move
• Adding new prospects and deleting “dogs” customer
• Profitable Negotiation Tactics
• Rules of Commercial Negotiation
• No Negotiation when Selling is unsure
• Increase level of customer needs first
• * Concession Strategies in Negotiation
Sales Territory Management 3

• Sales territory management is the process of setting up your territories and assigning your sales teams and/or reps to them in the
most efficient way.
Why Is Territory Management Important For Outside Sales Teams?
Sales managers more effectively allocate resources and improve opportunities for their team
Cover Territories More Strategically
Territory management helps your reps be more productive and ensures you’ve got your best reps working the top territories and
Boost Rep Selling Time
When reps have assigned territories and routes, as well as clear objectives, they can spend less time planning their day and more time

Assign Balanced Workloads

Reassessing your territories can help you distribute work evenly across your sales team. You can use data to improve sales territory

Build Stronger Customer Relationships

You can plan your territories to match reps with prospects and customers based on specific characteristics, such as personality or
customer lifecycle.
CreatIng A Winning Sales Territory Plan 4

Analyze Your Territories Territories ;sResources;s or services they purchase

Analyze And Develop Your Team And Resources ; have an accurate picture of the type
and volume of customers that your business is equipped to handle.
Set Measurable Goals ;Income generated per month, Number of sales attempts/ closed
per week/month, Ratio of leads to sales closed per week/month.
• Define Sales Territories ; Geographic ,Industry or segment,Revenue Product boundaries
• Assign Reps To New Sales Territories; right experience, proximity,
• Monitor Rep And Territory Performance;
• Sales per client — the dollar value of each rep’s sales per client
• New contacts — the number of contacts your sales reps are bringing into pipeline
• Client acquisition rate — the percentage of leads that sales reps are converting into customers
• Event rates — this could be the number of appointments or calls scheduled, follow-up visits, etc.
Territory Delineation 5
Route Planning 6

sales route planning is the

process of finding the most
efficient way to get from Point A
to Point B, The most efficient
routes also help sales reps in the
field identify, understand, and
navigate their most impactful
opportunities. These routes
consider multiple factors.

including market dynamics,
Determining the most efficient routes for your sales
competitor actions, and customer
representative is known as Sales Route Planning.

• status
The and
goal of sales engagement
rep route planning is to minimize the
time spent by the sales reps traveling from one point to
another. Moreover, consider factors like market dynamics,
competitor behavior, market dynamics, and customer
engagement while planning a sales route.
Why is Planning Routes Important? 7

• Fast and easy way to estimate travel times and adjust routes based on traffic or
construction delays.
• Increase your productivity: Planning your route with a strategy that considers
distance and time will help you reach your business goals.
• Save unnecessary costs: reduces the wastage of time and money. By optimizing the
route, you decrease the chances of dealing with irrelevant customers who are not
prepared for your sales visits.
• Improve customer experience: Route planning based on customer databases can
improve the customer experience and lead to bigger deals or profits.
• Complete overview of field activities- Instead of driving randomly from one
customer , Mapping routes allows you to plan routes and manage sales territories.
Moreover, you can strategically plan how to optimize your sales process and results.
Planning Sales Routes 8
Using maps and spreadsheets to plan routes manually or optimizing schedules with connected
customer data, the right planning tools can help your sales team become more productive.
Business priorities.
Even the most efficient routes won’t improve your bottom line if they aren’t aligned with your
business goals. Look at your best opportunities and design your routes around them first.
It’s important to be nimble in your routes. This helps you adapt to changes in the landscape
such as traffic or schedule changes, as well as market changes such as new customer
expectations or opportunities.Access to sales data.
Having immediate access to customer data helps sales reps make informed decisions out in the
field. Integrate your route planning with CRM and business data to help reps act on the fly.
Achieving Sales Target for the period 9

• A sales target is a specific goal or

objective set by a company or individual
for the amount of products or services
they aim to sell within a given time period.
Sales targets are often used to track
performance and motivate sales teams.
Targets can be set by revenue, units sold,
or customer acquisition and are adjusted
based on market conditions.
Achieving Sales Target for the period 10
Identify And Pursue Lowest Hanging Fruit Opportunities – quick
Capture quality leads.
No matter how good your habits are as a salesperson, you simply
cannot convert a client who has no use for your insurance offer.
The key to hitting your monthly sales target is to capture quality
leads — consumers with a high propensity to buy your products or
Know your audience. Their characteristics, unique problem
Maintain your funnels.
As much as possible, keep your funnels full. When you have a list
of qualified leads in front of you, closing a sale should not be the
end of your professional relationship with a client.

Minimize the duration of the sales process

You may struggle to meet your goals if your sales procedure is
lengthy and complex, so consider reducing the duration of this
process to help achieve your objectives.
Understanding your Product-Market and Competitive Move

You need to understand how business is done in your industry, the ways
products are sold and delivered, and what discounts and credit
arrangements are offered by other suppliers.

Understanding the Market

A key part of operating a business is understanding
your industry and the market you are serving. That
means analyzing the competition, the opportunity
for growth and your audience or customer base.
Understanding your Product-Market and Competitive Move
Understanding your Product-Market and Competitive Move

Understand your audience

Start by organizing your current or potential
customers — your target market segments — into
different groups based on things they have in
common. Industry, size, location

Understanding your competitors

To learn as much as you can about your competitors:
•Study trade websites, newspapers and the business sections of local papers
•Look at trade directories as soon as they're published, and note any changes
•Try out competitors services as a mystery shopper
•Have a talk with your competitors' customers*
•Chat with your competitors – although they're your rivals, they're also your industry
Understanding your Product-Market and Competitive Move

What is a value proposition?

A value proposition is a statement about how your product or service helps
fulfill your customers’ needs. The value proposition describes the
uniqueness of what you offer, including the reasons why people should buy
from you and not another company.
Consider how your business is different from similar businesses. Knowing
this could help you define your value proposition. Some examples are: good
customer service, convenience, speed, price, unique products, and product
“exclusives” that are only available from your company.
Adding new prospects and deleting “dogs”
customer 15
Profitable Negotiation Tactics 16

• ‘sales negotiation’ generally refers to a conversation (or series

of conversations) between a buyer and seller in the interest of
arriving at a deal. Negotiations typically include some degree
of back and forth — with both parties approaching the
discussion with concessions they’re willing to make.
Rules of Commercial Negotiation 17
Cit often entails some back-and-forth conversations involving
buyer concerns, concessions, established value, and
compromise. rties, a company, an individual, or two companies.
It often entails
Commercial some back-and-forth
negotiation is a conversations involving
buyer concerns,
communication concessions,
process aimed atestablished value, and
reaching a commercial agreement.
This process involves
the confrontation of the
negotiators' expectations,
interests, positions and points of
view. There are two forms of
commercial negotiation:
•Short sales cycle negotiation: the
commercial offer is simple and it is
possible to conclude the sale at the
first contact.
•Long sales cycle negotiation: the
Rules of Commercial Negotiation 18

• Set the Agenda – be in charge

• Do not devalue your offer. It is a trap to make a low offer at the outset. Start by making a high offer so that you have a comfortable margin of
manoeuvre. This negotiation strategy allows you to anticipate possible requests for a lower price and to preserve your margin.
• Do not give in to requests for too many concessions, especially if there is no counterpart. Ideally, deal with objections and conduct your
negotiation in such a way that you do not have to make any concessions at all.
• Always ask for well thought-out quid pro quos before the meeting.
• Keep control of the negotiation: structuring your speech is essential, as is active listening and being responsive. Be aware of the fears and
misgivings of your interviewer

• Be Prepared. The best prepared party generally has the upper hand in negotiations.
• Negotiate With the Decision-maker(s). Knowing who will be making the decisions is critical in negotiations.
• Get All Issues On the Table Before Compromising. In order to follow your strategy and achieve your objectives, you must know what all of the
issues are before compromising on any one of them. It is very easy for the other party to raise seemingly small issues, resolving them one by one
on seemingly mutually satisfactory terms, until you suddenly realize that you have been painted into a corner without realizing what was
• Be Truthful. It may come as a surprise to learn that there is no substitute for truthfulness and honesty in negotiating business transactions.
• Understand Who Needs the Deal the Most. –the party who needs the deal the most will give and give and give again.
• Be Prepared to Compromise. This is why having clear objectives and a strategy is all important.
• Be Unemotional treat the other part with respect
No Negotiation when Selling is unsure 19
Increase level of customer needs first 20
Concession Strategies in Negotiation 21
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